
Mcgallion Family History & Genealogy

200 biographies and photos with the Mcgallion last name. Discover the family history, nationality, origin and common names of Mcgallion family members.

Mcgallion Last Name History & Origin



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Early Mcgallions

These are the earliest records we have of the Mcgallion family.

Jesse McGallion was born on July 16, 1822 in Mississippi United States, and died at age 29 years old on June 30, 1852 in TX.
Mary Mosella (West) McGallion was born on June 30, 1825 in Georgia United States. She was married to Jesse C. “JC” McGallon in 1841, and had children Thomas Jefferson McGallion and John Calhoun McGallion. Mary McGallion died at age 55 years old on November 29, 1880 in Fred, TX. Family, friend, or fan, this family history biography is for you to remember Mary Mosella (West) McGallion .
Mary Margaret (Watts) McGallion was born on September 10, 1842 in Mississippi United States. She was in a relationship with Thomas Jefferson McGallion, and had children Mary Francis Jane (McGallion) Ard and Laura Ann (McGallion) Ard. Mary McGallion died at age 67 years old on September 8, 1910 in TX. Family, friend, or fan, this family history biography is for you to remember Mary Margaret (Watts) McGallion.
Cinthy (Crawford) McGallion was born on March 15, 1842 in Mississippi United States, and died at age 79 years old on April 15, 1921 in Fred, TX.
Thomas Jefferson McGallion was born on October 15, 1843 in Louisiana United States to Jesse C. “JC” McGallon and Mary Mosella (West) McGallion, and had a brother John Calhoun McGallion. He was in a relationship with Mary Margaret (Watts) McGallion, and had children Mary Francis Jane (McGallion) Ard and Laura Ann (McGallion) Ard. Thomas McGallion died at age 70 years old on December 15, 1913 in Fred, TX. Family, friend, or fan, this family history biography is for you to remember Thomas Jefferson McGallion.
John Calhoun McGallion was born on February 8, 1848 in Louisiana United States to Jesse C. “JC” McGallon and Mary Mosella (West) McGallion, and had a brother Thomas Jefferson McGallion. He married Cinthy "Cinthy" (Crawford) McGallion in 1870, and had a child William Thomas McGallion Sr.. John McGallion died at age 74 years old on December 8, 1922 in Fred, TX. Family, friend, or fan, this family history biography is for you to remember John Calhoun McGallion.
William Thomas McGallion Sr. was born on December 14, 1870 in Winnfield, Louisiana United States to John Calhoun McGallion and Cinthy "Cinthy" (Crawford) McGallion. He married Laura Bell (Hare) McGallion on April 1, 1896 in Fred, Tyler County, Texas, and had children John Lee McGallion, George Oscar McGallion, and Arthur McGallion. William McGallion died at age 49 years old on August 12, 1920 in Fred, Tyler County. Family, friend, or fan, this family history biography is for you to remember William Thomas McGallion Sr..
Mary Francis Jane (McGallion) Ard was born on March 3, 1871 in Louisiana United States to Thomas Jefferson McGallion and Mary Margaret (Watts) McGallion, and had a sister Laura Ann (McGallion) Ard. She was in a relationship with Lafayette “Fate” Ard, and had a child Eliza Jane “Liza” (Ard) Eason. Mary Ard died at age 60 years old on August 19, 1931 in Fred, TX. Family, friend, or fan, this family history biography is for you to remember Mary Francis Jane (McGallion) Ard.
Laura Ann (McGallion) Ard was born on March 12, 1873 in Louisiana United States to Thomas Jefferson McGallion and Mary Margaret (Watts) McGallion, and had a sister Mary Francis Jane (McGallion) Ard. She was in a relationship with Issac “Ike” Ard Sr. beginning November 18, 1891 in Silsbee, Hardin County, Texas, and had children Dennis Bernard Ard Sr., Annie Mae (Ard) McGallion, and Fannie Mae (Ard) McGallion. Laura Ard died at age 52 years old on March 15, 1925 in Silsbee. Family, friend, or fan, this family history biography is for you to remember Laura Ann (McGallion) Ard.
Laura Bell (Hare) McGallion of Silsbee, Hardin County, Texas was born on March 23, 1880 in Fred, Tyler County. She was married to William Thomas McGallion Sr. on April 1, 1896 in Fred, Tyler County, and had children John Lee McGallion, George Oscar McGallion, and Arthur McGallion. Laura McGallion died at age 87 years old on January 17, 1968 in Silsbee, Hardin County.
John Mcgallion of Texas was born on April 25, 1898, and died at age 64 years old in February 1963.
Jessie Mcgallion of Houston, Harris County, Texas was born on January 17, 1899, and died at age 71 years old in April 1970.

