play outside! sit in the car while parents were in the store or, wait in the tv dept while mom shopped. Also just about anything outside! being a kid is damn near criminal for both parents and child and videos, video games, and boredom with forced meds are causing psychosis and violent tendencies, loss of creativity, thriving, and critical skills in children among other causes!
I wasn't allowed to do most everything unless my mother went with me. I joined all school clubs and events so I could have a social life. Only time I got to do anything is if I was with my grandma and we did everything. I really did have some good times but my mother was extremely strict. I had a lot of hobbies.
Played outside after dark. Actually Mom didn’t know where we were from daylight to dark most of the time. We were the creek, in the woods, 2 miles away at the ball field, etc.
get bullied. The adults would tell you to just fight back and don't be a wuss, but they wouldn't tell you you were strong because they didn't want you to get a swelled head. I know, that's not a fun response. We also had some wooded areas in the middle of our block where you could play with matches.
Grew up on the farm, learned to drive very early! We rode our bikes all over the neighborhood during the summer, as much as five to six miles from home in grade school.
John Augustus Collins Firth was born on March 13, 1910 in Camden, Camden County, New Jersey United States to Winfield Coffin Firth and Miriam Donges (Collins) Firth. John was baptized on May 22, 1910 in Woodbury. John Firth married Matilda Grace (Casey) Firth on October 23, 1929, and died at age 63 years old on February 21, 1974 in Camden. Family, friend, or fan, this family history biography is for you to remember John Augustus Collins Firth.
World War 1, the Mexican Revolution, the Russian Revolution, the Easter Rising in Ireland . . . the sinking of the Titanic and the Lusitania. Spanish flu killed well over 20 million people world wide ...
I love antique photographs. In addition to sharing old photos of my family, I am also going through my collection of "antique store people". They've been sitting in a storage tub in my back room much too long and maybe some of their families will be able to find them here.
If I'm able to identify the people in the photo, I upload it not only to AncientFaces, but also to Ancestry, FamilySearch, and Find-A-Grave. If the person in the picture is a military veteran, the photo also goes on Fold3. I figure that the more places I upload these pictures, the greater the chance that a relative will be able to find them.