Edwards Family History & Genealogy
Edwards Last Name History & Origin
John Edwards, a Welsh poet born in 1747 and who died in 1792 is a famous member of the Edwards family. No other information about the surname Edwards, the history of the Edwards family, or the country of origin for the Edwards family has as yet been offered. If you know more about the Edwards family, please add your knowledge to this page.
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Famous People named Edwards
Some famous Edwards family members:
John Edwards, 1747 - 1792, Welsh poet.
Early Edwardses
These are the earliest records we have of the Edwards family.

Edwards Family Members
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4th Great Grandparent / Grandchild
Spencer Edwards, b. 1780
Elizabeth Edwards, b. 2/28/1820 Henry Keck TN, Claiborne Co
Rachel Ann Keck, b. 11 APR 1849 Valentine "Cub" George Martin II TN, Claiborne Co
John Dalton Martin, b. 15 AUG 1872 Lucy Frances Johnson KY, Knox Co
David Radford Martin, b. 15 DEC 1893 Nannette Serena Walters KY, Knox Co
Vernon Eugene Martin, b. 9/18/1916 Louise Sophia Stark KY, Knox Co
Ian Oliver Martin, b. 3/18/1961 Spain, Andalusia

4th Great Grandparent / Grandchild
Spencer Edwards, b. 1780
Elizabeth Edwards, b. 2/28/1820 Henry Keck TN, Claiborne Co
Rachel Ann Keck, b. 11 APR 1849 Valentine "Cub" George Martin II TN, Claiborne Co
John Dalton Martin, b. 15 AUG 1872 Lucy Frances Johnson KY, Knox Co
David Radford Martin, b. 15 DEC 1893 Nannette Serena Walters KY, Knox Co
Vernon Eugene Martin, b. 9/18/1916 Louise Sophia Stark KY, Knox Co
Ian Oliver Martin, b. 3/18/1961 Spain, Andalusia

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Edwards Death Records & Life Expectancy
The average age of a Edwards family member is 71.0 years old according to our database of 113,123 people with the last name Edwards that have a birth and death date listed.
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Oldest Edwardses
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In 1866 council to his will, Etheldred made a cash gift to his daughter Mildred Bird to compensate her for the trouble and expense ... in consequence of my present illness at her house." Etheldred evidently died at the home of his daughters, who were Rebecca, Cordelia and Emma, Etheldred left, along with land, household furniture and agricultural implements."
We regret to announce the death of Mr. William C. Edwards, which occurred at his home in this county yesterday morning at seven o'clock. He leaves a wife and several children with whom we deeply sympathize in their bereavement. Paper dated 10-26-1883 so he must have died 10-25-1883.
William C. D. Edwards was hauling wood with a wagon and pair of mules. A crooked stick of wood was thrown on the wagon it bounced and hit one of the mules and frightened it. The Mules ran away, and ran over a peach tree. He received a back injury. It is not known how long he lived after this, but his death was caused from this injury.
William C. D. Edwards married on April 09, 1863 to Annie Daniel, she was the gr.gr grandaughter of Gen. Allen Daniel, for whom town of Danielsville, Georgia was named. He was revolutionary soldier of Va and A Justice of the peace Elbert Co., Ga.
After her death William C. D. Edwards married his cousin the widow of Sol Lunceford, Priscilla Ann Ogletree. Priscilla was the daughter of Asbury F Ogletree and Martha Ann Thompson. Asbury was the brother to Julia Ogletree Edwards, William C. D. Edwards' mother.