Clark Family History & Genealogy
Clark Last Name History & Origin
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Name Origin
Clark has a couple variations with an e and without e. Clark without an e is considered the Scottish designation. With an e is considered the Irish designation. There is a Clark clan hall in Scotland. Clark's have their very own tartan. Clark comes from Latin clericus (noun,masculine) which represented the professions of: clergyman| priest| cleric| clerk; scholar| student| scribe| secretary (Bee). Clark probably came to Brittania as a part of Roman occupation beginning in 43 AD.
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Evert married Maud Estelle WILLIAMS (1876-1962) on 20 Jan 1903 in Mason, MI and they had three children including Leonard Frank CLARK II (1905-1985); Richard W. CLARK (1909-1951); and Robert J. CLARK (b. 1917). Evert died 13 May 1936 in Wilkinsburg, PA and is buried in the Woodlawn Cemetery in that city.
I would like to get the photograph to family and would appreciate you contacting me if you are a member of this family or you know someone who might be.

Based on limited research I was able to gather the following information regarding this couple:
Fred Wesley CLARK was b. Apr 1867 in Skaneateles, NY to parents William Hancock CLARK (1843-1926) and Sarah Jane HORSINGTON (1845-1910) who were married 22 Feb 1865 in Syracuse, NY. Fred was one of 6 children born to this couple including Myron H.; Fred Wesley; Albert E.; Frank William; Isaac H.; and Olive Elizabeth CLARK, all born between 1866 and 1884.
Fred married twice, first to Mary Cornelia PROUTON or PROUTEN (1870-1918) on 6 Apr 1892 in Skaneateles, NY. They had four children including Eugene G.; Ethel Mildred; Vivian Inez; and Garrett Austin CLARK, all born between 1897 and 1907. After Mary died, he married Ida Florence ROSE or HARDAGE (1884-1950) on 20 Apr 1920 in Skaneateles, NY.
Fred died 8 Jan 1944 in Skaneateles, NY and is buried in the Lake View Cemetery in that city.
Mary Cornelia PROUTON or PROUTEN was b. Feb 1870 in New York to Katherine “Kate” HARDAGE (1844-1917). Mary was one of 6 children born to this mother, including a brother Julius or Julies L. PROUTEN (b. 1871 or 1872) and four more with her second husband George A. HARDWICH or HARDAGE (1849-1917) including Baby; Ida Belle; Bertha A.; and LeRoy C. HARDAGE, all born between 1871 and 1884.
Mary married Fred as noted above and died 19 Oct 1918 in Skaneateles, NY and is buried in the Lake View Cemetery in that city.
I’d like to get the photographs to a family member and would appreciate you contacting me if you are a member of this family or know someone who might be.

Based on limited research I was able to gather the following information regarding this couple:
Fred Wesley CLARK was b. Apr 1867 in Skaneateles, NY to parents William Hancock CLARK (1843-1926) and Sarah Jane HORSINGTON (1845-1910) who were married 22 Feb 1865 in Syracuse, NY. Fred was one of 6 children born to this couple including Myron H.; Fred Wesley; Albert E.; Frank William; Isaac H.; and Olive Elizabeth CLARK, all born between 1866 and 1884.
Fred married twice, first to Mary Cornelia PROUTON or PROUTEN (1870-1918) on 6 Apr 1892 in Skaneateles, NY. They had four children including Eugene G.; Ethel Mildred; Vivian Inez; and Garrett Austin CLARK, all born between 1897 and 1907. After Mary died, he married Ida Florence ROSE or HARDAGE (1884-1950) on 20 Apr 1920 in Skaneateles, NY.
Fred died 8 Jan 1944 in Skaneateles, NY and is buried in the Lake View Cemetery in that city.
Mary Cornelia PROUTON or PROUTEN was b. Feb 1870 in New York to Katherine “Kate” HARDAGE (1844-1917). Mary was one of 6 children born to this mother, including a brother Julius or Julies L. PROUTEN (b. 1871 or 1872) and four more with her second husband George A. HARDWICH or HARDAGE (1849-1917) including Baby; Ida Belle; Bertha A.; and LeRoy C. HARDAGE, all born between 1871 and 1884.
Mary married Fred as noted above and died 19 Oct 1918 in Skaneateles, NY and is buried in the Lake View Cemetery in that city.
I’d like to get the photographs to a family member and would appreciate you contacting me if you are a member of this family or know someone who might be.

