
Benning Family History & Genealogy

1,397 biographies and 152 photos with the Benning last name. Discover the family history, nationality, origin and common names of Benning family members.

Benning Last Name History & Origin



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Early Bennings

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The Clinton Evening News. Iowa. 4th October 1887. - FOUND DEAD. THE SUDDEN AND UNEXPECTED DEATH OF AN OLD CITIZEN. Mr. William Benning Dies Suddenly Alone in the Hay Loft of His Barn. - Funeral Yesterday Afternoon. A sudden and unexpected death occurred on Sunday morning, the circumstanding which are sad in the extreme. Mr. William Benning, one of the old and well known citizens of Clinton county, residing on his farm one and a half miles north-west of Camanche, came to Clinton on Saturday afternoon to do some trading. Before leaving for home he indulged somewhat in liquor, but not to excess. Reaching his home shortly after dark Mr. Benning went to his barn to sleep, preferring the hay loft to the house. His son went to the barn at about eleven o'clock and insisted upon his father coming to the house. The old gentleman refused to do so, saying he was comfortable and would remain in the barn. At about twelve o'clock the son again went to the barn and made an unsuccessful effort to induce his father to come to the house. At 4 o'clock the son made another visit to the hay loft and was horrified his father cold in death. The young man hastened to the house and notified the family. The nearest neighbors, some half-mile distant, were summoned and the body was removed to the house. Considerable difficulty was experienced in getting the body down from the loft as the deceased was a very large man, weighing some 240 pounds. With the use of ropes and the assistance of several men this was finally accomplished. Mr. Benning was about seventy years of age, and had resided in the county for many years. He leaves a wife and several children, all grown, to mourn his death. The funeral occurred from his residence at two o'clock yesterday afternoon and was quite largely attended.
Wilhelmina Louisa (Beck) Benning was born in 1832 in Germany, and died at age 75 years old in 1907. Wilhelmina Benning was buried at Rose Hill Cemetery in Camanche, Clinton County, Iowa United States. Family, friend, or fan, this family history biography is for you to remember Wilhelmina Louisa (Beck) Benning.
William Joseph  Benning
William Joseph Benning was born to William F. Benning (1826 - 1887) and Wilhelmena Fredericka "Ann" Louisa Beck (1832 - 1907). His father was born IN Marburg, Germany and his mother was born in Erfurt, Germany. He had ten siblings: Louisa, Carl, Marie, Henry, Charles, Frederich, John, Emma, Francis "Frank" and Lillian. William married Immogene Nelson Millard (1850 - 1916) on December 24, 1873 and they had thirteen children: Nelson, Henry, Lois, Cora, Walter, Isaac, Grace, Inas, Arthur, Mabel, Lloyd, George (my grandfather) and Winnifred.
Immogene Nelson (Millard) Benning
Immogene Nelson Millard, a Mayflower descendant, was born to Rev. Horatio Nelson Millard (1833 - 1884) and Jemima Winne (1835 - 1863). Both parents were born in the state of New York. Immogene had fourteen siblings: Mary, George, Catherine, Cora, John, Eva, Albert, Ada, Deloss, Grace, Lois, Martha, Jay, and Jessie. Immogene Millard married William Joseph Benning (1852 - 1930) on December 24th, 1873 in Clinton County, Iowa and they had ten children: Nelson, Henry, Lois, Cora, Walter, Grace, Arthur, Mabel, Lloyd, and George
Charles Garnet Benning of Portaling Australia was born in 1857 to Margaret Benning and Charles Benning. He had siblings Mich Benning, Anetta Maria Benning, Mary Jane Emily Benning, Catherine Fran Benning, Charles Henry Benning, Alice May Benning, John Dominie Benning, Marguretta Martha Benning, Ellen Maud Benning, Thomas Mich Benning, Mich Benning, Hilda Belle Benning, Thomas Michael Benning, Alex Thomas Benning, Laurence Lance Benning, and John Domonic Benning. Charles Benning died at age 67 years old in 1924 in Portaling.
Martha Caroline Benning of Bwick Australia was born in 1863 to Angell Charles Kolle and Martha Mills Kolle. She had siblings Margaret Ann Wall, Rose Augusta Loft, and Emily Jane Kolle. Martha Benning died at age 81 years old in 1944 in Bwick.
Mary Benning of Goliad, Goliad County, Texas was born on June 19, 1869, and died at age 111 years old in March 1981.
Alex Thomas Benning of Creswick Australia was born in 1870, and died at age 80 years old in 1950 in Creswick.
