
Patrick Family History & Genealogy

22,265 biographies and 14 photos with the Patrick last name. Discover the family history, nationality, origin and common names of Patrick family members.

Patrick Last Name History & Origin



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Early Patricks

These are the earliest records we have of the Patrick family.

Jessie Patrick was born on April 1, 1820, and died at age 100 years old in April 1920. Family, friend, or fan, this family history biography is for you to remember Jessie Patrick.
Jemima (Rogers) Patrick of Armadale, City of Stonnington County, VIC Australia was born in 1841 in Plymouth, Plymouth County, England United Kingdom. She was married to Frederick Walter Patrick in 1865, and had children Walter Charles Frederick Patrick, Emma Mary Ann (Patrick) Tuck, Edwin Patrick, Fanny Kearly Patrick, Amy Patrick Tuck, Philip Kearley Patrick, Oscar Charles Patrick, Winifred Patrick, Norman Leslie Patrick, Ann Jemima Patrick, and Ernest Francis Ebenezer Patrick. Jemima Patrick died at age 66 years old in 1907 in Armadale, City of Stonnington County, VIC Australia.
Frederick Walter Patrick of St Kilda, Port Phillip City County, VIC Australia was born in April 1844 in Cambridge, Cambridgeshire County, England United Kingdom, and died at age 65 years old in 1909 in St Kilda, Port Phillip City County, VIC Australia.
John William Patrick
John William Patrick was born in January 1850. Family, friend, or fan, this family history biography is for you to remember John William Patrick.
Mary Ellen (Patrick) Ritchie of Ballarat, City of Ballarat County, VIC Australia was born in 1854 in Glasgow, Glasgow City County, Scotland United Kingdom. She was married to William Ritchie, and had children Euphemia Ritchie Macklin, John Ritchie, William Ritchie, Jeannie Duncan Lockhart, Mary Patrick Ritchie, Marion Isabel Ritchie, David Ritchie, and Joseph Ritchie. Mary Ritchie died at age 50 years old on July 11, 1905 in Ballarat, City of Ballarat County, VIC Australia.
Louisa Patrick of Wbeal Australia was born in 1860 to Sales Thomas Pryke and Annie Agnes Anderson Pryke. She had siblings Annie Williams and Elizabeth (Sales) Pryke. Louisa Patrick died at age 63 years old in 1923 in Wbeal.
Lula Patrick of Jackson, Hinds County, Mississippi was born on December 25, 1863, and died at age 112 years old in November 1976.
Ann Foulks Blanche Patrick of Adra Australia was born in 1864, and died at age 47 years old in 1911 in Adra.
Amelia C. (Shugg) Patrick of Thornbury, City of Darebin County, VIC Australia was born in 1864 in Maryborough, Central Goldfields Shire County, and died at age 83 years old in 1947 in Thornbury, City of Darebin County.
Mary A Patrick of Walton, Boone County, KY was born on February 27, 1866, and died at age 102 years old on January 15, 1969.
Walter Charles Frederick Patrick of Fitzroy, City of Yarra County, VIC Australia was born in 1867 in Prahran, City of Stonnington County, and died at age 70 years old on June 4, 1938 in Fitzroy, City of Yarra County.
Martin Patrick of Tuscola, Douglas County, Illinois was born on November 22, 1868, and died at age 98 years old in May 1967.