Rev. Thomas Culbertson CLARK was b. 5 Jan 1858 in Martins Ferry, OH to parents William CLARK (b. 1821) and Margaret Greer CULBERTSON (1830-1870). Thomas was one of 6 children born to this couple including Clara Greer; Mary “Mollie”; Sara Adelyn or Adaline “Ada”; Thomas Culbertson; Martha “Mattie” Ann; and Phoebe or Phebe R. W. CLARK, all born between 1851 and 1868.
Thomas married Maria Bockee CARPENTER (1856-1928) on 17 Oct 1888. The couple had two children including Henry Culbertson CLARK (1889-1977) and Isaac Carpenter CLARK (1892-1959 or 1961). Thomas died 20 Nov 1932 and is buried in the Evergreen Cemetery in Pine Plains, NY.
If you are a member of this family or you know someone who might be, please contact me.

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Heather Clark

In 1837, he moved with his parents to Mercer Co. In 1838 he began teaching school. In 1839 he taught in Deep Cut, now Kossuth, Auglaize Co., where there had never before been a school. He thought, at the close of his term of school there, that he would never teach again and began teaming for a steam saw-mill where Celina now stands, but late in the fall of 1839, he began teaching once more in Mercer County. In the spring of 1840, he went to Pickaway Co., where he attended school for 3 months. The next fall he taught again in Mercer Co. In the spring of 1841 he went to Kosciusko Co. Indiana and taught a summer school in Leesburg, as well as the winter following. In the winter of 1843-44, he taught a term of school at Warsaw, where the boys had tried to break up the school by drowning the teacher. Returning to Mercer Co., January 1844 and in the same month and year, he was married to Nancy Archer Greer, the daughter of Judge Joseph Greer and Catherine (Bird)Greer. Judge Greer and his wife emigrated from Clarke Co. in 1821 and settled in Mercer Co. on the farm now occupied by Smith H. Clark. On this farm their daughter Nancy was born, January 2, 1824 and on this farm she lived until her death Nov. 1, 1895, after a 3 year illness of paralysis and was buried in full communion with the Methodist Episcopal Church of which she had led a consistent membership for nearly 50 years. She was a good woman, beloved and respected by all who knew her, and exercised a wholesome influence not only in her home but also in the neighborhood.
Smith Hart Clark served as Justice of the Peace one term. He practiced Civil Engineering in connection with farming for many years and in 1852/53 was Deputy Surveyor of Mercer Co. Was also Postmaster from 1850 to 1860, the post office being in his own house. He and his son William were one of the early settlers of the township of Dublinthe Enumerator for Dublin Twsp. in 1880.
In October 1861, he enlisted in the cause of his country, and recruited Company D. 71st Ohio Volunteer Infantry, of which he was elected Captain. This Regiment at once took the field and participated in the Battle at Shiloh. At Clarksville, Tenn. Capt. Clark was captured and owing to some difficulty in his Regt. over the question of his Colonel, Rodney Mason's bravery, he taking sides with his Colonel, he was dismissed. Afterward, when the charge against the Colonel was more fully investigated, Capt. Clark was re-instated in his rank, but refused again to take the field. Returning to his home after thus serving his country and again engaged in farming and in surveying.
He was a stanch Republican in Politics and a prominent and active Mason. In 1852 he joined the Masonic Lodge at St. Mary's, Ohio and assisted in establishing a lodge in Celina, Ohio in 1855. Of this lodge he was the first Master, and remained a member until 1868. He organized a lodge in Rockford and was the first Master there and served in that capacity as long as he would. He had his membership in Rockford and was a regular attendant of the Grand Lodge for nearly 30 sessions, missing only 2 or 3 from 1856 to 1884. Was a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church since 1842, and had always taken an active part in the Sunday School. Everything designed to benefit the community at large has always found in him a ready and willing support. To him is due the credit for securing graded schools in Rockford and also in Mercer Co., and these are today among the best schools in the county. For 40 years he served as member of the Board of Education, thus evincing in a striking manner his interest in the cause.
Capt. Smith H. Clark and wife Nancy Archer Greer had 10 children: Phronie Belle, b.? d.1854; Infant son Clark; Francis M. b. ? d.1846, Lemen Taylor b. 1846, d. 1878; Judson F. b.Oct. 5, 1848, d. Apr. 18, 1849; Rosalus Guynn b. 1850, d. 1932; Barton S. b.June 3, 1852, d. Aug.16, 1866 Plot: Row 7; William O. b. Oct. 2, 1856, d. Jan 25 1857 buried Plot: Row 7; Florence b. Aug. 24 1859, d. Jan 30,1860 Plot: Row 7; and Bertha Edna b. 1871 d. ? married John Ketcham; All of his family buried at the Mercer Cemetery, Mercer Co., Ohio.
Sources: Mercer Co., State of Ohio, Biographical History, pages 227-230
Find a Grave Web Site.