Mcgallion Family Members

Adam Mcgallion (Born c. 1975) Addie Mcgallion (Born c. 1977) Alice Mcgallion Amaris Mcgallion (Born c. 1984) Amber Mcgallion (Born c. 1957) Andy Mcgallion (Born c. 1963) Angela Mcgallion (Born c. 1966) Annette Mcgallion (Born c. 1947) Annie Mcgallion April Mcgallion (Born c. 1982) Arthur Mcgallion Bobby Mcgallion Brandon Mcgallion (Born c. 1983) Brandy Mcgallion (Born c. 1978) Brigitt Mcgallion (Born c. 1977) Bryant Mcgallion (Born c. 1979) Candy Mcgallion (Born c. 1978) Carl Mcgallion (Jul 14, 1901 - Feb 1975) Carrie Mcgallion (Born c. 1982) Cathy Mcgallion (Born c. 1965) Cheryl Mcgallion (Born c. 1953) Christene Mcgallion (Born c. 1967) Cinthy McGallion (Mar 15, 1842 - Apr 15, 1921) Claudine Mcgallion (Born c. 1931) Clifton Mcgallion Craig Mcgallion Dalton Mcgallion (Feb 24, 1929 - Feb 17, 1996) David Mcgallion Deborah Mcgallion Delores Mcgallion (Born c. 1951) Deryl Mcgallion Dillon Mcgallion (Born c. 1986) Donna Mcgallion (Born c. 1953) Earl Mcgallion (Born c. 1960) Edith Mcgallion (Born c. 1982) Elgie Mcgallion Eliza McGallion (Feb 1, 1910 - Nov 29, 2000) Elizabeth Mcgallion Elmer Mcgallion (Nov 17, 1913 - Mar 23, 1989) Elvis Mcgallion (Born c. 1957) Emma McGallion (Born Jan 3, 1942) Ernest Mcgallion (Dec 4, 1932 - Sep 1, 1995) Fannie Mcgallion Fred Mcgallion George McGallion (Feb 14, 1904 - Jan 27, 1980) Geraldine Mcgallion (Born c. 1945) Gina Mcgallion (Born c. 1973) Hazel Kelley (Born Nov 14, 1937) Ila Mcgallion (Jul 31, 1908 - Mar 7, 1990) Ingrid Mcgallion (Born c. 1982) James Mcgallion Janis Mcgallion (Born c. 1952) Jeremy Mcgallion (Born c. 1974) Jerrie Mcgallion (Born c. 1945) Jerry Mcgallion Jesse McGallion (Jul 16, 1822 - Jun 30, 1852) Jessie Mcgallion (Jan 17, 1899 - Apr 1970) Jimmie Mcgallion (Born c. 1948) John Mcgallion Joseph McGallion (Feb 19, 1941 - Dec 31, 2024) Judy Mcgallion (Born c. 1955) Kathy Mcgallion (Born c. 1952) Kimberly Mcgallion Lacey Mcgallion (Born c. 1983)
