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Our house was about half a city block down the road from their house. My dad had built a building into the side of the mountain at the end of our small yard. The purpose was too keep our vegtables from the garden, pears, black walnuts and canned jars of food. My dad had built shelves around the inside of this area of 10 X 10 space. The floor was dirt. The empty jars were kept there too. One day when I was about five or six years old my mother and my older brother Roger were working in the "Derry", which was the name given to the building. Mom had set a box of jars on the top of the derry, which was only about 6 foot tall. You could walk up the hill beside the derry and sit on the roof. Mom had asked Roger to put the box on the porch railing. Our house was against the hill and there was a dirt path that lead past the kitchen windows around the house to the tiny back porch. The oposite side of the house was a good 12 to 15 foot high. The front porch ran across the length of the house from the side of the hill to the highest point of the porch. In the middle of the porch were wide steps built down to the yard. Underneath the house and steps was open.
My dad's sister Pauline Grubbs was visiting my mamow and papow Cloud and about four of our cousins were in our yard and in the road playing and making a lot of noise. My dad was getting ready to go to work in the coal mines. In five minutes he would have been headed down the holler to work. I was in the house when the box of empty canning jars fell off the porch and landed on the ground next to the steps.
At that time I wore a brace that came up to just below my knee. There were no railings on the steps. I usually walked down the steps leading off with my right leg and then bring my weak left leg down to meet the right foot, at all times bearing most of my weight on my stronger right leg. This day for some reason I decided I was going to walk down the steps like every one else. I don't remember how far I got down the steps, maybe two or three steps, but my left knee buckled under me and pitched me over theleft side of the steps. Just at the perfect spot to land head first on the ground where the broken jars were. A sharp piece of the jar was broken in a certain angle pointing up to pierce the side of my head in front of my ear and cut the artery. I don't know how long I lay there crying. My mom thought the cry was from the kids playing but when it didn't stop she came out on the porch to investigate. She heard me crying from the ground beside the steps. I don't remember her picking me up and rushing up the steps screaming for my father. But I do remember her laying me down on the porch and holding my head over a pan of water as she washed the dirt off the side of my face to better see the injury the water in the pan turned red.
My father, as a young man, applied for work in the coal mines, which was the only employment available. He was not hired until he passed the first aid course. One of the things taught was how to stop blood flow from a cut or injury. He took the test three times before he passed the course. Lucky for me he passed because he knew just how to apply his big fingers into my cut on the side of my face to stop the flow of blood before I bled to death.
I don't remember my mom and dad picking me up and carrying me out of the holler. Mom holding my legs so daddy could hold my upper body and keep pressure on the artery. After mom and dad started walkign down the holler, Mamow Cloud camed down to our house to see what all the commotion was about. When she saw all the blood on the ground beside the steps she fainted. mamow's brother Elmer lived in the next house down the holler about four times further than the distance from our house and my daddy's parents. He was sitting on the porch as we passed and came over to see what had happened to me. He did not think I would make it to the doctor alive.
When we came to the end of the holler there must have been someone there with a car.
I remember sitting in the back seat with the door open and vomiting onto the ground. We were driven about five miles to the Black Mountain Hospital.
This hospital was build by the coal company as the closest one was twenty miles away. The bleeding had stopped by then. I remember sitting on a chair or bench with mom. I noticed for the first time that my dress was red with stiff blood and my hair was sticky. I was taken into the surgery
and stitched up. I probably was given a transfusion because I had lost over half of the blood in my body and would have died in just minutes if the bleeding was not stopped by my father. When my parents took me home,
I was put on the couch in the lvingroom by daddy and lay there for a week before I was strong enough to walk around the house. My dad sleep on the floor next to me every night when he came home from work. Mom watched me every moment of the day.
You can't keep a strong willed, hard headed child down for long though. Soon I was out playing with my brothers and cousins and getting into more trouble. That's another story for another day.