July 31, 1898
Dear Mother and Father at home. Received your letter this noon and was glad to hear you had such a good trip. Was detailed for guard duty last night but on guard mount the officer of the day chose me as orderly so didn't have to stay up all night, which I would have as guard. There is always 3 orderly's to be chosen each eve and they take the ones that come out on guard mount looking the neatest.It's done to make the boy's try to clean up and compete for it but there is only 3 or 4 companies that try to clean up and Company C generally gets from 1 to 2 out of 3. They have the ability to select from each one. We shave, brush our clothes and put a fine shine on our shoes. Some of the other companies call us in Co. C., "Charlie Boys" but we can take any of them out on the field and show them up when it comes to drill or any other thing. A Roster of the Co. will be finished by the last of next week giving the names of field and staff officers and our company names with engraving around the sides. Will send one home and can have it put in a frame.
This afternoon was a sad one in camp, as one of Company B's men died last night in the Division hospital. He was not sick more than a week. He died of Typhoid Fever. His funeral services were held in front of headquarters. The whole Regt. was out in a mass and it was a very touching affair, making it the second one (death) from this Regt. since they have been here. He was a large man, 6 feet in height. Company B is from Upper Lundusky. The remains were taken to Lyle to be shipped to his home in Gallion. At the moment there are only 40 men in our Company and Company L from Wapakoneta came out on the field with 21 men, due to the amount of sickness and the treatment we are receiving in the division hospital or rather not receiving. One boy from the 4th Co. of Minn. died in the hospital and was let to lay there in a single tent for two days before they let his company know that he was dead. When his Lieutenant and a couple of the boys went to clean him up they found him almost naked, the tent closed and his legs and the trunk of his body a mass of maggots. His eyes were rotted out. Another boy from a Vermont Regiment was in the hospital with Typhoid Fever and they sent word to his company that he was dying and a couple of his men went immediately to see him and were horrified to find that his face was black with flies and he was too weak to raise his hand and died a few hours later.It doesn't seem possible for such a thing to happen here in our country but it's true. I am feeling well at the present but take a great deal of quinine as it has been very rainy this last week. There is a small creek that runs by the camp that normally the water is only 3 inches deep but when it rains here it just pours and in 20 min. the creek will be waist deep and in 15 or 20 minutes later it goes down almost as fast. Have been spending most of the time in the last few days cleaning and ditching the camp as we expect to be here for some time and don't think now that we will get out of here. We raised our beds in our mess and sleeping a foot above ground. The whole regt. is very much disappointed at not getting out as we expected to have some active service after going thru what we have. You had better not try to send anything like meat down for if it did not spoil coming down would soon spoil here. Grace (his sister) spoke of you and her sending a box. I hope you didn't make any trouble for yourself but if you want to send a box I am sure it will be appreciated and the contents cleaned up. Send anything that is canned, such as fruit of any kind and spreads, as we never have a thing but plain bread and nothing to put on it. You will never hear a person that has been here ever kick on plain bread and butter for it is a luxury here. Anything sent by Express will get here in two days or less, if you send anything else, put in one of my favorite chocolate cakes, and pack things carefully. Must stop talking about such things as I find I am hungry from it ha ha. I would like to roll in a good bed tonight for a change but I am afraid the change would make me sick so will not try it ha ha. Well I must close for the time. Remember me to all the folks. Tell Ollie (his brother) I may send him some plates to make some pictures from.
With Love to all
Your Son Loyd Clark

My Great grandfather was Killer Dec 1916 in colorado.he was a very weathy man when he died. Great Grandma didnt know how to handle her money and was cheated out of everthing. at his death he had three dairy farms in Fountain City and 5 claims in Vona Colorado. he was on the way into town to sell the claims when he was killed.
he was hit by a train and killed. he was in an auto and was at the crossing waiting for the train to pass. Some drunk cowhands were behind him in a buckboard. They thought it would be funny to puch the car onto the tracks and stop the train. it didnt stop the train until after it had killed my Great Grandfather Hugh.
"Clarks Carry on at Jobs
Despite Sudden Loss in Ranks"
Inspired perhaps by the thought that the men at the battle fronts have to plod ahead in the face of adversity, John B. Clark and his four sons are carring on in their Houston Shipyard tasks these days despite the sadness occasioned by the loss of a fifth and elderest son on November 13th,John E. Clark,40, met death in a traffic mishap as he was returning home after performing his nightly duties as a mechanic in the Yard garage on the Graveyard Shift.
"The death of John E. struck us pretty hard, but we've still got our war jobs to do and I know he'd want us to carry on right here," commented the father, who is a welder's helper on the Day Shift.
Even though their ranks have been reduced to five, the Clarks undoubtedly constitute one of the most unusual war-working families in the nation. The Swing Shift boasts three of the sons,The Day Shift has the father and one son, while John E, was the lone Graveyard man. Natives of Palestine, Texas, they came to Irish Bend Island for two reasons,in their own words were,"to do war work and buy bonds."
First to come to the Yard was Olan B.,28 who came here almost two years ago. He's a mechanic in the Burners' Tool Room on the Swing Shift. His brothers later folowed suit and finally the father,"getting the spirit of the thing and feeling lonesome at home",came to Houston, too. He's 62 but he's on the job regularly.
Besides Olan B., the Swind Shift also has Vernon L., and Elmer D. both shell plate straightener.
Although all the Clarks are married, they do more than their share of bond buying. Prior to John E. death, four were buying a bond a week,one was getting one every two weeks and the sixth was averaging one a month.
With the Clarks, Patriotism comes first!!

