
Ragna & Anna Skaarstad

Updated Mar 25, 2024 moment please loading spinner
Ragna & Anna Skaarstad
A photo of Ragna Skaarstad and sister Anna (Anna is on the left). She stayed in the USA and made one visit to Alberta, Canada, to see sister Ragna.
People in photo include: Anna Skaarstad
Date & Place: in AB Canada
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Ragna (Skaarstad) Wedell
Ragna immigrated to USA in 1907. The ship she sailed on was called Carmania. She arrived in New York on Aug 7, 1907 - 20 years old. She stayed with an aunt in North Dakota. She married Oscar Wedell in abt 1908. She had 4 children in the US and then immigrated to Canada April 4, 1918. They travelled by CPR train to northern Alberta where they homesteaded (they farmed wheat). She had 3 more children in Canada. I think they had a hard life but it was a good life and Ragna was happy. They went to church on Sundays and had lots of friends. Her daughter, Signe Christine was with her when she passed away at home.
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