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According to police, the shootings occurred when Thomas, 23, along with her friend Jessica Davies, 24, of Friendswood, went to confront Germain Jimenez, Davies' sister's ex-boyfriend at the Hidden Lakes apartment complex in the 900 block of Henderson. Jimenez, 33, had reportedly been harassing Davies' sister following their recent break-up. When the two women left Jimenez's apartment, he followed them outside and shot each of them multiple times as they were entering their vehicles.
A good Samaritan attempted to come to Thomas' aid, but Jimenez forced her at gunpoint to move her car so he could exit the complex. Contrary to other media reports, Jimenez ran over Thomas as he fled the scene, rather than Davies. Witnesses were able to identify Jimenez's vehicle to Webster police, and a short chase ensued. Police cornered Jimenez in a strip center parking lot at Egret Bay and NASA Road 1, where they found him dead of an apparent self-inflicted gunshot wound to the head.
Both women were Life Flighted to Hermann Memorial Hospital - Texas Medical Center, where Davies was later pronounced dead. At press time, Thomas remained in critical but stable condition. According to family members, she had undergone four surgeries, but would require several more. Webster police say Jimenez and Davies' unidentified sister had broken up roughly three weeks earlier following a two-and-a-half year relationship. Approximately one week before the shootings, the Houston Police Department visited the ex-girlfriend's place of employment because Jimenez had reportedly sent her more than 100 threatening text messages.
On Thursday, September 30, Webster police responded to an incident at Jimenez's apartment where the two had gotten into a physical altercation, but the ex-girlfriend refused to press charges on him. Houston police again visited the ex-girlfriend's work on the day of the shootings after Jimenez had showed up and caused a disturbance, prompting Davies and Thomas to later intervene.
One of the first 50 babies to be born at Memorial Hermann Southeast Hospital, Thomas is a lifelong South Belt resident, having attended Frazier Elementary, Thompson Intermediate and Dobie High School.
- Southbeltleader.com on October 7, 2010
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The average age of a Jimenez family member is 67.0 years old according to our database of 15,590 people with the last name Jimenez that have a birth and death date listed.
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