
Jason Monsell

Updated Jan 21, 2025 moment please loading spinner
Jason Monsell
Jason Monsell charged only two days after mother is buried.

Although authorities maintain he didn't point and shoot, Jason Monsell was indicted Thursday on a charge of murdering his father, James Monsell. The grand jury indictment comes two days after the funeral of Monsell's mother, Patricia, who was also facing a charge of murder in connection with the March 20 shooting death of her husband. While out on bail, Patricia Monsell overdosed on pills June 5 and died a few days later at Nuhlenberg Regional Medical Center in Plainfield.

Grand jurors handed up a seven count indictment against Jason Monsell, including conspiracy to commit murder, two counts of possession of a firearm for an unlawful purpose, hindering apprehension, obstructing justice and the newest allegation - false swearing. False swearing, Somerset County Prosecutor Wayne J. Forrest said, was added because Monsell gave authorities sworn statements that later proved to be lies.

Forrest said Jason Monsell won't face the death penalty because the indictment doesn't charge him with actually pulling the trigger. "There's no allegation he's the shooter," Forrest said. "That's never been the allegation." Jason Monsell told police he was power washing the side of his family's Martinsville house to cover the sounds of his mother shooting his father three times in the head and once in the chest.

After getting their alibis straight, mother and son then met up with daughter Jennifer Monsell, 27, at the Bridgewater Commons mall movie theater to watch the film "Taking Lives."

George Thomas, a professor of law at Rutgers University, Newark, said grand jurors did not need to see compelling evidence to hand up the murder indictment. "He (Jason Monsell) didn't have to pull the trigger, but he could have been part of the plan and wanted it to happen," Thomas said. "The standard is probable cause, " Thomas said. "If there's a conspiracy involving two people, and the other person does the crime, then both are equally guilty of murder."

Public defender Johnnie Mask has been assigned to represent Jason Monsell and declined comment Thursday, saying he had not read the indictment. Jason Monsell was arrested May 13 for drug possession after Warren police found him in a car with 99 packets of heroin. During questioning, he told police his mother gave him money to hire a someone to kill James Monsell. Instead, the son used the money to buy illegal drugs.

Jason Monsell was indicted on the drug charges last week and remained in jail Thursday evening, with bail sett at $500,0000.

- The Courier-News (Bridgewater, New Jersey) Friday, June 18 , 2004 on page 17. Written by Anna Bakalis and contribution by the Associated Press.
Date & Place: in New Jersey United States
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Jason Monsell
The son of Patricia Ann Murray (Patricia Monsell) and James Francis Monsell, Jason was arrested on May 13 2004 for possession of 99 packets of heroin and allegedly told authorities his mother tried for several months to have her husband killed. Authorities said Jason Monsell bought the drugs with the money his mother gave him to hire a contract killer. A week after his arrest, Jason was also charged in the murder of his father. He reportedly told authorities his mother said she "couldn't take it any longer" and that "today was the day." Authorities say that Patricia Monsell first tried to get Jason to shoot his father while he was in bed asleep. When he refused, she sent him outside to run a power washer in the front of the house to mask the gun shots and then Patricia shot her husband 4 times in the head and chest. Jason said that he then ransacked the house to make it appear that there was a robbery. He and his mother met his sister at a mall to see the move "Taking Lives" and after they returned home, Patricia reported the death of her husband and the childrens' father. In June of 2004, two days after his mother was buried - she took an overdose of pills -, Jason was arrested and charge with his father's murder and the possession of drugs. See Jason Monsell. Jason was sentenced to 15 years in state prison. He has to serve at least 85 percent of his sentence before he is eligible for parole. His attorney read a statement which read in part: "I want to apologize for all the hurt and pain this tragedy has caused my entire family. . . . I can only ask my family's forgiveness for not doing more to have stopped this. I pray that one day all of them will be able to." His 27 yr old sister, who took up running the family business, was in attendance. His mother had already committed suicide by overdose, 5 days after she had been released on bail for her own charge of murder. See Jason Monsell's statement for Jason's full handwritten statement. Jason pleaded guilty in October of 2005 to: - First-degree conspiracy to commit murder. - Second-degree possession of a firearm. - Third-degree hindering apprehension. - Fourth-degree unlawful possession of a weapon. - Fourth-degree obstruction of justice. -Fourth-degree false swearing. -Third- degree possession of a controlled dangerous substance (heroin) with intent to distribute. - Third-degree possession of a controlled dangerous substance (heroin).
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