Bernard Benning of Wisconsin was born on September 15, 1871, and died at age 94 years old in December 1965.
Carrie Benning of Arkport, Steuben County, NY was born on January 7, 1873, and died at age 93 years old in June 1966.
Anna Benning of Schenectady, Schenectady County, NY was born on January 13, 1874, and died at age 95 years old in May 1969.
Walter Joseph Benning
Walter Joseph Benning of Denver, Denver County, Colorado United States was born on November 2, 1883 in Boone, Boone County, IA to Immogene Nelson (Millard) Benning and William Joseph Benning. He had siblings Lloyd Harold Benning, Lois Jemima (Benning) Los Kamp, George Benning, Nelson William Benning, Henry Clay Benning, Cora Mary Benning, Mabel Benning, and Grace Benning. Walter Benning died at age 75 years old in 1958 in Denver, Denver County, CO, and was buried at Fairmount Cemetery Rd, in Denver.

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Updated Benning Biographies

Marian Joyce (Benning) Kroetch
Joyce Vandever (as she was known in her later years) was a loving mother of two daughters Kathleen Rae (Kroetch) Pinna & Pam (Kroetch) Marks who she had with Frank Kroetch, and grandma to two grandchildren Daniel J Pinna & Layne. Joyce had a half-sister, Lois (Benning) Ewen, the product of her father's first marriage. She also had a step-brother, Charles Henry Barrett Jr., from her mother's second marriage to Charles Henry 'Heinie' Barrett Sr. She had many friends and relatives in California, Washington state, England and Wales. Her best childhood and lifelong closest friend was Beverly Clarice (Washington) Scoffone in Monte Sereno California. Joyce loved being a grandmother and spent countless weekends with her grandchildren. She lived in the California Hawaiian mobile home park at 3637 Snell Ave in San Jose for many years when it was an adult community. To hear Joyce describe herself see Joyce Vandever In Her Own Words
Eileen Constance (Tasker) Benning
Eileen Constance "Connie" (Tasker) Benning's father was William Tasker (1879 - 1933) and her mother was Mary Ann (Jones) Tasker (1882 - 1956). She had siblings Willie Tasker (1906 - 1932) and Ethel Allen (born 1909). My great-grandmother, or "GG" as I called her, was a strong proper Welsh woman. She outlived each of her 3 husbands and just could not take another spouse dying on her. She worked hard in her later years, moving to Seward Alaska as a nurse (she was in Seward during the great quake on March 27, 1964 and her family didn't know if she had survived for 3 days) and then returned to California's Bay Area, working at a hospital in Redwood City. GG was a proper Welsh woman until the day she died. From her granddaughter Kathy: Grandma was married 3 times - her first husband was our biological grandfather - and between 1946 and 1961, each of her 3 husbands died. Later in life, she told me that she had so much heartbreak during that time that she didn't want to marry again and have another husband die. But as she got older, she was lonely and wished that she had married again. Grandma was an active person and always up for an adventure. In her 50s, she moved to Seward Alaska (on her own, knowing no one) and was there for the big Alaska quake. She was working at Seward Hospital and had a funny story about the quake: When it begin, she stood in the doorway of a patient's room - an elderly man. After they both survived the quake, the elderly patient told everyone who would listen that she had "saved his life by holding up the room." After Seward, she moved to Valdez (also devastated by the quake) for a year. Grandma returned to the San Francisco Bay Area (where we were living) and worked at Sequoia Hospital. After she retired from Sequoia Hospital in Redwood City, California, she went to work as a companion for an elderly woman in Arizona. The woman was very wealthy, so they split the year between her home in Scottsdale and her other home in Michigan. But the work was physically difficult, so Grandma retired and returned to the Bay Area where she bought a small mobile home in Aptos, near Santa Cruz California. It had been a life-long dream of hers to live in Australia, but that dream was never realized. While she lived in Aptos, however, she became an active member of AA, a daily walker, a devoted yoga practitioner, and took lessons in the Welsh language. Even in her 70s, she couldn't sit still!
