Norwegian TV show - Betzy's story
She died alone. Only now comes Betzy's secret for a day
Betzy Dahl was seen as an urban original in her hometown of Harstad. No one could imagine what an exciting international life she had lived, or what great grief she bore alone when she returned home.
Pastor Odd Willy Johansen will never forget the funeral of 92-year-old Betzy Dahl in Harstad in 2014. "I struggled a lot to hold back the tears throughout the funeral", he says host Tarjei Strøm in the series Unknown heir, which is shown on NRK1, and which can be seen in NRK's ​​online player.
The priest remembers it as one of the funerals that has touched him most throughout his career.
City original Betzy Dahl lived in a nursing home and was alone when she died. No relatives sat by her side. What has she been thinking lately? And who did she let her mind go to?
Every year, between ten and twenty Norwegians die without having written a will and without having obvious heirs in close family. If ten years pass without anyone claiming the inheritance, the values ​​will go to the state. In the NRK program Ukjent arving, which premiered on 5 November, host Tarjei Strøm solves Norwegian heritage mysteries from reality.
In the episode Beauty Lady's Secret, which is shown on NRK tonight, an incredible story is unfolded about a woman who broke barriers throughout her life. As an older woman, she went by the names "Gale Betzy" or "Miss Paris" among people in Harstad.
She was always interested in looking good with elegant clothes, bright red lipstick and thick, wavy hair. At the same time, she isolated herself from people and no one really knew her. She never told anyone what she had experienced through her life.
Like a movie star
A distant relative, tracked down by NRK, remembers that Betzy looked like a movie star as a young woman. Betzy was glamorous and world-famous and left Harstad already as a teenager towards the end of World War II.
It should turn out that she received an education, and that she lived and worked in several countries. The tracks go to the artist district Montparnasse in Paris in the 60s and Copenhagen in the 50s.
Not until the 70s does Betzy move back home to Harstad for good.
But back home in Harstad, Betzy is starting to look different. It seems to the family that she is starting to get mentally ill. She isolates herself. Could the reason be that an old love has passed away? Or was it something that went even deeper? As time goes on, she is unable to take care of herself and is admitted to a psychiatric hospital.
With the help of the National Archives in Copenhagen, NRK also comes across unexpected information. Betzy has a closer family than anyone could have imagined: In the 50's she gave birth to a daughter who was adopted in Copenhagen. Who is the father? Where is the daughter today? Does she know about Betzy? Host Tarjei Strøm has to pick up a nerve-wracking phone. Will Betzy's adopted daughter meet him? You'll get the answer to that in tonight's episode.
Betzy did not leave much money behind.