Patrick Family Photos

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Patrick Family Tree

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Updated Patrick Biographies

John A Jr Patrick of Elizabeth, Union County, NJ was born on August 24, 1906, and died at age 73 years old on December 19, 1979.
Ouyanto K Patrick
Ouyanto Patrick was born on March 4, 1972 to mother Yvonne. He had a sister named Keesha.
Nollie Patrick was born on December 20, 1922, and died at age 67 years old on July 5, 1990. Family, friend, or fan, this family history biography is for you to remember Nollie Patrick.
Mack Patrick of Arjay, Bell County, Kentucky was born on September 3, 1903, and died at age 68 years old in November 1971.
Rosalee (Patrick) DeYoung was born on August 28, 1931 in Jenkins, Letcher County, Kentucky United States. She was married to William James DeYoung in 1948 in Newtown, Bucks County, Pennsylvania, and they were together until William's death on July 26, 1971 in Newtown. She had children Gregory William DeYoung, Joseph Earl DeYoung, William James DeYoung Jr., Bruce Douglas DeYoung, Janice Anne DeYoung, and Susan Tracie DeYoung. Rosalee DeYoung died at age 73 years old on October 15, 2004 in Washington Crossing, Bucks County, and was buried on October 19, 2004 at Saint Andrew Catholic Church 81 Swamp Rd, in Newtown. Family, friend, or fan, this family history biography is for you to remember Rosalee (Patrick) DeYoung.
Frederick Walter Patrick of St Kilda, Port Phillip City County, VIC Australia was born in April 1844 in Cambridge, Cambridgeshire County, England United Kingdom, and died at age 65 years old in 1909 in St Kilda, Port Phillip City County, VIC Australia.
Jemima (Rogers) Patrick of Armadale, City of Stonnington County, VIC Australia was born in 1841 in Plymouth, Plymouth County, England United Kingdom. She was married to Frederick Walter Patrick in 1865, and had children Walter Charles Frederick Patrick, Emma Mary Ann (Patrick) Tuck, Edwin Patrick, Fanny Kearly Patrick, Amy Patrick Tuck, Philip Kearley Patrick, Oscar Charles Patrick, Winifred Patrick, Norman Leslie Patrick, Ann Jemima Patrick, and Ernest Francis Ebenezer Patrick. Jemima Patrick died at age 66 years old in 1907 in Armadale, City of Stonnington County, VIC Australia.
Norman Leslie Patrick of Windsor, VIC Australia was born in 1881 in Melbourne to Frederick Walter Patrick and Jemima Rogers Patrick. Norman Patrick had siblings Edwin Patrick, Ernest Francis Ebenezer Patrick, Fanny Kearly Patrick, Winifred Patrick, Emma Mary Ann (Patrick) Tuck, Ann Jemima Patrick, Amy Patrick Tuck, Philip Kearley Patrick, Oscar Charles Patrick, and Walter Charles Frederick Patrick. He married Amy Beatrice Tyers in 1925. He married Fanny Burgess Patrick, and they had children Minnie Alice Patrick, Alf Charles Patrick, Ruby May Patrick, Amy Louisa Patrick, and David Josh Patrick. Norman Patrick died at age 87 years old in 1968 in Windsor.
Edwin Patrick of Footscray, City of Maribyrnong County, VIC Australia was born in 1871 in Footscray to Frederick Walter Patrick and Jemima Rogers Patrick. Edwin Patrick has siblings Norman Leslie Patrick, Ernest Francis Ebenezer Patrick, Fanny Kearly Patrick, Winifred Patrick, Emma Mary Ann (Patrick) Tuck, Ann Jemima Patrick, Amy Patrick Tuck, Philip Kearley Patrick, Oscar Charles Patrick, and Walter Charles Frederick Patrick. Family, friend, or fan, this family history biography is for you to remember Edwin Patrick.
Edna May Patrick of Essendon Australia was born in 1916 in Essendon to Ernest Francis Ebenezer Patrick and Elizabeth Sarah Walker. Family, friend, or fan, this family history biography is for you to remember Edna May Patrick.
Ernest Francis Ebenezer Patrick of Cheltenham, VIC Australia was born in 1884 in St Kilda, Port Phillip City County to Frederick Walter Patrick and Jemima Rogers Patrick. Ernest Patrick had siblings Edwin Patrick, Norman Leslie Patrick, Fanny Kearly Patrick, Winifred Patrick, Emma Mary Ann (Patrick) Tuck, Ann Jemima Patrick, Amy Patrick Tuck, Philip Kearley Patrick, Oscar Charles Patrick, and Walter Charles Frederick Patrick. He married Elizabeth Sarah Walker in 1911. They had a child Edna May Patrick. He married Elsie Agnes Jamieson in 1941. Ernest Patrick died at age 72 years old in 1956 in Cheltenham.
Winifred Patrick of Melbourne, VIC Australia was born in 1879 in Melbourne to Frederick Walter Patrick and Jemima Rogers Patrick. She had siblings Edwin Patrick, Norman Leslie Patrick, Ernest Francis Ebenezer Patrick, Fanny Kearly Patrick, Emma Mary Ann (Patrick) Tuck, Ann Jemima Patrick, Amy Patrick Tuck, Philip Kearley Patrick, Oscar Charles Patrick, and Walter Charles Frederick Patrick. Winifred Patrick died at age 1 year old in 1880 in Melbourne.
Ann Jemima (Patrick) Muir of Ivanhoe, City of Banyule County, VIC Australia was born in 1883 in Melbourne to Frederick Walter Patrick and Jemima Rogers Patrick. She had siblings Edwin Patrick, Norman Leslie Patrick, Ernest Francis Ebenezer Patrick, Fanny Kearly Patrick, Winifred Patrick, Emma Mary Ann (Patrick) Tuck, Amy Patrick Tuck, Philip Kearley Patrick, Oscar Charles Patrick, and Walter Charles Frederick Patrick. Ann Muir died at age 63 years old in 1946 in Ivanhoe.
Emma Mary Ann (Patrick) Tuck of South Yarra, VIC Australia was born in 1868 in South Melbourne, Port Phillip City County, and died at age 33 years old in 1901 in South Yarra.
Philip Kearley Patrick of Rural City of Wangaratta, Wangaratta Rural City County, VIC Australia was born in 1876 in South Yarra, and died at age 84 years old in 1960 in Rural City of Wangaratta.
Amy (Patrick) Tuck of Malvern, City of Stonnington County, VIC Australia was born in 1875 in Richmond, City of Yarra County to Frederick Walter Patrick and Jemima Rogers Patrick. She had siblings Edwin Patrick, Norman Leslie Patrick, Ernest Francis Ebenezer Patrick, Fanny Kearly Patrick, Winifred Patrick, Emma Mary Ann (Patrick) Tuck, Ann Jemima Patrick, Philip Kearley Patrick, Oscar Charles Patrick, and Walter Charles Frederick Patrick. Amy Tuck died at age 78 years old in 1953 in Malvern, City of Stonnington County.
Jessie (Thomson) Patrick of Malvern Australia, was married to Oscar Charles Patrick in 1907, and has children Roy Edwin Patrick, Doris Maie Patrick, and Frank Leonard Patrick. Family, friend, or fan, this family history biography is for you to remember Jessie Thomson Patrick.
Oscar Charles Patrick of Elsternwick, City of Glen Eira County, VIC Australia was born in 1878 in Melbourne to Frederick Walter Patrick and Jemima Rogers Patrick. He had siblings Edwin Patrick, Norman Leslie Patrick, Ernest Francis Ebenezer Patrick, Fanny Kearly Patrick, Winifred Patrick, Emma Mary Ann (Patrick) Tuck, Ann Jemima Patrick, Amy Patrick Tuck, Philip Kearley Patrick, and Walter Charles Frederick Patrick. He married Jessie Thomson Patrick in 1907, and had children Roy Edwin Patrick, Doris Maie Patrick, and Frank Leonard Patrick. Oscar Patrick died at age 82 years old in 1960 in Elsternwick.
Frederick Thomas Patrick of Thornbury, City of Darebin County, VIC Australia was born on April 9, 1901 in Richmond, City of Yarra County to Amelia Shugg Patrick and Walter Charles Frederick Patrick. He had a sister Lillian Amy Patrick. He married Doris Hilda Baker in 1923, and died at age 72 years old on November 28, 1973 in Thornbury, City of Darebin County. Frederick Patrick was buried at Cologne Southern Cemetery Xiv. F. 19. in Germany.

