Saunders Family History & Genealogy
Saunders Last Name History & Origin
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Name Origin
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Famous People named Saunders
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Early Saunderses
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Saunders Family Members
Saunders Family Photos
Discover Saunders family photos shared by the community. These photos contain people and places related to the Saunders last name.
People in photo include: David Wayde Saunders and Monique Suzanne Timika
People in photo include: Ruth Dysinger, Fern Wheeler, Dan Crook, Marguerite Saunders, Evelyn Bennett, Ray Guer, Mary Jane Smouse, and Martha Arnold
People in photo include: Clara (Williams) Saunders and Dora Williams
People in photo include: Francis Synott and Dora (Saunders) Synott
The boys were taking a break while on their way to Alvin Callender Field in July 1955. The track was south of New Orleans and Bob drove Warren Layne's Alfa Romeo Special to second overall behind Bill Wilson's C-type Jaguar.
PHOTO: Bob Schroeder Collection
FROM: Sports Car Racing in the South
People in photo include: Bob Schroeder and Jim Saunders
People in photo include: Frances Saunders
Saunders Family Tree
Discover the most common names, oldest records and life expectancy of people with the last name Saunders.
Updated Saunders Biographies
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Saunders Death Records & Life Expectancy
The average age of a Saunders family member is 72.0 years old according to our database of 26,524 people with the last name Saunders that have a birth and death date listed.
Life Expectancy
Oldest Saunderses
These are the longest-lived members of the Saunders family on AncientFaces.
Other Saunders Records
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