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Drake and Josh, ICarly and victorious
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Schneiders had come in the 1700s to Pa. from HEIDELBURG Germany. They were a family noted for fine education and public service.
My own father was born 1890 in Wrentham, Massachusetts. His mother was Annie Schneider who married my grandfather William Leonard Wade of Granville Nova Scotia. On the wall of my fathers large home office was a fine photograph of Reverend William Henry Schneider, born 1812, educated at ings College and became the noted anglican minister at the st. James Church of Mahone bay. I believe he died in 1887.
This photgraph is unusually excellent as it must have been takne by a real professional, and shows William Henry Schneider in his flowing robes and with a face fully bearded in what was known as "mutton chop" beard. A full story of his life was only in recent years published by a Canadian whose name escapes me this morning. I bought this fine book and my family often uses it. It was through this minister that I am related to the deWolfe family of Nova Scotia as well as the Freemans of Liverpool Nova Scotia. William Henry Scneiders first wife died quite youn--she was a Van Buskirk. His second wife was Ann Freeman deWolfe.
submiited by Paul deWolfe Wade of Brunswick< Maine--proud of his Nova Scotia heritage.
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