George Benning
George Lawrence Benning was born to William Joseph Benning (1852 - 1930) and Imogene N. (Millard) Benning (1854 - 1916) in Boone, Iowa. He had 9 siblings: Nelson, Henry, Lois, Cora, Walter Joseph, Grace, Arthur, Mabel and Lloyd. He was the youngest. George was married twice, first to Mildred Wilson, and his second marriage to Eileen Constance (Tasker) Benning had Marian Joyce (Benning) Kroetch. He also had a daughter, Lois (Benning) Ewen, from his first marriage to Mildred (Wilson) Benning. His second family lived first in Seattle, then Portland, then in Bremerton Washington, a small port town which grew during WW2. He owned the Chevrolet car dealership in Bremerton. Micky Reed, the owner of the Reed Chevrolet dealership in Bremerton Washington, was on a local river fishing trip and drowned. Micky's widow, Meeka (who I, his granddaughter knew, since she and my grandmother were friends until they died), sold the dealership to George. He called it Reed-Benning dealership as an homage to Micky. Chevrolet didn't like the fact that a woman (oh lordy, a WOMAN!) sold the dealership on her own so they made new rules. The upshot? When George, my grandfather, died, my grandmother couldn't sell the dealership! He was very active in the business, social and political components of the community. I know that he was a Freemason and a Shriner, and that he had some strong relationships with State politicians. (Note from his granddaughter: George was good friends with Warren Magnuson, first a US Representative and then a US Senator. Evidently, Magnuson used to spend summers at my grandparent's house - I saw a letter of condolence from him to my grandmother when George died, expressing how much he would miss George and referencing the wonderful summers he spent at their house. Also in their social circle? Names that you would recognize today: the Gates' - yes, that Bill Gates family - the Nordstroms , and more. The Seattle/Bremerton community was small then.) George also was instrumental in establishing the Elks Lodge in Bremerton, and was involved with the creation of the Washington Athletic Club in downtown Seattle. George was also a founding member of the Isaac Evans American Legion Post in Seward, Alaska in 1919. One cool story about George: He had a bit of real estate in Bremerton and rented these homes to his employees. Upon George's death his will stipulated that the deeds to the homes get passed along to the employees. Also, the story my Mom (George’s daugher) told me about the homes - the people weren't employees but simply people who lived in Bremerton at the time. Since George was a Mason, he was also involved in charitable activities. Mom said that no one (including family) knew that he had bought (I heard 3) houses for people who had problems paying rent and were going to be evicted. (This was probably around the end of the Depression.) He didn't charge the tenants rent and when he died he left the homes to the tenants. However, my sister (who says she has a copy of George's will), notes that there is no record of any homes being deeded.
Immogene Nelson (Millard) Benning
Immogene Nelson Millard, a Mayflower descendant, was born to Rev. Horatio Nelson Millard (1833 - 1884) and Jemima Winne (1835 - 1863). Both parents were born in the state of New York. Immogene had fourteen siblings: Mary, George, Catherine, Cora, John, Eva, Albert, Ada, Deloss, Grace, Lois, Martha, Jay, and Jessie. Immogene Millard married William Joseph Benning (1852 - 1930) on December 24th, 1873 in Clinton County, Iowa and they had ten children: Nelson, Henry, Lois, Cora, Walter, Grace, Arthur, Mabel, Lloyd, and George
Lois Jemima (Benning) Los Kamp
Lois Jemima Benning (Benning) Los Kamp was born on September 28, 1880 in Boone, Boone County, Iowa United States, and died at age 58 years old on October 15, 1938 in Folsom, Sacramento County, CA. Family, friend, or fan, this family history biography is for you to remember Lois Jemima (Benning) Los Kamp.
Grace Benning
Grace Benning was born on March 25, 1885 in Boone, Boone County, Iowa United States, and died at age 50 years old on February 27, 1936 in San Francisco, San Francisco County, CA. Family, friend, or fan, this family history biography is for you to remember Grace Benning.
Lloyd Harold Benning
Lloyd Harold Benning of Las Vegas, Clark County, NV was born on April 3, 1894 in Boone, Boone County, Iowa United States, and died at age 72 years old on September 17, 1966 at Phoenix, AZ.
Mabel Benning
Mabel Benning was born on January 3, 1889 in Boone, Boone County, Iowa United States to Immogene Nelson (Millard) Benning and William Joseph Benning, and had siblings Lloyd Harold Benning, Walter Joseph Benning, Lois Jemima (Benning) Los Kamp, George Benning, Nelson William Benning, Henry Clay Benning, Cora Mary Benning, and Grace Benning. Mabel Benning died at age 69 years old on April 13, 1958 in Harris County, TX. Family, friend, or fan, this family history biography is for you to remember Mabel Benning.
Genette  Benning
Family, friend, or fan, this family history biography is for you to remember Genette Benning.
Evalyn Benning Coulson
Family, friend, or fan, this family history biography is for you to remember Evalyn Benning Coulson.
