Martinez Family History & Genealogy
Martinez Last Name History & Origin
I didn't really know my dad's side of the family the only time I seen hiz sisters and brothers only when someone died at funeral 's sad but true.
The history well from what I know it waz Krazy but modest as it could b I know that my uncle Paulie Martinez died of a self influenced gun shot wound to the head playing Russian rulliet. My family had a lot of tragedy 's prison. Death , fighting. With in alcohol abuse and many other factors but thier waz alot of good to like my dad fought for hiz County in Vietnam and served in the 1st division known as the big red 1 the infamous bloody red ones .. also hiz brother Mario Martinez retired as a firefighter with the 49th fighter squadron also known as the black sheep squadron once agine infamous they wear out of Holloman air force base near Alamogordo New Mexico.
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The average age of a Martinez family member is 67.0 years old according to our database of 93,624 people with the last name Martinez that have a birth and death date listed.
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