Patrick Family History & Genealogy
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Early Patricks
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Mary Catherine was born in November, 1919, to Mike and Anna Kolesar Patrickso, who later Americanized their last name to "Patrick".
Mary Catherine served as a nurse in the Navy during WWII where she met her future husband, Edward Francis Jacobs. 'Pat' (her navy nick-name) was discharged as a Lt. after the war. She received the American Campaign Medal, WWII Victory Medal,
Honorable Service Lapel Button-WWII, and the
Asiatic-Pacific Ribbon.
Pat died in April, 1990, in San Jose, CA.

Walter Jackson Patrick is my husband's grand father

Born: 26 Dec 1874 in White Plains, Greene Co., GA
Occupations: Farmer & Mail Delivery
Died: 02 March 1926 in Ashbank District, Putnam Co., GA
Buried: Harmony Church Cemetery, Penfield, Greene Co., GA
Married: (1) Myrtie Q. Jackson (1900)
Children: Charles Howard Patrick, Clifford Edwin Patrick, & Pauline Patrick
Married: (2) Essie B. Black (1913)
Children: Mary Lou Patrick, Edna P. Patrick, & William Marvin Patrick

People in photo include: Raymond Robertson, Marjorie Wilson, Jim Vauter, Alice Rutherford, Leslie Ashby, Jane Schmalholtz, Opal Denkins, Ellsworth Yorger, Janet Long, Roy Brian, Edna May Irwin, Paul Seehausen, Betty Cox, Mildred Scholer, Jack Holland, Patricia Comaulty, Richard Coffey, Virginia Washburn, Marie Love, Billy Miller, Eleanor Ray, Billy Perkinson, Josie Stanley, Mason Garrett, Marjorie Yount, Myrta Workman, George Elvers, Mary Lemon, Alberta Patrick, Junia Gilchrist, Phylis Tiffany, Annabelle John, Jean Snyder, Joan Burton, James Lewellin, Margaret Doughty, Bob Unversaw, Tony Foster, and Lawrence Anderson

People in photo include: Iva Mae Judy Patrick and Clarence Patrick
Patrick Family Tree
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Patrick Death Records & Life Expectancy
The average age of a Patrick family member is 71.0 years old according to our database of 19,378 people with the last name Patrick that have a birth and death date listed.
Life Expectancy
Oldest Patricks
These are the longest-lived members of the Patrick family on AncientFaces.

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