
Gene Roddenberry

Updated Mar 25, 2024 moment please loading spinner
Gene Roddenberry
A photo of Gene Roddenberry taken in 1976 at the Palmdale manufacturing facilities when the Space Shuttle Enterprise was being rolled out.
Date & Place: in Palmdale, Los Angeles County, California United States
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Gene Wesley Roddenberry
Gene Wesley Roddenberry, widely known as Gene Roddenberry, was an American television screenwriter, producer, and visionary creator of the iconic science fiction franchise "Star Trek." Born on August 19, 1921, in El Paso, Texas, Roddenberry embarked on a multifaceted career that revolutionized the science fiction genre and left an indelible mark on popular culture. He is likely best remembered as the producer and creator of the original Star Trek television series, and its first spin-off 'The Next Generation'.
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