
Dasher Family History & Genealogy

1,014 biographies and 1 photos with the Dasher last name. Discover the family history, nationality, origin and common names of Dasher family members.

Dasher Last Name History & Origin



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Early Dashers

These are the earliest records we have of the Dasher family.

Leonard Dasher of Florida was born on August 16, 1873, and died at age 91 years old in December 1964.
Charles Dasher of Brookings, Curry County, Oregon was born on December 9, 1874, and died at age 98 years old in December 1972.
Ellen Dasher of Georgia was born on February 29, 1875, and died at age 89 years old in May 1964.
Jacob W Dasher of Wynona, Osage County, OK was born on January 10, 1876, and died at age 96 years old on December 15, 1972.
Arthur Dasher of Pensacola, Escambia County, Florida was born on September 7, 1876, and died at age 89 years old in October 1965.
John Dasher of Chillicothe, Ross County, Ohio was born on February 27, 1877, and died at age 92 years old in March 1969.
John Dasher of Harrisburg, Dauphin County, PA was born on November 5, 1877, and died at age 89 years old in December 1966.
Dahlia Dasher of Valdosta, Lowndes County, Georgia was born on January 23, 1877, and died at age 96 years old in March 1973.
Carrie D Dasher of Painesville, Lake County, OH was born on February 18, 1879, and died at age 87 years old on November 15, 1966.
Ida Dasher of Melvindale, Wayne County, Michigan was born on April 5, 1879, and died at age 94 years old in March 1974.
Gerson Dasher of Valdosta, Lowndes County, Georgia was born on August 9, 1880, and died at age 93 years old in May 1974.
James Dasher of Melvindale, Wayne County, Michigan was born on May 14, 1880, and died at age 96 years old in November 1976.

Dasher Family Photos

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Dasher Family Tree

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Updated Dasher Biographies

Leon M Dasher of Columbus, Franklin County, OH was born on April 26, 1909, and died at age 83 years old on September 12, 1992.
Ernest C Dasher of Savannah, Chatham County, GA was born on November 19, 1917, and died at age 75 years old in July 1993.
Eugene H Dasher of Glennville, Tattnall County, GA was born on January 11, 1923, and died at age 78 years old on October 17, 2001.
John R Dasher of Portland, Washington County, OR was born on June 19, 1912, and died at age 82 years old on December 20, 1994.
Richard B Dasher of Spencerport, Monroe County, NY was born on June 29, 1918, and died at age 77 years old on January 29, 1996.
Joseph R Dasher of Tampa, Hillsborough County, FL was born on September 26, 1917, and died at age 77 years old on February 3, 1995.
Gary R Dasher of New Braunfels, Comal County, TX was born on March 21, 1959, and died at age 45 years old on September 30, 2004.
Paul H Dasher of Rodeo, Contra Costa County, CA was born on July 16, 1919, and died at age 79 years old on June 2, 1999.
Remer E Dasher of Augusta, Richmond County, GA was born on January 11, 1918, and died at age 87 years old on March 26, 2005.
Remer J Dasher of Ludowici, Long County, GA was born on August 20, 1926, and died at age 75 years old on February 4, 2002.
Marcus Dasher of Jesup, Wayne County, Georgia was born on December 1, 1923, and died at age 56 years old in January 1980.
Donald E Dasher of Saint Augustine, Saint Johns County, FL was born on October 22, 1927, and died at age 66 years old on April 24, 1994.
Julian E Dasher of Charlotte, Mecklenburg County, North Carolina was born on April 17, 1916, and died at age 67 years old in December 1983.
James A Dasher of Valdosta, Lowndes County, Georgia was born on November 21, 1897, and died at age 74 years old in November 1971.
Lee Dasher of Key West, Monroe County, Florida was born on October 11, 1912, and died at age 72 years old in July 1985.
Lee E Sr Dasher of Savannah, Chatham County, Georgia was born on December 10, 1904, and died at age 71 years old in December 1975.
Leland C Dasher of Valdosta, Lowndes County, Georgia was born on September 28, 1909, and died at age 62 years old in September 1971.
Zeno V Dasher of Guyton, Effingham County, Georgia was born on May 23, 1908, and died at age 74 years old in May 1982.
William L Dasher of Farmville, Prince Edward County, VA was born on November 4, 1922, and died at age 72 years old on January 26, 1995.
William E Dasher of Litchfield, Montgomery County, IL was born on July 1, 1917, and died at age 71 years old on December 8, 1988.

