A photo of Harry Barnett, Lone Star Inn, Nettleton, Ar. Harry D. Barnett was born 27 Jan 1908 in McLeansboro, Il. He died 23 Oct 1962 in Toledo, Ohio. He married Laura P. Wrenn March 1928. They had two children: Connie Sue, and Ila J.
Date & Place:
at Nettleton in Craighead, Arkansas USA
This is a really awesome photo and look at all that stuff that is frozen in time to see the kind of stuff they sold. Now some of that stuff is so rare to find anymore these days unless it is the American Pickers that we see on HGTV channel and they would come across this stuff every now and then.
Yes. My mom, brother and I worked very, very hard on her step dad's and step aunt's and uncle's farms in the 1950's to help us make it through. When I was in my 40's, an acquaintense and I were discussing our childhood. She asked, didn't I hate working that hard. It took me off guard for a second, then I replied. No, I didn't mind. And . . . no - - no one told us we were working hard. Our whole family lived that way, so did the people we knew. It was a given fact and it was what we did and no one complained. She gave me a look that plainly said that she didn't understand.
I think the emphasis these days is "working smarter, not harder"
I think there's a place for that, but to me, there is such a sense of well-being knowing that something was accomplished by hard physical work. My family, like yours, worked hard and worked together. I wouldn't have changed that at all.
He looks like a "Texaco" filling station attendant! All American! I too love the goodies in the background. When I was a kid, my older brother and I walked over a mile to a confectionery store to get a cold soda. I loved plunging my arm into the icy water to find an orange soda or grape Nehi. Mom and Pop stores were kid friendly. I used to buy penny candy with my allowance and I can't imagine how the lady behind the counter put up with my many changes of mind - all for a dime.
Diane, we went to the same confectionery store...it had everything a kid would want. A nickel went a long way there. We called it "Larry's" but I don't know if that was the actual name. It was off of Gravois near SHF grade school and next to your friends house (Bunny). We would cut through their backyard during recess to get to Larry's. Great childhood memories.
1930's may have been tough but I'd rather have grown up in that era than the one's we are in now. Simple life, simple pleasures, proud to have a job, worked hard for minimum pay. This pic brings back memories of a better time. Thanks for posting.
My son found a box of really old Pictures, (Anahuac TX) most have no names or info other than photographer and photo address. Most in pros tween condition but they date back to the early 1900's. Any idea how to find kin folks to these pics? I'm sure someone would love a pic of their mom or dad or grands as babies?
Harry Barnett was born on January 27, 1908 in McLeansboro, Illinois United States, and died at age 54 years old on October 23, 1962 in Toledo, OH. Family, friend, or fan, this family history biography is for you to remember Harry Barnett.
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