Rose Family History & Genealogy
Rose Last Name History & Origin
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Name Origin
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Spellings & Pronunciations
Can be called Ross, as this was the way Scottish pronunciation sounded, when names were being listed.
Nationality & Ethnicity
Scotland. U.K. Originally from Kilravock, where family still live.
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Early Roses
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Rose Family Members
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Name William T Larose
Gender Male
Residence Year 1935
Street Address 24 Briggs
Residence Place Portland, Maine, USA
Occupation Clerk
Spouse Mary R Larose
Publication Title Portland, Maine, City Directory, 1935
Name William T Larose
Gender Male
Residence Year 1934
Street Address 24 Briggs
Residence Place Portland, Maine, USA
Occupation Clerk
Spouse Mary R Larose
Publication Title Portland, Maine, City Directory, 1934
Name William T Larose
Gender Male
Residence Year 1933
Street Address 24 Briggs
Residence Place Portland, Maine, USA
Occupation Clerk
Spouse Mary R Larose
Publication Title Portland, Maine, City Directory, 1933
Name William T Larose
Gender Male
Residence Year 1932
Street Address 24 Briggs
Residence Place Portland, Maine, USA
Occupation Clerk
Spouse Mary R Larose
Publication Title Portland, Maine, City Directory, 1932
Name William T Larose
Residence Year 1930
Street Address 33 Tyng
Residence Place Portland, Maine, USA
Occupation Clerk
Publication Title Portland, Maine, City Directory, 1930
Name William T Larose
Residence Year 1929
Street Address 33 Tyng
Residence Place Portland, Maine, USA
Occupation Clerk
Publication Title Portland, Maine, City Directory, 1929
Name William T Larose
Gender Male
Residence Year 1938
Street Address H 24
Residence Place Portland, Maine, USA
Occupation Clerk
Spouse Mary R Larose
Publication Title Portland, Maine, City Directory, 1938
Name William T Larose
Gender Male
Residence Year 1937
Street Address Briggs
Residence Place Portland, Maine, USA
Occupation Clerk
Spouse Mary R Larose
Publication Title Portland, Maine, City Directory, 1937
Rose Family Tree
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Rose Death Records & Life Expectancy
The average age of a Rose family member is 73.0 years old according to our database of 54,064 people with the last name Rose that have a birth and death date listed.
Life Expectancy
Oldest Roses
These are the longest-lived members of the Rose family on AncientFaces.
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I’m looking for information about my father Jerry Walter Rose, born in Blandville KY in 1931 died in Paducah KY 2004. I don’t know any family members from my fathers side. His wife is Delores Jean Rose. My mother is Mary Alice Rose. I know my father had a brother named William Rose as well as a sister. I would love any info about my father.
Julie Rose