Lara Mcgallion (Born c. 1979) Laura Mcgallion Leslie Mcgallion Lessie Mcgallion (Nov 28, 1903 - Feb 1986) Lisa Mcgallion (Born c. 1958) Lonnie Mcgallion Lucille Mcgallion (Aug 15, 1917 - Oct 1986) Lucy Mcgallion (Jul 8, 1918 - Apr 29, 1997) Lum Mcgallion (Apr 9, 1900 - Dec 1964) Lurlene Glidewell (Born Sep 21, 1940) Lydia Browning (Born Dec 26, 1930) Madeline Mcgallion (Born c. 1951) Mae Lindgren (May 1, 1941 - Jul 20, 2019) Maggie Mcgallion (Feb 4, 1900 - Feb 1979) Malishia Mcgallion (Born c. 1988) Mark Mcgallion (Born c. 1971) Marshall Mcgallion Martie Mcgallion (Born c. 1968) Mary Mcgallion Melvin Mcgallion Michael Mcgallion Mikala Mcgallion (Born c. 1987) Myriam Mcgallion (Jun 20, 1941 - Jun 10, 2011) Myrtle Mcgallion (Born c. 1955) Nita Mcgallion (Born c. 1960) Norris Mcgallion Oliver Mcgallion (Feb 1, 1911 - Jan 1988) Onnie Mcgallion Opal Mcgallion Opallin Mcgallion (Born c. 1954) Pamela Mcgallion (Born c. 1953) Paula Mcgallion Raymond Mcgallion Regina Mcgallion Robert Mcgallion Roger McGallion (Born May 6, 1949) Rose Mcgallion (Nov 18, 1930 - Sep 15, 1993) Rufus Mcgallion Ruth Mcgallion Sam Mcgallion Samuel Mcgallion Shelly Mcgallion (Born c. 1974) Sherry Mcgallion (Born c. 1951) Stephanie Mcgallion (Born c. 1980) Tamara Mcgallion (Born c. 1976) Tammy Mcgallion Theresa Mcgallion (Born c. 1961) Thomas McGallion (Oct 15, 1843 - Dec 15, 1913) Timothy Mcgallion Tina Mcgallion (Born c. 1978) Tisha Mcgallion (Born c. 1989) Ullonda Mcgallion (Born c. 1960) Vallie Mcgallion (Sep 11, 1913 - Jan 15, 1994) Velinda Mcgallion (Oct 8, 1955 - Mar 25, 2014) Vinnie Mcgallion (May 20, 1919 - Oct 7, 1993) Viola Mcgallion (Feb 1, 1910 - Nov 29, 2000) Vivian Mcgallion Wanda Mcgallion (Born c. 1939) Welton Mcgallion (Born c. 1951) Wendy Mcgallion (Born c. 1980) William Mcgallion Willie Mcgallion Winifred Mcgallion (Jun 18, 1928 - Jan 21, 2005)

