
1909 Unemployment in New York

Updated Mar 25, 2024 moment please loading spinner
1909 Unemployment in New York
This photo shows a group of unemployed men in New York on May 31st 1909 holding signs calling for the unemployed to rally together. A few of the signs read "The right to work shall be guaranteed to all citizens regardless of creed, color or sex" and "Fall in line make way for brotherhood establish justice".
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This account is shared by Community Support (Kathy Pinna & Daniel Pinna & Lizzie Kunde) so we can quickly answer any questions you might have. Please reach out and message us here if you have any questions, feedback, requests to merge biographies, or just want to say hi!
2020 marks 20 years since the inception of AncientFaces. We are the same team who began this community so long ago. Over the years it feels, at least to us, that our family has expanded to include so many. Thank you!
Daniel Pinna
I want to build a place where my son can meet his great-grandparents. My grandmother Marian Joyce (Benning) Kroetch always wanted to meet her great-grandchildren, but she died just a handful of years before my son's birth. So while she didn't have the opportunity to meet him, at least he will be able to know her. For more information about what we're building see About AncientFaces. For information on the folks who build and support the community see Daniel - Founder & Creator.
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