
Jay Mack Holbrook 1937 - 2022 Idaho

Updated Mar 25, 2024 moment please loading spinner
Jay Mack Holbrook 1937 - 2022 Idaho

"He taught social theory, demography, sociology, and later, computer science, at several universities before founding Holbrook Research Institute a.k.a. Archive Publishing, which collected, preserved, and published New England town records. He published some 300 titles, with his better-known works including "Massachusetts Vital Records to 1850; Connecticut Colonists; Vermont's First Settlers 1749-1803"; and "New Hampshire Residents 1633-1699". He sold his business to in 2011 and now his work is available online and benefits genealogists and historians worldwide."

His ancestry:

Jay Mack Holbrook 1937 - 2022 Idaho

Lawrence E. Holbrook 1909 - 2008

Jonathan Earl Holbrook 2 February 1888–4 January 1972. He was married to Mamie (Call). Utah - Idaho.

Jonathan Holbrook 27 January 1862–13 July 1938 Utah. He was married to Rosabelle Simons.

Jonathan Holbrook 11 June 1833–19 January 1902 Canada - Utah. He married Millicent (Smith).

Alfred B. Holbrook 1801–1871 New Hampshire - Idaho. He was married to Mary Ann (Leet).

Joseph Holbrook Jr. 30 January 1768–30 August 1867 Connecticut - Canada. He was married to Sally (Huse).

Joseph Holbrook 15 August 1728–29 October 1788 Connecticut - Vermont. He was married to Rachel (Galpin).

Abel Holbrook 1701–21 February 1757 Connecticut. He was married to Tabitha (Wooster).

Abel Holbrook 1653–30 May 1747 New York - Connecticut. He was married to Hannah Merwin.

Richard Holbrook about 1617–29 March 1670 Glastonbury, Somerset, England - Connecticut. His wife was Agnes.
Date & Place: Not specified or unknown.
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Debby Stevens
I'm a Christian, and I'm a daughter of Allan B. Holbrook, now in heaven. My married name is Debby Stevens.
My parents, Allan and Marie, were devout Christians, and had 10 children. They were both school teachers, but Mom quit teaching at public school after marriage. But both Mom and Dad home-schooled us all - starting when I was in 1st grade - that's when they came to the decision to home-school us. Dad earned an income through being an English teacher here in Traverse City, for man years. Dad started some Bible meetings that took place in the homes of friends of ours and in our own. He was the main teacher in it, and it was in a discoursing style - he would talk about spiritual things with the fathers of the families, each time, and all the children of the families would sit and listen to it all.
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