
My Hero, Grandpa Razo

Updated Mar 25, 2024 moment please loading spinner
My Hero, Grandpa Razo
A photo of my hero, Grandpa Razo, who was assigned to the 161st Infantry Regiment 25th Infantry Division. He was a Pistol Bar Sharp Shooter, Expert marksmanship badge for machine gun, Sharp shooter rifle, Combat Infantry badge, Motor Vehicle Mechanic Badge with bar. This picture was taken in Hawaii at Schofield Barracks, Before the attack on Pearl Harbor. I am very honored to have a grandfather who was so brave along with many other brave men who fought for our freedom. Thank you to all who served our country.
Date & Place: at Schofield Barracks in Oahu, Hawaii United States
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Sophia Gracia
I am very proud and honored to be a granddaughter of Max Razo. Max Razo and two other brother's served our county during WW 2, very thank full all three brother's came home and were honorable discharged from the Army and Marrines.
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