Henry Clay Benning
Henry Clay Benning was born on October 12, 1878 in Camanche, Clinton County, Iowa United States to Immogene Nelson (Millard) Benning and William Joseph Benning, and had siblings Lloyd Harold Benning, Walter Joseph Benning, Lois Jemima (Benning) Los Kamp, George Benning, Nelson William Benning, Cora Mary Benning, Mabel Benning, and Grace Benning. Henry Benning died at age 61 years old on May 9, 1940 in Vacaville, Solano County, CA. Family, friend, or fan, this family history biography is for you to remember Henry Clay Benning.
Walter Joseph Benning
Walter Joseph Benning of Denver, Denver County, Colorado United States was born on November 2, 1883 in Boone, Boone County, IA to Immogene Nelson (Millard) Benning and William Joseph Benning. He had siblings Lloyd Harold Benning, Lois Jemima (Benning) Los Kamp, George Benning, Nelson William Benning, Henry Clay Benning, Cora Mary Benning, Mabel Benning, and Grace Benning. Walter Benning died at age 75 years old in 1958 in Denver, Denver County, CO, and was buried at Fairmount Cemetery Rd, in Denver.
Cora Mary Benning
Cora Mary Benning was born on August 10, 1891 in Boone, Boone County, Iowa United States to Immogene Nelson (Millard) Benning and William Joseph Benning, and had siblings Lloyd Harold Benning, Walter Joseph Benning, Lois Jemima (Benning) Los Kamp, George Benning, Nelson William Benning, Henry Clay Benning, Mabel Benning, and Grace Benning. Cora Benning died at age 72 years old on December 23, 1963 in Tonopah, Nye County, NV. Family, friend, or fan, this family history biography is for you to remember Cora Mary Benning.
William Joseph  Benning
William Joseph Benning was born to William F. Benning (1826 - 1887) and Wilhelmena Fredericka "Ann" Louisa Beck (1832 - 1907). His father was born IN Marburg, Germany and his mother was born in Erfurt, Germany. He had ten siblings: Louisa, Carl, Marie, Henry, Charles, Frederich, John, Emma, Francis "Frank" and Lillian. William married Immogene Nelson Millard (1850 - 1916) on December 24, 1873 and they had thirteen children: Nelson, Henry, Lois, Cora, Walter, Isaac, Grace, Inas, Arthur, Mabel, Lloyd, George (my grandfather) and Winnifred.
Nelson William Benning
Nelson William Benning was born on November 21, 1875 in Camanche, Clinton County, Iowa United States, and died at age 74 years old on September 25, 1950 in Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara County, California. Nelson Benning was buried at Santa Barbara Cemetery in Montecito. Family, friend, or fan, this family history biography is for you to remember Nelson William Benning.
Minnie Alice (Tucker) Benning
Minnie Alice Tucker was married to Nelson William Benning at Logansport, Indiana on 24th Sept, 1902.
Lori Annie was born to parents Edward Baldrey and Harriet Baldrey.
The Clinton Evening News. Iowa. 4th October 1887. - FOUND DEAD. THE SUDDEN AND UNEXPECTED DEATH OF AN OLD CITIZEN. Mr. William Benning Dies Suddenly Alone in the Hay Loft of His Barn. - Funeral Yesterday Afternoon. A sudden and unexpected death occurred on Sunday morning, the circumstanding which are sad in the extreme. Mr. William Benning, one of the old and well known citizens of Clinton county, residing on his farm one and a half miles north-west of Camanche, came to Clinton on Saturday afternoon to do some trading. Before leaving for home he indulged somewhat in liquor, but not to excess. Reaching his home shortly after dark Mr. Benning went to his barn to sleep, preferring the hay loft to the house. His son went to the barn at about eleven o'clock and insisted upon his father coming to the house. The old gentleman refused to do so, saying he was comfortable and would remain in the barn. At about twelve o'clock the son again went to the barn and made an unsuccessful effort to induce his father to come to the house. At 4 o'clock the son made another visit to the hay loft and was horrified his father cold in death. The young man hastened to the house and notified the family. The nearest neighbors, some half-mile distant, were summoned and the body was removed to the house. Considerable difficulty was experienced in getting the body down from the loft as the deceased was a very large man, weighing some 240 pounds. With the use of ropes and the assistance of several men this was finally accomplished. Mr. Benning was about seventy years of age, and had resided in the county for many years. He leaves a wife and several children, all grown, to mourn his death. The funeral occurred from his residence at two o'clock yesterday afternoon and was quite largely attended.
