A photo of Otto Frank Miller

Otto Frank Miller c. 1905 - 1926

Otto Frank Miller of Old Woodville, Marshall County, Oklahoma United States was born circa May 29, 1905 in Kentucky Town, Grayson County, TX to James William Miller and L. Cordelia (Hensley) Miller. He had siblings Thelma Irene Miller, Hugh L. Miller, and Elinor Miller. Otto Miller died at age 20 years old on April 7, 1926 in Old Woodville, Marshall County, OK, and was buried on April 13, 1926 at Cannon Cemetery in Van Alstyne, TX.
Otto Frank Miller
Old Woodville, Marshall County, Oklahoma 73439, United States
circa May 29, 1905
Kentucky Town, Grayson County, Texas, United States
April 7, 1926
Old Woodville, Marshall County, Oklahoma, 73439, United States
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Otto Frank Miller's History: circa 1905 - circa 1926

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  • 05/29


    circa May 29, 1905
    Kentucky Town, Grayson County, Texas United States
  • Ethnicity & Family History

  • Nationality & Locations

  • Early Life & Education

    Numerous one room school houses in, Cannon, Whitewright, Van Alstyne, Tom Bean and Kentucky Town, Texas.
  • Religious Beliefs

  • Military Service

    Ft. Sill in 1925
  • Professional Career

    farmer, laborer, service station operator,
  • Personal Life & Family

    Boy Scouts
  • 04/7


    April 7, 1926
    Death date
    Cause of death
    Old Woodville, Marshall County, Oklahoma 73439, United States
    Death location
  • 04/13

    Gravesite & Burial

    April 13, 1926
    Funeral date
    Cannon Cemetery in Van Alstyne, Texas 75495, United States
    Burial location
  • Obituary

    His obituary from The Van Alstyne Leader April 15, 1926 Funeral Services were held at Cannon for Frank Miller, 20, former resident of this community, who was killed at his home near Durant, Oklahoma on April 9th. Reports from Durant state that young Miller was shot when he went to the door of his home on the night of the killing to ascertain the cause of a noise heard by him. A man living in the community in which Miller has resided has been charged with the killing. The funeral services were conducted by Rev. Cleo Chumley of Kentucky Town and Rev. Alvia Henderson of Pilot Grove, and were attended by many friends of all sections of this community. Interment was had at the Cannon Cemetery. Pallbearers, all cousins, of the deceased, were as follows: Haskell McCarley, Olin Alexander, Autrey Dickens, Lee Burk, Bill Miller. Young Miller formerly lived in this community and was well known to many of the people here, by whom he was highly esteemed. He was a nephew of Beecher Miller of Van Alstyne. Surviving are his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Miller, two sisters, one brother, a number of relatives, all of whom have the sympathy of all of their friends in their bereavement.
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15 Memories, Stories & Photos about Otto

Otto Frank Miller, 1926
Otto Frank Miller, 1926
A photo of Otto Frank Miller, "Frank", at the Red River Carnival. One of two of a series of last photos taken before he was murdered by Albert E. Lary. Edit--Ok. Wow. I didn't think this photo would get any likes or comments. You people surprised me. Frank is my Great Grand Uncle. His brother, Hugh is my Great Grandfather. To answer the questions, this is one of those carnival photos. He was a mechanic in real life. Mr. Lary was arrested and spent a few years in jail. There was a trial. I've seen Lary's testimony on Justia website (Lary vs. state of Oklahoma). The girlfriend took her father's side on the stand. Friends of the girl took Frank's side. Trial records can be found at the Marshal County Courthouse in Oklahoma. I cannot comment on the Lary family or tell my opinions on Albert and the trial. Sorry.
Date & Place: in Oklahoma United States
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wonder what caused him to get murdered,back in those days it was a free for all
He was killed by his girlfriend's dad.
Baby Franklin Miller-1905
Baby Franklin Miller-1905
A photo of Otto Franklin Miller - Back when baby boys wore dresses.
Date & Place: in Van Alstyne, Grayson County, Texas 75495, United States
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Otto Frank Miller
Otto Frank Miller
A photo of Otto Frank Miller
Date & Place: Not specified or unknown.
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Otto Frank Miller
Otto Frank Miller
A photo of Otto Frank Miller
Date & Place: Not specified or unknown.
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Did he knock that girl up? Or, was that just a rumor?
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Otto was murdered by, Albert E. Lary of, Woodville, Okla. The man was sentenced to 25 years but only served 5.
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