Popular Dasher Biographies

Eva M Dasher
Eva M Dasher was born on March 4, 1901. Family, friend, or fan, this family history biography is for you to remember Eva M Dasher.
Beatrice Lorraine Dasher of Florida was born on March 25, 1953, and died at age 55 years old on October 4, 2008.
Family, friend, or fan, this family history biography is for you to remember Jackie Marie Brown Dasher.
Betty J Dasher of Grosse Ile, Wayne County, MI was born on October 6, 1922, and died at age 75 years old on March 25, 1998.
Ada Geneva (Miller) Dasher of Columbia, Howard County, MD was born on June 11, 1910 in Timberville, Rockingham County, Virginia United States, and died at age 95 years old on May 18, 2006 in Ellicott City, Howard County, MD.
Lloyd Dasher was born on April 12, 1919, and died at age 59 years old in July 1978. Family, friend, or fan, this family history biography is for you to remember Lloyd Dasher.
Raymond Dasher of Bear, New Castle County, Delaware was born on August 24, 1896, and died at age 81 years old in August 1977.
Walter B Dasher of Valdosta, Lowndes County, GA was born on July 25, 1927, and died at age 78 years old on October 28, 2005 at 419 Blitch St, in Valdosta.
James Dasher of Tampa, Hillsborough County, Florida was born on January 1, 1886, and died at age 80 years old in January 1966.
Ethel Dasher of Asheville, Buncombe County, North Carolina was born on May 29, 1893, and died at age 92 years old in February 1986.
Dessie I Dasher of Glennville, Tattnall County, GA was born on June 13, 1913, and died at age 76 years old on March 2, 1990.
Ruth I Dasher of Van Wert, Van Wert County, OH was born on May 13, 1922, and died at age 79 years old on June 1, 2001.
Emily V Dasher of Wildwood, Sumter County, FL was born on October 30, 1927, and died at age 63 years old on May 9, 1991.
Sharon A Dasher of Pensacola, Escambia County, FL was born on January 27, 1936, and died at age 60 years old on October 13, 1996. Sharon Dasher was buried at Barrancas National Cemetery Section 42 Site 400 Naval Air Station, 1 Cemetery Road, in Pensacola.
Ervin W Dasher of Manchester, Washtenaw County, MI was born on June 26, 1901, and died at age 98 years old on September 28, 1999.
Elsie Dasher of Middletown, Butler County, Ohio was born on June 20, 1884, and died at age 86 years old in January 1971.
Mary A Dasher was born on April 14, 1963, and died at age 40 years old on May 24, 2003. Family, friend, or fan, this family history biography is for you to remember Mary A Dasher.
Unnur Dasher of Boonsboro, Washington County, MD was born on November 13, 1908, and died at age 84 years old in September 1993.
Lewis O Dasher of White Rock, Richland County, SC was born on December 30, 1902, and died at age 89 years old on August 17, 1992.
Roberta J Dasher of Taneytown, Carroll County, MD was born on September 15, 1920, and died at age 79 years old on November 15, 1999.

Dasher Death Records & Life Expectancy

The average age of a Dasher family member is 72.0 years old according to our database of 973 people with the last name Dasher that have a birth and death date listed.

Life Expectancy

72.0 years

Oldest Dashers

These are the longest-lived members of the Dasher family on AncientFaces.

Minnie O Dasher was born on April 26, 1885, and died at age 104 years old on July 15, 1989. Family, friend, or fan, this family history biography is for you to remember Minnie O Dasher.
104 years
Ola Dasher of Amarillo, Potter County, Texas was born on April 17, 1884, and died at age 100 years old in February 1985.
100 years
Vernon L Dasher of Hobe Sound, Martin County, FL was born on July 27, 1905, and died at age 99 years old on May 31, 2005.
99 years
Allen Dasher of Council Grove, Morris County, KS was born on April 4, 1903, and died at age 99 years old on April 18, 2002.
99 years
Corrie L Dasher of Columbia, Richland County, SC was born on January 21, 1891, and died at age 99 years old on November 11, 1990.
99 years
Florence Dasher of Marysville, Union County, OH was born on December 6, 1906, and died at age 98 years old on January 11, 2005.
98 years
Ruth P Dasher of Bethesda, Montgomery County, MD was born on August 10, 1905, and died at age 98 years old on March 27, 2004.
98 years
Dora Dasher of Columbia, Howard County, Maryland was born on August 26, 1884, and died at age 98 years old in May 1983.
98 years
Ervin W Dasher of Manchester, Washtenaw County, MI was born on June 26, 1901, and died at age 98 years old on September 28, 1999.
98 years
Charles Dasher of Brookings, Curry County, Oregon was born on December 9, 1874, and died at age 98 years old in December 1972.
97 years
Marion Dasher of Zephyrhills, Pasco County, FL was born on February 12, 1906, and died at age 98 years old on April 4, 2004.
98 years
Inez B Dasher of Decatur, Dekalb County, GA was born on July 2, 1905, and died at age 97 years old on September 13, 2002.
97 years

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