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Joe Saar 1925 - 2019

Joseph Norman Saar of Wellsboro, Pennsylvania United States was born on May 17, 1925 in Bastress to Marvin Saar and Margaret Saar. He had siblings Edward C. Saar, Sr. and Richard J. Saar. Joseph Saar died at age 94 years old on July 29, 2019 in Wellsboro.
Joseph Norman Saar
Wellsboro, Pennsylvania 16901, United States
May 17, 1925
Bastress, Pennsylvania, 17702, United States
July 29, 2019
Wellsboro, Pennsylvania, 16901, United States
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Joseph Norman Saar's History: 1925 - 2019

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  • Introduction

    Joe was a loving brother, brother-in-law, uncle, great-uncle, and great-great-uncle. A United States Navy veteran, he served aboard the USS Conklin (DE-439), helping to escort merchant ships carrying goods and troops to the front lines in Europe and Pearl Harbor. After he retired from the Navy, he took up residence in Corning, NY and became a school bus driver. After his retirement from driving school busses, he enjoyed spending time with his niece, nephews, great-niece, and great-nephews. He never really knew his great-great-nieces and great-great-nephews, but he loved his nieces and nephews as if they were his own children. He was born on May 17, 1925 in Bastress to Marvin and Margaret (Frederick) Saar and preceded in death by his niece Linda Saar, his brothers Edward, and Richard (Edith), sisters Eleanor, Arlene (Keith), and Emma, brother-in-law James A. Anonie, Sr., and nephew James A. Anonie, Jr. Joe passed away on July 29, 2019 at The Green Home aged 94 years, and his mortal remains were interred with full military honors next to those of his beloved brother Edward in Oval Cemetery. His great-nephews and great-niece, as well as his nephews, will carry on his legacy well into the future and tell his story of bravery, courage, and selflessness. Of his will to serve his nation in its time of conflict in Pearl Harbor and overseas in Europe and Asia. He is forever in the hearts of those whose lives he touched.
  • 05/17


    May 17, 1925
    Bastress, Pennsylvania 17702, United States
  • Ethnicity & Family History

    Joseph was Caucasian and his whole family came from Bastress, PA.
  • Nationality & Locations

    Joseph was a citizen of the United States, specifically Pennsylvania, and for the longest time, his residence was in Lawrenceville, PA until he relocated to The Green Home, where he passed away.
  • Religious Beliefs

    Joseph was Christian and attended the Spaghetti dinners at his nearest church while able.
  • Military Service

    Joseph and his brother Edward were veterans. Joseph served in the Navy while his brother Edward served in the Army. Both served in World War II.
  • Professional Career

    United States Navy (WWII) and school bus driver (post-military for Corning, NY). Never had any children.
  • 07/29


    July 29, 2019
    Death date
    Cause of death
    Wellsboro, Pennsylvania 16901, United States
    Death location
  • Obituary

    Joseph Norman Saar, 94, of Wellsboro, entered eternal life on July 29, 2019. Surviving are many nieces, nephews, great-nieces, and great-grandchildren. A veteran of the United States Navy, Joe devoted his life to serving his country during World War II, driving a school bus in Corning, NY after his military retirement, and raising his nieces and nephews as if they were his own. Having no children of his own, Joe treated his nieces and nephews like he would if they were his children. Finally, after his many years as a school bus driver, he was laid to rest beside his beloved brother Edward in Oval Cemetery with full military honors provided by the Jersey Shore Honor Guard. Joe is in the hearts of those whose lives he touched during his 94 years.
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