Linden Stroop - Nancy Stroop
People with the last name Stroop are listed below.
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People named Linden Stroop - Nancy Stroop
Browse Collaborative Biographies alphabetically for people with the last name Stroop from Linden Stroop - Nancy Stroop
Linden Stroop (May 15, 1947 - Jul 26, 2002)
Lois Stroop (Feb 6, 1925 - Jul 1987)
Lori Stroop (Aug 27, 1965 - Aug 18, 2011)
Lorin Stroop (Oct 16, 1939 - Jun 25, 2010)
Lucile Stroop (Sep 4, 1899 - Feb 1982)
Lucy Stroop (Apr 17, 1916 - Jul 1994)
Madge Stroop (Born c. 1960)
Maggie Stroop
Margaret Stroop
Margie Lee Stroop (Jul 2, 1922 - Nov 7, 1988)
Marguerit Stroop (Mar 3, 1897 - Jun 12, 1988)
Marie Stroop (Sep 7, 1910 - Jan 22, 2001)
Marilyn Stroop (Sep 9, 1927 - Oct 1986)
Marion Stroop (Jul 27, 1921 - Aug 8, 2003)
Marjorie Stroop (Aug 16, 1924 - Jan 6, 2007)
Marlene Stroop (Dec 22, 1932 - Mar 15, 2004)
Marshall Stroop (Sep 28, 1911 - May 27, 1996)
Mary Stroop
Matthew Stroop (Jul 15, 1910 - Dec 1975)
Melvin Stroop
Mildred Stroop (Feb 11, 1921 - Feb 15, 2004)
Nancy Stroop (Sep 6, 1929 - Mar 25, 2003)
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