A photo of Ted B Braden

Ted B Braden 1928 - 2007

Ted Burdette Braden Jr. of Stroudsburg, Monroe County, PA was born on September 24, 1928 in Toledo, Lucas County, Ohio United States, and died at age 78 years old on June 21, 2007.
Ted Burdette Braden Jr.
Ted Burdette Braden Jr
Stroudsburg, Monroe County, PA 18360
September 24, 1928
Toledo, Lucas County, Ohio, United States
June 21, 2007
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Ted Burdette Braden Jr.'s History: 1928 - 2007

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  • Introduction

    Ted Burdette Braden Jr.'s mother was Mary Helen (Decker) Dearbaugh (1909 - 1997) and his father was Ted Burdette Braden Sr. (1907 - 1961). He had a half-brother Clifford Eugene Dearbaugh (1932 - 2014). Ted Braden married Rosalind Lauer Robinson (1926 - 2011) and served his country in the 101st Airborne during World War II, and again in Vietnam. In the 1950 federal census, Ted was 21, married and living in Columbus Georgia. He was a boarder in the house of Cecil and Breta Jones. Also in the household were Ted and Rosalind's 3 children. Ted stated that he was a gambler in the entertainment industry. A newspaper article from about that time shows his financial circumstances. See Georgia, Muscogee County. It is speculated that Ted may have been the infamous "D.B. Cooper". The 2020 book "Paratrooper of Fortune: The Story of Ted B. Braden - Vietnam Commando, CIA Operative, Congo Mercenary, and just maybe D.B. Cooper" provides an intriguing case. See Paratrooper of Fortune: The Story of Ted B. Braden" for a review and synopsis of the book. A 2012 article from The Mountain News in the Washington State also listed several people who were suspected of being D.B. Cooper, one of whom was Ted Braden Jr.. See Suspects in the DB Cooper skyjacking – sketches, pictures and comparisons for more details. This theory that Ted Braden was the notorious hijacker "D.B. Cooper" continues today. There are plenty of suspicions, but little proof. To see the most recent December 2022 article about Ted, go to WHY TED BRADEN KEEPS COMING UP AS A SUSPECTED D.B. COOPER .
  • 09/24


    September 24, 1928
    Toledo, Lucas County, Ohio United States
  • Ethnicity & Family History

    Ted was caucasian.
  • Nationality & Locations

    Ted was born in Toledo Ohio in 1928. He joined the Army at age 15 as a member of the 101st Airborne and fought at the Battle of The Bulge in WWII.
  • Military Service

    Ted Braden Jr. served his country in the 101st airborne in World War 2, and again served in Vietnam. He was well known for his sky diving skills and even performed for civilians. See Mid Georgians To See Exhibition By Sky Divers. While in Vietnam it is speculated that he briefly deserted the military to find work as a mercenary in the Congo, and was later arrested and returned home. However, Ted was ultimately honorably discharged from service.
  • Personal Life & Family

    Ted was an Army Veteran serving with the 101st Airborne during World War II. In 1965-1966, Ted was a member of the elite Vietnam Special Forces unit MACVSOG as a Recon Team Leader.
  • 06/21


    June 21, 2007
    Death date
    Cause of death
    Death location
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10 Memories, Stories & Photos about Ted

Ted B. Braden - Vietnam - 1966
Ted B. Braden - Vietnam - 1966
Ted B. Braden - Vietnam - 1966. Ted is already dreaming of hijacking a Boeing 727 and jumping the Aft. stairs.
Date & Place: Not specified or unknown.
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Ted B Braden
Ted B Braden
Photo of Ted labelled "Vietnam 1966"
Date & Place: Not specified or unknown.
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Mid Georgians To See Exhibition By Sky Divers
Mid Georgians To See Exhibition By Sky Divers
The following appeared in The Macon News on Friday May 20th 1960 on page 8.

Robins Air Force Base - The famed Army paratroopers from Ft. Campbell, Ky., will be the feature attraction of Armed Forces Day Open House here Saturday.

One of the three sky divers is a Ft. Valley native, Sgt. Frist Class Alva J. English. He is a member of the 101st Airborne Division and the Parachute Club of America, a nationwide organization devoted to parachuting as a sport.

His parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. M. English, watched their son make a parachute jump for the first time at last year's Open House observance. Sgt. English, a 12-year paratroop veteran, now has over 300 jumps to his credit.

Other members of the Ft. Campbell Sport Parachute Club to jump Saturday are SFC Robert R. Wightman and Sgt. Ted B. Braden.

There are now more than 10 military clubs engaged in sport parachuting, or sky diving, the Army's newest sport. Sky diving is body control during free fall, during which the jumper reaches a speed of 120 miles per hour. By means of exact co-ordination, the diver can manipulate his body into patterns such as the figure eight. After his steerable parachute opens, the sky diver guides himself toward a ground target.
Date & Place: in Macon, Bibb County, Georgia United States
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Ted B Braden
Ted B Braden
A photo taken of Ted Braden when he was a child.
Date & Place: Not specified or unknown.
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Georgia, Muscogee County
The following appeared in The Columbus Ledger on January 17th 1950 on page 17:

There will be sold at public outcry to the highest and best bidder for cash before the Court House door of Muscogee County between the legal hours of sale. on the first Tuesday in February, 1950, the following property to-wit:

One 1946 Club Coupe Mercury automobile, Motor No 96A1318394 Said property was found in possession of Hardaway Motor Co. and levied on as the property of Ted B. Braden Jr. to satisfy a foreclosure on conditional bill of sale against him in favor of Federal Services Finance Corporation from the Superior Court of Muscogee County, Ga.

This the 30th day of December, 1949. E. F. Howell, Sheriff, Muscogee Co., Georgia January 16, 17, 24, 31, 1950.
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Staff Sergeant Ted B. Braden
Staff Sergeant Ted B. Braden
The following appeared in The Leaf-Chronicle on Thursday February 6th 1964 on page 18. It reads:

STAFF SERGEANT James F. Fowler Jr., in a free fall at 8,000 feet above Fort Campbell's Yamoto Drop zone, calls to his teammate, Staff Sergeant Ted B. Braden: "Hey, Ted - you forgot to brush your teeth. And this is National Dental Health Week! Cut over this way - I'm bringing your toothbrush.
Date & Place: in Fort Campbell, Christian County, Kentucky United States
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