Mcgallion Family Photos

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Updated Mcgallion Biographies

Mary Mosella (West) McGallion was born on June 30, 1825 in Georgia United States. She was married to Jesse C. “JC” McGallon in 1841, and had children Thomas Jefferson McGallion and John Calhoun McGallion. Mary McGallion died at age 55 years old on November 29, 1880 in Fred, TX. Family, friend, or fan, this family history biography is for you to remember Mary Mosella (West) McGallion .
Laura Ann (McGallion) Ard was born on March 12, 1873 in Louisiana United States to Thomas Jefferson McGallion and Mary Margaret (Watts) McGallion, and had a sister Mary Francis Jane (McGallion) Ard. She was in a relationship with Issac “Ike” Ard Sr. beginning November 18, 1891 in Silsbee, Hardin County, Texas, and had children Dennis Bernard Ard Sr., Annie Mae (Ard) McGallion, and Fannie Mae (Ard) McGallion. Laura Ard died at age 52 years old on March 15, 1925 in Silsbee. Family, friend, or fan, this family history biography is for you to remember Laura Ann (McGallion) Ard.
William Thomas McGallion Sr. was born on December 14, 1870 in Winnfield, Louisiana United States to John Calhoun McGallion and Cinthy "Cinthy" (Crawford) McGallion. He married Laura Bell (Hare) McGallion on April 1, 1896 in Fred, Tyler County, Texas, and had children John Lee McGallion, George Oscar McGallion, and Arthur McGallion. William McGallion died at age 49 years old on August 12, 1920 in Fred, Tyler County. Family, friend, or fan, this family history biography is for you to remember William Thomas McGallion Sr..
Laura Bell (Hare) McGallion of Silsbee, Hardin County, Texas was born on March 23, 1880 in Fred, Tyler County. She was married to William Thomas McGallion Sr. on April 1, 1896 in Fred, Tyler County, and had children John Lee McGallion, George Oscar McGallion, and Arthur McGallion. Laura McGallion died at age 87 years old on January 17, 1968 in Silsbee, Hardin County.
Arthur McGallion was born on August 29, 1908 in Fred, Texas United States to Laura Bell (Hare) McGallion and William Thomas McGallion Sr., and had siblings George Oscar McGallion and John Lee McGallion. He married Fannie Mae (Ard) McGallion on October 16, 1931 in Silsbee, Hardin County, and had children William Ernest “Poodle” McGallion and Mae Bell (McGallion) Lindgren. Arthur McGallion died at age 73 years old on August 12, 1982 in Houston. Family, friend, or fan, this family history biography is for you to remember Arthur McGallion.
Fannie Mae (Ard) McGallion was born on September 18, 1909 in Fred, Texas United States to Laura Ann (McGallion) Ard and Issac “Ike” Ard, and had siblings Dennis Bernard Ard Sr. and Annie Mae (Ard) McGallion. She married Arthur McGallion on October 16, 1931 in Silsbee, Hardin County, and had children William Ernest “Poodle” McGallion and Mae Bell (McGallion) Lindgren. Fannie McGallion died at age 82 years old on July 17, 1992 in Silsbee. Family, friend, or fan, this family history biography is for you to remember Fannie Mae (Ard) McGallion.
Joseph Nathan McGallion Sr. was born on February 19, 1941 in Silsbee, Texas United States to John Lee McGallion and Annie Mae (Ard) McGallion, and had a sister Opal Mae (McGallion) Eddings. Joseph McGallion died at age 83 years old on December 31, 2024 in Spurger.
John McGallion was born on April 25, 1898 in Fred, Texas United States to Laura Bell (Hare) McGallion and William Thomas McGallion Sr., and had siblings George Oscar McGallion and Arthur McGallion. He married Annie Mae (Ard) McGallion on January 27, 1931 in Silsbee, Hardin County, and had children Opal Mae (McGallion) Eddings and Joseph Nathan “J.N.” McGallion Sr.. John McGallion died at age 64 years old on February 14, 1963 in Silsbee. Family, friend, or fan, this family history biography is for you to remember John Lee McGallion.
William Ernest McGallion was born on December 4, 1932 in Fred, Texas United States, and died at age 62 years old on September 1, 1995 in Fred.
Mae Bell (McGallion) Lindgren was born on May 1, 1941 in Fred, Texas United States to Fannie Mae (Ard) McGallion and Arthur McGallion, and had a brother William Ernest “Poodle” McGallion. Mae Lindgren died at age 78 years old on July 20, 2019 in Fred. Family, friend, or fan, this family history biography is for you to remember Mae Bell (McGallion) Lindgren.
