
Vivian Heeschen approx. 1987

Updated Mar 25, 2024 moment please loading spinner
Vivian Heeschen approx. 1987
Not sure about the origins or time of the photo but it was likely in the late 1980's when Viv was living in California.
Date & Place: Not specified or unknown.
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Vivian L Heeschen
Vivian Lorraine Hansen was born on April 1st, 1920 in Fredericksburg, Nebraska to Meder R. "Wade" Hansen (1889 - 1962) and Olga M. Jensen (1895 - 1987). Her father was born in Nebraska and her mother was born in Wisconsin. Vivian had three half-brothers, including Vernon and Arlo Hansen. Vivian Hansen married Julius "Jay" Emil Heeschen (1924 - 1984) on December 21st, 1945 in Manhattan, New York, and they had one son, Jerry. Vivian and Jay Heeschen later moved to Santa Clara County, California where Jay became a Deputy Sheriff and Vivian owned a wig shop. Later, Vivian became interested in the teachings of Neville Goddard and discovered that she had a talent for interpreting dreams. Vivian then went on to become a spiritual teacher herself. See the "memories" section for the reminiscences of some of her students. Vivian died on August 23rd, 1992 in San Jose, California at the age of 72.
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