Daniel Lamantia - Ella Lamantia
People with the last name Lamantia are listed below.
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People named Daniel Lamantia - Ella Lamantia
Browse Collaborative Biographies alphabetically for people with the last name Lamantia from Daniel Lamantia - Ella Lamantia
Daniel Lamantia (Jun 18, 1948 - Aug 20, 1993)
Darcy Lamantia (May 19, 1962 - May 9, 2010)
David Lamantia (Born c. 1955)
Davie Lamantia (Jan 18, 1965 - Jan 7, 2005)
Delores Lamantia (Jul 28, 1938 - Jan 6, 2007)
Diana Lamantia (Nov 20, 1912 - Oct 1993)
Diego Lamantia (Nov 17, 1898 - Feb 1977)
Dolly Lamantia (Dec 28, 1913 - Jul 1979)
Dolores Lamantia (Jun 12, 1932 - Apr 10, 2006)
Domenic Lamantia (Sep 11, 1908 - Dec 28, 1988)
Dominick Lamantia
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