In 1776, the settlers of Kentucky were fed up with all the land holding conflicts created by Henderson's Transylvania Company and others. Frequently several families had bought the rights to the same piece of land and hostilities were narrowly averted.
Choosing Clark and Jones to represent them, they urged to take their petition to the Va. General Assembly for resolution.
On previous trips, Clark had traveled down the Ohio River, but this time they would travel the famous Wilderness Road. Leaving Harrodsburg, Kentucky, they found the going relatively easy for a while. The numerous travelers had blazed a very clear trail and a few improvements had actually been made to difficult stretches. Here and there they encountered other settlers coming into the territory and occasionally they passed cabins or heard the sound of livestock in the distant meadows.
On the third day, Jones' horse gave out and they had to transfer all their gear to Clark's, and take turns riding. Heavy rains set in and they were soaked to the skin. Trudging on through the rain and mud, the two developed scalded feet (from their constantly wet moccasins). Fearing to risk a fire, they painfully continued on through the Cumberland Gap to an abandoned camp 8 miles West of Martin's Station (near Jonesville, Va.). After resting overnight, they awoke to more rain but had little choice but to continue on. If they could make the Station, surely they could find warm, dry quarters and could rest until their feet healed. It took them almost all day to painfully trek the remaining distance to the outpost. When they finally arrived they found it deserted - and fresh Indian sign all around. Their situation was now desperate. They were 60 miles from the nearest settlement, had only one horse, could hardly walk, and Indians surely were lurking about the area.
After thinking over their situation, they decided to fortify one of the remaining cabins and burn the stockade to attract the attention of any travelers that might be nearby. With the water from an old barrel they found, some corn left in a crib, and the meat from a hog they found in a lot, they might be able to hold out until help arrived. In the meantime, they would make an "oil & ouse" to treat their blistered feet.
During the night, as they passed the nervous hours, they heard the faint sound of a horse bell. Fearing Indians were creeping up on them, they waited nervously and peered intently into the blackness around them. It seemed like hours passed without another sound. Then to their relief, the approaching group turned out to be White Men. They presented themselves in full view to the group and shouted loudly. The visitors were from the Clinch Settlements and were returning for some of the things they had left when the station was abandoned a few days before.
The next day, Clark and Jones were given fresh horses and accompanied by their new friends to Fort Blackmore where they remained for several days to allow their feet to heal. Stories were exchanged with eagerness.
When they were well, they continued their journey through Moccasin Gap and turned East toward Royal Oak (in Marion, Va.). They then crossed the New River at Ingles Ferry and continued on to Fincastle. Here they learned that the General Assembly had already adjourned. Hearing this, Jones returned to the Holston Settlements and took part in an expedition against the Cherokees.
Clark continued to the home of Governor Patrick Henry where he explained his mission. The Governor gave him a letter to present to the Virginia Executive Council at Williamsburg. Clark asked them for powder and support for the Kentucky Settlements but found them reluctant to grant his request. They were uncertain about "officially" committing Virginia's support because of the question of who actually "owned" the territory and controlled the land rights there. Eventually they agreed to give powder to Clark but not to the Kentucky Settlements. To their surprise, Clark refused. "If a country isn't worth protecting, it isn't worth claiming!", he shouted. "If Virginia won't defend Kenducky, we will go elsewhere." - -- Clark got his powder and on his terms.
A few weeks later, Clark and Jones were on hand to present their case to the Va. General Assembly. Also present was Col. Henderson, who was trying desperately to get recognition of his claim to the land he had purchased from the Cherokees. Again Clark and Jones prevailed and received the official sanction they sought. The Legislature passed an Act on 12/6/1776, which established the County of Kentucky out of the Western part of Fincastle County. Henderson's personal empire was doomed.
Clark and Jones returned through Fort Pitt to pick up their powder. During their trip down the Ohio with the powder, they encountered frequent Indian activity. Fearing they might lose it, they were forced to hide it in several locations not far from Limestone.
The two continued on to Harrodsburg with the good news. After much celebration, Jones led a party to get the much needed powder. From nowhere an ambush was sprung and he and 3 others were slain and the powder lost. As was often the case on the frontier, victory was often short and quickly replaced by another tragedy.
From: Pathfinders, Pioneers, & Patriots
Danny Dixon
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