
La norteña; Los sucesos de la huelga; Mi hombre; y Mi...

Updated Mar 25, 2024 moment please loading spinner
La norteña; Los sucesos de la huelga; Mi hombre; y Mi...
Sheet consists of four broadsides (número 2 on lower left and número 1 on lower right; número 4 on upper left and número 3 on upper right) of the penny press "Edición especial." Número 2 has a small masthead illustration of a man and woman sitting next to each other as well as an image of a well-dressed man. The text "The northern woman" conveys in verse the beauty of the eyes of a woman from northern Mexico. In an accompanying text, "The bird seller," a man is reminded of love by a nightingale's song. Número 1, titled "The outcome of the strike," has a small masthead with scroll motif and tells of 30 strikers arrested by the police. Número 3, titled "My man" has a small masthead image of two cherubs in a scroll medallion and conveys, in verse, the fatal love of a woman for her lover. An accompanying text titled "Treacherous woman" conveys, in verse, a man's love for a woman. Número 4 has a small masthead with a cherub or fairy on a winged insect. The text, in verse, consists of two songs: "My sad night" conveys the sadness of a lost love, and "I like your eyes" conveys the charm of someone's beautiful black eyes.
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