
Shool House

Updated Mar 25, 2024 moment please loading spinner
Shool House
Mallie Haney taught school here.
Date & Place: at School in Port Andrew, Wisconsin USA
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Randal Hanna
I'm a 60 year old man who loves genealogy and family history...In Nov. 1992 I had a major heart attack and I died 5 times that night and I did go on the otherside and it was so wonderful and a voice told me " It was not my time to go and I must go back " I didn't want to come back but I did and from this point on I view life in a diffrent way, I tell my family everyday when I talk to them that " I Love Them Very Much " I alway's have a good word for someone. In general I love life and I'm not afraid to die for I do know I will be going to a place they call "Heaven". For that night in Nov 1992 the doctors told my family I will not survive through the night and I did and it changed my life forever.
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