
Kukla Family, Wisconsin 1942

Updated Mar 25, 2024 moment please loading spinner
Kukla Family, Wisconsin 1942
Walter Kukla, Clara Schultz, Otto, Bertha and Gottlieb Kukla, Della Schoepske, William Kukla, and Lydia Loehrke.
People in photo include: Clara Schultz, Otto Kukla, Bertha Kukla, Della Schoepske, William Kukla, and Lydia Loehrke
Date & Place: in Milwaukee, Milwaukee County, Wisconsin United States
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Gottlieb Kukla was born on August 9, 1870 in Hansdorf, Kreis Rosenberg County West Prussia. He was in a relationship with Bertha (Berkowski) Kukla, and had children Della Kukla and Walter Kukla. Gottlieb Kukla died at age 82 years old in March 1953 in Milwaukee,, Wisconsin USA.
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Walter Kukla
Wally worked at a seasonal job for te Monarch Clothing Co., in Milwaukee, Wisconsin prior to World War II and enlisted in the Army before the United States entered the war. He became a Master Sergeant in the Medical Corp and spent most of the war at the Army Hospital at Chanute Field in Rantool Illinois then being transferred to Germany. After the war he was employed by the Milwaukee Journal, married Evelyn Bandt and had one child who died at college age in an auto accident. They moved to California and, some years later, they were shot in the Emeryville Holiday Inn by a deranged man. Lynn G Schoepske Nephew
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