Henry Family History & Genealogy
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Lake Geniva,Wisconsin
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She was married to Hugh D Henry on 04 Dec 1948 in Pulaski Co, Arkansas.
NAISSANCE 30 SEPTEMBRE 1955 • New London, New London, Connecticut, États-Unis
DÉCÈS 29 OCT 1993 • Niantic, New London, Connecticut, États-Unis
Église catholique romaine Sainte Marie Étoile de la Mer
Il a 21 ans 10 mois 13 jours.
Elle a 22 ans 11 mois 20 jours.
Mariage, Lundi 10 janvier 1944, New London, New London, Connecticut, États-Unis
28 août 1936
Quai du ferry de Block Island
Everett Slagar Henry listed as member of crew (6/4/1934) at age 22
BIRTH 28 FEBRUARY 1922 • 5 Cottage Street, Groton, New London, Connecticut, USA
DEATH 14 OCTOBER 1989 • New London, New London, Connecticut
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The average age of a Henry family member is 72.0 years old according to our database of 56,860 people with the last name Henry that have a birth and death date listed.
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married Bertha Oelschlaeger July 1923 they divorced in 1940's and he left never to be heard from again. My grandmother and her brother were in their teens at time.