Popular Patrick Biographies

Ouyanto K Patrick
Ouyanto Patrick was born on March 4, 1972 to mother Yvonne. He had a sister named Keesha.
Berla Wright
Berla (Patrick) Wright of Plymouth, Washington County, NC was born on August 15, 1929, and died at age 79 years old on August 11, 2009 at Washington County Hospital 958 U.S. 64, in Plymouth.
Janet (Duckie) Patrick of Clifton Hill Australia. Family, friend, or fan, this family history biography is for you to remember Janet Duckie Patrick .
Family, friend, or fan, this family history biography is for you to remember Wm Patrick.
Anna Patrick was in a relationship with Dave Stanback, and has children Katrice Stanback, Anna Stanback, Latonya Patrick, and Earlina Patrick. Family, friend, or fan, this family history biography is for you to remember Anna Patrick .
Anthony J Patrick of Poughkeepsie, Dutchess County, NY was born on October 21, 1947, and died at age 62 years old on December 25, 2009.
Scott Glen Patrick was born on July 5, 1953 in Bozeman, Gallatin County, Montana United States. Family, friend, or fan, this family history biography is for you to remember Scott Glen Patrick.
Priscilla (Burnett) Patrick was in a relationship with JC Eugene Nichols, and had a child Windy Annette (Nichols) Lanzl. Priscilla Patrick died on July 7, 2017 in Jasper, Jasper County, Texas United States. Family, friend, or fan, this family history biography is for you to remember Priscilla (Burnett) Patrick.
Vicky Lynn (Tilton) Patrick was born at California. Family, friend, or fan, this family history biography is for you to remember Vicky Lynn Tilton Patrick.
Joanne S (Patrick) Gallic was born in Nov. Family, friend, or fan, this family history biography is for you to remember Joanne S (Patric.
Robert Patrick of Clifton Hill Australia. Family, friend, or fan, this family history biography is for you to remember Robert Patrick .
Galen Patrick was born to Sylvester Joseph Patrick and NaDyne Newman Patrick, and has siblings Nadyne Evelyn Meyer, Kevin Patrick, Sara Hayward, Kyle Patrick, Amy Patterson, Nancy Patrick, Arlen Patrick, Sandy Cope, Lynn Patrick, Neil Patrick, Pam Fox, and Joel Patrick. Family, friend, or fan, this family history biography is for you to remember Galen Patrick.
Jessie Lee Patrick was in a relationship with Walter Jackson Graham, and has a child Graylen J. Graham. Family, friend, or fan, this family history biography is for you to remember Jessie Lee Patrick .
John William Patrick
John William Patrick was born in January 1850. Family, friend, or fan, this family history biography is for you to remember John William Patrick.
Patricia J (Windhorn) Patrick was born on January 23, 1958 in Covington, Kenton County, Kentucky United States. Family, friend, or fan, this family history biography is for you to remember Patricia J (Windhorn) Patrick.
Sean Curtis Patrick was born on October 6, 1980 in Rio Rancho, Sandoval County, New Mexico United States. Family, friend, or fan, this family history biography is for you to remember Sean Curtis Patrick.
Mack Patrick of Arjay, Bell County, Kentucky was born on September 3, 1903, and died at age 68 years old in November 1971.
Nollie Patrick was born on December 20, 1922, and died at age 67 years old on July 5, 1990. Family, friend, or fan, this family history biography is for you to remember Nollie Patrick.
Alma Leone Patrick was born to Joseph Leone and Julia Vozer Leone, and has siblings Edwin Francis Leone, Joseph Leone, Evelyn Leone Mariskanish, and Nathalie Leone Stupic. Family, friend, or fan, this family history biography is for you to remember Alma Leone Patrick.
Arlen Patrick was born to Sylvester Joseph Patrick and NaDyne Newman Patrick, and has siblings Nadyne Evelyn Meyer, Kevin Patrick, Sara Hayward, Kyle Patrick, Amy Patterson, Nancy Patrick, Galen Patrick, Sandy Cope, Lynn Patrick, Neil Patrick, Pam Fox, and Joel Patrick. Family, friend, or fan, this family history biography is for you to remember Arlen Patrick.