Opal Mae (McGallion) Eddings of Silsbee, Hardin County, TX was born on March 15, 1934 in Silsbee to John Lee McGallion and Annie Mae (Ard) McGallion. She had a brother Joseph Nathan “J.N.” McGallion Sr.. She married Elmer “Buddy Wayne” Eddings Sr. on January 19, 1953 in Silsbee, Hardin County, and had a child Elmer “Buddy Wayne” Eddings Jr.. Opal Eddings died at age 69 years old on September 9, 2003 in Beaumont, Jefferson County.
Annie Mae (Ard) McGallion was born on September 8, 1909 in Silsbee, Texas United States to Laura Ann (McGallion) Ard and Issac “Ike” Ard, and had siblings Dennis Bernard Ard Sr. and Fannie Mae (Ard) McGallion. She married John Lee McGallion on January 27, 1931 in Silsbee, Hardin County, and had children Opal Mae (McGallion) Eddings and Joseph Nathan “J.N.” McGallion Sr.. Annie McGallion died at age 89 years old on August 26, 1999 in Beaumont. Family, friend, or fan, this family history biography is for you to remember Annie Mae (Ard) McGallion.
Jesse McGallion was born on July 16, 1822 in Mississippi United States, and died at age 29 years old on June 30, 1852 in TX.
Clifton Wayne McGallion Sr. was born on November 14, 1950 in Silsbee, Texas United States to George Oscar McGallion and Eliza Viola (Whisenant) McGallion, and has siblings Roger Dale McGallion, Clifton Wayne McGallion Sr., Lurlene “Nannie” McGallion Glidewell, Hazel Lee (McGallion) Kelley, Lydia Faye (McGallion) Browning, William Alvin McGallion, and Robert Earl McGallion. He married Alice A. (Chance) Mcgallion on February 14, 1970 in Fred, Tyler County and they later divorced on October 23, 1970 in Silsbee, Hardin County. He would also marry Velinda J. (Eason) Mcgallion on August 4, 1972 in Silsbee, Hardin County. They had a child Clifton Dewayne McGallion Jr.. Family, friend, or fan, this family history biography is for you to remember Clifton Wayne McGallion Sr..
Clifton Dewayne McGallion Jr. of Hardin County, TX was born on May 15, 1973 in Silsbee to Velinda J. (Eason) Mcgallion and Clifton Wayne McGallion Sr.. Clifton McGallion married Candy M. (Menzies) Mcgallion on May 5, 1994 in Hardin County, TX. Family, friend, or fan, this family history biography is for you to remember Clifton Dewayne McGallion Jr..
Hazel Lee (McGallion) Kelley of FM 92, in Silsbee, Tyler County, Texas United States was born on November 14, 1937 in Silsbee to George Oscar McGallion and Eliza Viola (Whisenant) McGallion. She has siblings Roger Dale McGallion, Clifton Wayne McGallion Sr., Lurlene “Nannie” McGallion Glidewell, Lydia Faye (McGallion) Browning, William Alvin McGallion, Robert Earl McGallion, and Clifton Wayne McGallion Sr.. Hazel Kelley married Jimmy Leon Kelley on April 29, 1960 in Silsbee, Hardin County, and has children Donna Fay (Kelley) Glenn and Rhonda Elaine (Kelley) Fielder. Family, friend, or fan, this family history biography is for you to remember Hazel Lee (McGallion) Kelley.
Timothy Alvin McGallion was born on April 1, 1970 in Silsbee, Texas United States to William Alvin McGallion and Emma Lee (Tucker) McGallion, and has siblings Deborah Ann (McGallion) and Fred William McGallion. Family, friend, or fan, this family history biography is for you to remember Timothy Alvin McGallion.
Emma Lee (Tucker) McGallion was born on January 3, 1942 in Silsbee, Hardin County, Texas United States to Fred Miguez Tucker and Ima Gertrude (Wright) Tucker. Emma McGallion married William Alvin McGallion on September 16, 1957 in Woodville, Tyler County, and has children Deborah Ann (McGallion), Fred William McGallion, and Timothy Alvin McGallion. Family, friend, or fan, this family history biography is for you to remember Emma Lee (Tucker) McGallion.
Fred William McGallion was born on October 9, 1961 in Silsbee, Texas United States to William Alvin McGallion and Emma Lee (Tucker) McGallion, and has siblings Deborah Ann (McGallion) and Timothy Alvin McGallion. Family, friend, or fan, this family history biography is for you to remember Fred William McGallion.
Deborah Ann (McGallion) Boswell was born on July 19, 1958 in Silsbee, Texas United States to William Alvin McGallion and Emma Lee (Tucker) McGallion, and has siblings Fred William McGallion and Timothy Alvin McGallion. Family, friend, or fan, this family history biography is for you to remember Deborah Ann (McGallion).

