
William McClelland "Mack" YOUNG

Updated Mar 25, 2024 moment please loading spinner
William McClelland "Mack" YOUNG
I have in my possession an old photograph identified as Mack E. M. YOUNG which was taken at the Frank Kirby Studio in Eldora, IA. The photograph appears to have been taken in the 1880's with Mack likely in his 20's at the time it was taken. Based on limited research I was able to gather the following information regarding Mack and his family:

William McClelland or McClellan “Mack” YOUNG was b. 1 Sept 1864 in Sidney, IA to parents John C. YOUNG (b. 1820) and Eliza “Lida” Jane HANDLEY (1826-1886) who were married in Fremont Co., IA on 29 Dec 1862. Mack was one of three children born to this couple including Mary Agnes; William McClellan “Mack”; and Frank Stevens YOUNG, all born between 1863 and 1866. Mack’s mother was married two times previously and had four additional children including, Sarah Caroline; Mary Susan; and John Henry KELLISON, all born between 1845 and 1851, and then had another child, Isabella or Isabelle “Belle” EVANS (1859-1890).

Mack married America ORR (1869-1958) and the couple had two children including Bessie Ann YOUNG BALDWIN (1899-1987) and Floyd McClelland YOUNG (1906-1950). Mack died 24 Dec 1948 in Shenandoah, IA and he is buried in the Rose Hill Cemetery in Shenandoah, IA.

I am hoping to locate someone from this family so that the photograph can be returned to their care. If you are a member of this family or know someone how might be, please contact me.

Date & Place: at Frank Kirby Studio in Eldora, Hardin County, Iowa 50627, United States
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William McClelland "Mack" YOUNG
William McClelland or McClellan “Mack” YOUNG was b. 1 Sept 1864 in Sidney, IA to parents John C. YOUNG (b. 1820) and Eliza “Lida” Jane HANDLEY (1826-1886) who were married in Fremont Co., IA on 29 Dec 1862. Mack was one of three children born to this couple including Mary Agnes; William McClellan “Mack”; and Frank Stevens YOUNG, all born between 1863 and 1866. Mack’s mother was married two times previously and had four additional children including, Sarah Caroline; Mary Susan; and John Henry KELLISON, all born between 1845 and 1851, and then had another child, Isabella or Isabelle “Belle” EVANS (1859-1890). Mack married America ORR (1869-1958) and the couple had two children including Bessie Ann YOUNG BALDWIN (1899-1987) and Floyd McClelland YOUNG (1906-1950). Mack died 24 Dec 1948 in Shenandoah, IA and he is buried in the Rose Hill Cemetery in Shenandoah, IA.
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Shelley Cardiel
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