
President Taft, 1911 hutchinson, ks

Updated Mar 25, 2024 moment please loading spinner
President Taft, 1911 hutchinson, ks
A photo of President William Howard Taft - his trip to Hutchinson, KS (from the Hutchinson Newspaper) in which he placed a time capsule in the cornerstone of memorial hall.
Date & Place: at memorial hall in hutchinson,, reno County, Kansas USA
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William Howard Taft
William Howard Taft was the 27th President of the United States and the 10th Chief Justice of the Supreme Court. Born on September 15, 1857, in Cincinnati, Ohio, Taft was the son of prominent jurist Alphonso Taft (1810 - 1891) and his wife, Louisa Maria Torrey Taft (1827 - 1907). He was the second of their five children (Samuel, Henry, Horace, and Frances. He also had half siblings Charles and Peter), and his early life was marked by privilege, intellectual curiosity, and high expectations. William Taft married Helen "Nellie" Herron (1861 - 1943) in 1886 and they had children Robert, Helen, and Charles Taft. Taft attended Yale University, where he excelled academically and developed a deep interest in law and politics. After completing his studies, he embarked on a career that would take him from the Superior Court of Cincinnati to the White House and beyond. However, Taft is perhaps best remembered for his contributions to the legal and judicial systems of the United States, including his work to modernize and reform the federal courts and his pivotal role in establishing the Permanent Court of International Justice. William Howard Taft was born to Alphonso Taft (1810 - 1891) and Louisa Maria Torrey (1827 - 1907). He had four siblings, Samuel, Henry, Horace, and Frances. He also had half siblings Charles and Peter.
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