Popular Mcgallion Biographies

Emma Lee (Tucker) McGallion was born on January 3, 1942 in Silsbee, Hardin County, Texas United States to Fred Miguez Tucker and Ima Gertrude (Wright) Tucker. Emma McGallion married William Alvin McGallion on September 16, 1957 in Woodville, Tyler County, and has children Deborah Ann (McGallion), Fred William McGallion, and Timothy Alvin McGallion. Family, friend, or fan, this family history biography is for you to remember Emma Lee (Tucker) McGallion.
Mary Francis Jane (McGallion) Ard was born on March 3, 1871 in Louisiana United States to Thomas Jefferson McGallion and Mary Margaret (Watts) McGallion, and had a sister Laura Ann (McGallion) Ard. She was in a relationship with Lafayette “Fate” Ard, and had a child Eliza Jane “Liza” (Ard) Eason. Mary Ard died at age 60 years old on August 19, 1931 in Fred, TX. Family, friend, or fan, this family history biography is for you to remember Mary Francis Jane (McGallion) Ard.
Fred William McGallion was born on October 9, 1961 in Silsbee, Texas United States to William Alvin McGallion and Emma Lee (Tucker) McGallion, and has siblings Deborah Ann (McGallion) and Timothy Alvin McGallion. Family, friend, or fan, this family history biography is for you to remember Fred William McGallion.
Timothy Alvin McGallion was born on April 1, 1970 in Silsbee, Texas United States to William Alvin McGallion and Emma Lee (Tucker) McGallion, and has siblings Deborah Ann (McGallion) and Fred William McGallion. Family, friend, or fan, this family history biography is for you to remember Timothy Alvin McGallion.
Deborah Ann (McGallion) Boswell was born on July 19, 1958 in Silsbee, Texas United States to William Alvin McGallion and Emma Lee (Tucker) McGallion, and has siblings Fred William McGallion and Timothy Alvin McGallion. Family, friend, or fan, this family history biography is for you to remember Deborah Ann (McGallion).
William Ernest McGallion was born on December 4, 1932 in Fred, Texas United States, and died at age 62 years old on September 1, 1995 in Fred.
Mae Bell (McGallion) Lindgren was born on May 1, 1941 in Fred, Texas United States to Fannie Mae (Ard) McGallion and Arthur McGallion, and had a brother William Ernest “Poodle” McGallion. Mae Lindgren died at age 78 years old on July 20, 2019 in Fred. Family, friend, or fan, this family history biography is for you to remember Mae Bell (McGallion) Lindgren.
Clifton Wayne McGallion Sr. was born on November 14, 1950 in Silsbee, Texas United States to George Oscar McGallion and Eliza Viola (Whisenant) McGallion, and has siblings Roger Dale McGallion, Clifton Wayne McGallion Sr., Lurlene “Nannie” McGallion Glidewell, Hazel Lee (McGallion) Kelley, Lydia Faye (McGallion) Browning, William Alvin McGallion, and Robert Earl McGallion. He married Alice A. (Chance) Mcgallion on February 14, 1970 in Fred, Tyler County and they later divorced on October 23, 1970 in Silsbee, Hardin County. He would also marry Velinda J. (Eason) Mcgallion on August 4, 1972 in Silsbee, Hardin County. They had a child Clifton Dewayne McGallion Jr.. Family, friend, or fan, this family history biography is for you to remember Clifton Wayne McGallion Sr..
Annie Mae (Ard) McGallion was born on September 8, 1909 in Silsbee, Texas United States to Laura Ann (McGallion) Ard and Issac “Ike” Ard, and had siblings Dennis Bernard Ard Sr. and Fannie Mae (Ard) McGallion. She married John Lee McGallion on January 27, 1931 in Silsbee, Hardin County, and had children Opal Mae (McGallion) Eddings and Joseph Nathan “J.N.” McGallion Sr.. Annie McGallion died at age 89 years old on August 26, 1999 in Beaumont. Family, friend, or fan, this family history biography is for you to remember Annie Mae (Ard) McGallion.
Arthur McGallion was born on August 29, 1908 in Fred, Texas United States to Laura Bell (Hare) McGallion and William Thomas McGallion Sr., and had siblings George Oscar McGallion and John Lee McGallion. He married Fannie Mae (Ard) McGallion on October 16, 1931 in Silsbee, Hardin County, and had children William Ernest “Poodle” McGallion and Mae Bell (McGallion) Lindgren. Arthur McGallion died at age 73 years old on August 12, 1982 in Houston. Family, friend, or fan, this family history biography is for you to remember Arthur McGallion.
