
Maud Lorena Spinks, collage of 3 ages

Updated Mar 25, 2024 moment please loading spinner
Maud Lorena Spinks, collage of 3 ages
Maud Lorena Spinks (no e) appoximate ages 8, 18 ((if really her and not a relative, hair should be blond--tintype changed it), late 20's?, b. 1874 Ingham Co, Mich., d. 1945 Lansing, Mich; m. Otis Findlay Arnold
Photos source, Charleen Hanger (Arnold); collaged by me
...for genealogy, see:

...or see:
Date & Place: in USA
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Diane Black
I'm posting old photos as I get around to scanning them. My sister is the genealogist in the family and also has photos here at Ancient Faces of various families and lines: Also, for each photo I post here I'll try to add a link which will go to more information and genealogy about the person pictured at where my sister has often gathered lots of info.
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