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Herta (Tate) Caraway 1962 - 1991

Herta (Tate) Caraway of Colorado Springs, El Paso County, CO was born on January 10, 1962. She was married to Peter Ray Caraway, and they were together until Herta's death on March 17, 1991. Herta Caraway had a child Rudy Tate.
Herta (Tate) Caraway
Colorado Springs, El Paso County, CO 80915
January 10, 1962
March 17, 1991
Colorado Springs, El Paso County, Colorado, United States
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Herta (Tate) Caraway's History: 1962 - 1991

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  • Introduction

    Herta Tate was born to Earl Tate, who was born in Mississippi in 1929 and passed away in 2022. Unfortunately, Herta died at the age of 29 due to the actions of her estranged husband, Peter Ray Caraway, who was 40 years old at the time. Peter was convicted of stabbing Herta to death. Their relationship had only lasted for 2 years, with approximately 1 and a half years of marriage. Peter had a long history of mental illness and a criminal record, and was sentenced to 48 years in prison for second-degree murder and a crime of violence. Fortunately, Herta's 9-month-old baby boy was with her parents at the time of the murder, but it is unknown who the father of the child is. Herta's murder was featured on an episode of "Homicide Hunter" in 2015 and is periodically shown on the Investigation Discovery (ID) television channel. The Caraway case included troubling system interventions prior to Herta's murder, as Peter had an extensive criminal history and had attempted suicide twice. He had also been involved in domestic violence incidents in past relationships. His first wife had him arrested in Washington State for domestic assault, and she was also a chronic schizophrenic. Additionally, a woman he had dated and had sex with reported a brutal incident involving him. They had gone out together and drank heavily, and she had passed out while fully clothed in his home. The next morning, she noticed marks on her breasts and arms that looked like injection sites, and her breasts were extremely sore. Two years later, doctors discovered seven needles in her left breast and one in her right breast. She reported the incident to the police, but the officer told her that the statute of limitations had expired and there was nothing she could do. For an official account of Herta's murder and the circumstances surrounding it, please refer to the Offical report about Herta's murder at Offical report about Herta's murder:.
  • 01/10


    January 10, 1962
  • Ethnicity & Family History

    Herta was Caucasian. Her father was born in Mississippi.
  • Nationality & Locations

    Herta's only known residence was in Colorado Springs, Colorado.
  • Military Service

    Herta never served in the United States military.
  • Personal Life & Family

    Herta married Peter Ray Caraway, who later murdered her. She had an infant son who was supposedly not fathered by Peter. She suffered from mental problems, as did Peter.
  • 03/17


    March 17, 1991
    Death date
    Homicide - stabbed
    Cause of death
    Colorado Springs, El Paso County, Colorado United States
    Death location
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Offical report about Herta's murder:
This is an excerpt from 21st Century Solutions Inc. (a consulting on Crime & Public Policy company) report titled "Murder on the Front Range: Domestic Violence-Related Deaths in Colorado Springs":

Herta Caraway and Peter Caraway were both diagnosed as schizophrenics and met during a stay in the state hospital. They had been married, over their relatives’ objections, for approximately one and half years. Herta was said to have “pressured” Peter into marrying her. Herta had a young son and would not leave him alone with Peter. Peter was said to have been jealous of the time she spent with her son and had made comments about wanting to hurt him. The child then stayed with Herta’s mother.

Peter was said to be like many chronic paranoid schizophrenics who did not regularly take their medication. Herta was an “undifferentiated” schizophrenic and was taking anti-depressants. Herta asked Peter to move out two months prior to the murder and he briefly moved into a hotel room, moved back into their residence, and then rented his own apartment. Herta never talked about Peter or the marriage and never said that she was afraid of Peter.

On the day of the incident, he received the divorce decree and went to talk to Herta about it. He stated that he had wanted to make love. The residence showed no signs of forced entry. The murder was brutal - he stabbed her over 100 times with two different knives and a pair of cuticle scissors. He also cut off her right breast.

The next morning he went to his mother’s house looking upset and showing a cut on his finger. He showed his mother the divorce decree and stated “I killed Herta.” Peter also stated that Herta had “made a fool out of him one too many times” and that she had other men and that made him jealous. Finally, he added “if I ever went back to jail, I’d kill myself.” She assumed when he left he was going to kill himself, as he had tried on two previous occasions. She reported the incident to the police. He was found on a bus to Texas heading for his brother’s house. On the ride back to Colorado Springs, Peter stated that he was jealous over the money she (Herta) was spending on her nine-month old son. He said she had given him a flat lip and “as far as I know, she was trying to kill me.” When asked if he had done it, he stated, “I didn’t. I took her apart."
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Herta Tate's Family Tree & Friends

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Peter Ray Caraway


Herta (Tate) Caraway

Herta's Death
Cause of Separation
March 17, 1991
Herta's death date

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