John McGallion was born on April 25, 1898 in Fred, Texas United States to Laura Bell (Hare) McGallion and William Thomas McGallion Sr., and had siblings George Oscar McGallion and Arthur McGallion. He married Annie Mae (Ard) McGallion on January 27, 1931 in Silsbee, Hardin County, and had children Opal Mae (McGallion) Eddings and Joseph Nathan “J.N.” McGallion Sr.. John McGallion died at age 64 years old on February 14, 1963 in Silsbee. Family, friend, or fan, this family history biography is for you to remember John Lee McGallion.
Fannie Mae (Ard) McGallion was born on September 18, 1909 in Fred, Texas United States to Laura Ann (McGallion) Ard and Issac “Ike” Ard, and had siblings Dennis Bernard Ard Sr. and Annie Mae (Ard) McGallion. She married Arthur McGallion on October 16, 1931 in Silsbee, Hardin County, and had children William Ernest “Poodle” McGallion and Mae Bell (McGallion) Lindgren. Fannie McGallion died at age 82 years old on July 17, 1992 in Silsbee. Family, friend, or fan, this family history biography is for you to remember Fannie Mae (Ard) McGallion.
Lurlene (McGallion) Glidewell of FM 92, in Silsbee, Tyler County, Texas United States was born on September 21, 1940 in Silsbee to George Oscar McGallion and Eliza Viola (Whisenant) McGallion. She has siblings Roger Dale McGallion, Clifton Wayne McGallion Sr., Hazel Lee (McGallion) Kelley, Lydia Faye (McGallion) Browning, William Alvin McGallion, Robert Earl McGallion, and Clifton Wayne McGallion Sr.. Lurlene Glidewell married Frank Winston Glidewell on June 16, 1966 in Nederland, Jefferson County, and has a child George Thomas “Tommy” Glidewell.
William Thomas McGallion Sr. was born on December 14, 1870 in Winnfield, Louisiana United States to John Calhoun McGallion and Cinthy "Cinthy" (Crawford) McGallion. He married Laura Bell (Hare) McGallion on April 1, 1896 in Fred, Tyler County, Texas, and had children John Lee McGallion, George Oscar McGallion, and Arthur McGallion. William McGallion died at age 49 years old on August 12, 1920 in Fred, Tyler County. Family, friend, or fan, this family history biography is for you to remember William Thomas McGallion Sr..
Jesse McGallion was born on July 16, 1822 in Mississippi United States, and died at age 29 years old on June 30, 1852 in TX.
John Calhoun McGallion was born on February 8, 1848 in Louisiana United States to Jesse C. “JC” McGallon and Mary Mosella (West) McGallion, and had a brother Thomas Jefferson McGallion. He married Cinthy "Cinthy" (Crawford) McGallion in 1870, and had a child William Thomas McGallion Sr.. John McGallion died at age 74 years old on December 8, 1922 in Fred, TX. Family, friend, or fan, this family history biography is for you to remember John Calhoun McGallion.
Thomas Jefferson McGallion was born on October 15, 1843 in Louisiana United States to Jesse C. “JC” McGallon and Mary Mosella (West) McGallion, and had a brother John Calhoun McGallion. He was in a relationship with Mary Margaret (Watts) McGallion, and had children Mary Francis Jane (McGallion) Ard and Laura Ann (McGallion) Ard. Thomas McGallion died at age 70 years old on December 15, 1913 in Fred, TX. Family, friend, or fan, this family history biography is for you to remember Thomas Jefferson McGallion.
Cinthy (Crawford) McGallion was born on March 15, 1842 in Mississippi United States, and died at age 79 years old on April 15, 1921 in Fred, TX.
Laura Ann (McGallion) Ard was born on March 12, 1873 in Louisiana United States to Thomas Jefferson McGallion and Mary Margaret (Watts) McGallion, and had a sister Mary Francis Jane (McGallion) Ard. She was in a relationship with Issac “Ike” Ard Sr. beginning November 18, 1891 in Silsbee, Hardin County, Texas, and had children Dennis Bernard Ard Sr., Annie Mae (Ard) McGallion, and Fannie Mae (Ard) McGallion. Laura Ard died at age 52 years old on March 15, 1925 in Silsbee. Family, friend, or fan, this family history biography is for you to remember Laura Ann (McGallion) Ard.
Mary Margaret (Watts) McGallion was born on September 10, 1842 in Mississippi United States. She was in a relationship with Thomas Jefferson McGallion, and had children Mary Francis Jane (McGallion) Ard and Laura Ann (McGallion) Ard. Mary McGallion died at age 67 years old on September 8, 1910 in TX. Family, friend, or fan, this family history biography is for you to remember Mary Margaret (Watts) McGallion.