Patrick Death Records & Life Expectancy

The average age of a Patrick family member is 71.0 years old according to our database of 19,378 people with the last name Patrick that have a birth and death date listed.

Life Expectancy

71.0 years

Oldest Patricks

These are the longest-lived members of the Patrick family on AncientFaces.

Lula Patrick of Jackson, Hinds County, Mississippi was born on December 25, 1863, and died at age 112 years old in November 1976.
112 years
Lula Mae Patrick of Marshall, Harrison County, Texas was born on April 7, 1900, and died at age 110 years old on August 10, 2010.
110 years
Matilda Patrick of Caribou, Aroostook County, ME was born on April 29, 1889, and died at age 106 years old on April 16, 1996.
106 years
Jeanie M Patrick of Pembroke, Plymouth County, MA was born on December 28, 1900, and died at age 106 years old on May 4, 2007.
106 years
Lula Patrick of Birmingham, Jefferson County, AL was born on March 20, 1885, and died at age 107 years old on May 10, 1992.
107 years
Doris Madeleine Patrick of California was born on July 8, 1904, and died at age 106 years old on July 23, 2010.
106 years
Amanda Patrick of Brooklyn, Kings County, New York was born on November 28, 1878, and died at age 106 years old in November 1984.
105 years
Annie R Patrick of Virginia Beach, Virginia Beach City County, VA was born on January 2, 1884, and died at age 106 years old in December 1990.
106 years
Anna Patrick of Palmetto, Manatee County, FL was born on November 10, 1902, and died at age 105 years old on January 5, 2008.
105 years
Lizzie R Patrick of Woodbury, Meriwether County, GA was born on October 4, 1904, and died at age 105 years old on August 11, 2010.
105 years
Mary W Patrick of Evanston, Cook County, IL was born on September 12, 1895, and died at age 104 years old on January 15, 2000.
104 years
Lucy Patrick of Flomaton, Escambia County, Alabama was born on September 15, 1877, and died at age 104 years old in February 1982.
104 years

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We are looking for any descendants of William Patrick born 1811 in Kentucky. William married Nancy Edanes in Estill county KY. They had 3 sons named William Harrison Patrick, Samuel Patrick and John William Patrick, they also had daughters. This family seemed to migrate to Missouri. I am a descendant of John William Patrick but we do not know what happened to the other siblings or their descendants. Any info is much appreciated. We have lots of info and pictures to share. Please contact Kim at [contact link] Thanks in advance, Kim
Hi i am looking for some lost family members of my Husband Neil Patrick. His Father Ronald was sent away in the war from london into the countryside, where he was split from his brothers and sisters. We know two Brothers Edward Patrick and Peter Patrick. Ronald now lives in Hungerford Berkshire. One sister we think was a school teacher.Does anyone have these people in their family tree at all? My Husband is Ronalds oldest son and we have two children together Jacob Lee Patrick and Francesca Rae Patrick. We live in Thatcham Berkshire
Please email us if this is you or you know of the above people, we wish to find the lost line. [contact link]

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