Mcgallion Death Records & Life Expectancy

The average age of a Mcgallion family member is 69.1 years old according to our database of 49 people with the last name Mcgallion that have a birth and death date listed.

Life Expectancy

69.1 years

Oldest Mcgallions

These are the longest-lived members of the Mcgallion family on AncientFaces.

Annie Mae (Ard) McGallion was born on September 8, 1909 in Silsbee, Texas United States to Laura Ann (McGallion) Ard and Issac “Ike” Ard, and had siblings Dennis Bernard Ard Sr. and Fannie Mae (Ard) McGallion. She married John Lee McGallion on January 27, 1931 in Silsbee, Hardin County, and had children Opal Mae (McGallion) Eddings and Joseph Nathan “J.N.” McGallion Sr.. Annie McGallion died at age 89 years old on August 26, 1999 in Beaumont. Family, friend, or fan, this family history biography is for you to remember Annie Mae (Ard) McGallion.
89 years
Viola Mcgallion of Silsbee, Hardin County, TX was born on February 1, 1910, and died at age 90 years old on November 29, 2000.
90 years
Eliza Viola (Whisenant) McGallion was born on February 1, 1910 in Fred, Texas United States to Alvin W Whisenant Jr. and Manerva J (Cravey) Whisenant, and had siblings Evia Anne “Evie” (Whisenant) Ard, Emma Gladys (Whisenant) Eason, Alberta Anne (Whisenant) Luper, John Whisenant, Charlie H. Whisenant, Lee Alfred Whisenant, Aaron Edward Whisenant, Arthur James Whisneant, and Roy Victor R.V. Whisenant. She married George Oscar McGallion on December 25, 1928 in Silsbee, Hardin County, and had children Lydia Faye (McGallion) Browning, Robert Earl McGallion, William Alvin McGallion, Hazel Lee (McGallion) Kelley, Lurlene “Nannie” McGallion Glidewell, Roger Dale McGallion, Clifton Wayne McGallion Sr., and Clifton Wayne McGallion Sr.. Eliza McGallion died at age 90 years old on November 29, 2000 in Silsbee, Hardin County.
90 years
Annie Mcgallion of Silsbee, Hardin County, TX was born on September 9, 1909, and died at age 89 years old on August 26, 1999.
89 years
Laura Bell (Hare) McGallion of Silsbee, Hardin County, Texas was born on March 23, 1880 in Fred, Tyler County. She was married to William Thomas McGallion Sr. on April 1, 1896 in Fred, Tyler County, and had children John Lee McGallion, George Oscar McGallion, and Arthur McGallion. Laura McGallion died at age 87 years old on January 17, 1968 in Silsbee, Hardin County.
87 years
Lessie Mcgallion of Houston, Harris County, Texas was born on November 28, 1903, and died at age 82 years old in February 1986.
82 years
Fannie Mcgallion of Fred, Tyler County, TX was born on September 18, 1909, and died at age 82 years old on July 17, 1992.
82 years
Joseph Nathan McGallion Sr. was born on February 19, 1941 in Silsbee, Texas United States to John Lee McGallion and Annie Mae (Ard) McGallion, and had a sister Opal Mae (McGallion) Eddings. Joseph McGallion died at age 83 years old on December 31, 2024 in Spurger.
83 years
Ila G Mcgallion of Vidor, Orange County, TX was born on July 31, 1908, and died at age 81 years old on March 7, 1990.
81 years
Vallie L Mcgallion of Fred, Tyler County, TX was born on September 11, 1913, and died at age 80 years old on January 15, 1994.
80 years
Cinthy (Crawford) McGallion was born on March 15, 1842 in Mississippi United States, and died at age 79 years old on April 15, 1921 in Fred, TX.
79 years
Melvin Mcgallion of Silsbee, Hardin County, TX was born on March 1, 1913, and died at age 79 years old on September 17, 1992.
79 years

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