1940 Census Frederick Nelson Benning Age 5 Marshall Street, Allegan. Michigan.
Lillian Linnea (Doepp) Benning was married to Frederic Nelson Benning in 1981. Family, friend, or fan, this family history biography is for you to remember Lillian Linnea Benning.

Popular Benning Biographies

Marian Joyce (Benning) Kroetch
Joyce Vandever (as she was known in her later years) was a loving mother of two daughters Kathleen Rae (Kroetch) Pinna & Pam (Kroetch) Marks who she had with Frank Kroetch, and grandma to two grandchildren Daniel J Pinna & Layne. Joyce had a half-sister, Lois (Benning) Ewen, the product of her father's first marriage. She also had a step-brother, Charles Henry Barrett Jr., from her mother's second marriage to Charles Henry 'Heinie' Barrett Sr. She had many friends and relatives in California, Washington state, England and Wales. Her best childhood and lifelong closest friend was Beverly Clarice (Washington) Scoffone in Monte Sereno California. Joyce loved being a grandmother and spent countless weekends with her grandchildren. She lived in the California Hawaiian mobile home park at 3637 Snell Ave in San Jose for many years when it was an adult community. To hear Joyce describe herself see Joyce Vandever In Her Own Words
Eileen Constance (Tasker) Benning
Eileen Constance "Connie" (Tasker) Benning's father was William Tasker (1879 - 1933) and her mother was Mary Ann (Jones) Tasker (1882 - 1956). She had siblings Willie Tasker (1906 - 1932) and Ethel Allen (born 1909). My great-grandmother, or "GG" as I called her, was a strong proper Welsh woman. She outlived each of her 3 husbands and just could not take another spouse dying on her. She worked hard in her later years, moving to Seward Alaska as a nurse (she was in Seward during the great quake on March 27, 1964 and her family didn't know if she had survived for 3 days) and then returned to California's Bay Area, working at a hospital in Redwood City. GG was a proper Welsh woman until the day she died. From her granddaughter Kathy: Grandma was married 3 times - her first husband was our biological grandfather - and between 1946 and 1961, each of her 3 husbands died. Later in life, she told me that she had so much heartbreak during that time that she didn't want to marry again and have another husband die. But as she got older, she was lonely and wished that she had married again. Grandma was an active person and always up for an adventure. In her 50s, she moved to Seward Alaska (on her own, knowing no one) and was there for the big Alaska quake. She was working at Seward Hospital and had a funny story about the quake: When it begin, she stood in the doorway of a patient's room - an elderly man. After they both survived the quake, the elderly patient told everyone who would listen that she had "saved his life by holding up the room." After Seward, she moved to Valdez (also devastated by the quake) for a year. Grandma returned to the San Francisco Bay Area (where we were living) and worked at Sequoia Hospital. After she retired from Sequoia Hospital in Redwood City, California, she went to work as a companion for an elderly woman in Arizona. The woman was very wealthy, so they split the year between her home in Scottsdale and her other home in Michigan. But the work was physically difficult, so Grandma retired and returned to the Bay Area where she bought a small mobile home in Aptos, near Santa Cruz California. It had been a life-long dream of hers to live in Australia, but that dream was never realized. While she lived in Aptos, however, she became an active member of AA, a daily walker, a devoted yoga practitioner, and took lessons in the Welsh language. Even in her 70s, she couldn't sit still!
George Benning
George Lawrence Benning was born to William Joseph Benning (1852 - 1930) and Imogene N. (Millard) Benning (1854 - 1916) in Boone, Iowa. He had 9 siblings: Nelson, Henry, Lois, Cora, Walter Joseph, Grace, Arthur, Mabel and Lloyd. He was the youngest. George was married twice, first to Mildred Wilson, and his second marriage to Eileen Constance (Tasker) Benning had Marian Joyce (Benning) Kroetch. He also had a daughter, Lois (Benning) Ewen, from his first marriage to Mildred (Wilson) Benning. His second family lived first in Seattle, then Portland, then in Bremerton Washington, a small port town which grew during WW2. He owned the Chevrolet car dealership in Bremerton. Micky Reed, the owner of the Reed Chevrolet dealership in Bremerton Washington, was on a local river fishing trip and drowned. Micky's widow, Meeka (who I, his granddaughter knew, since she and my grandmother were friends until they died), sold the dealership to George. He called it Reed-Benning dealership as an homage to Micky. Chevrolet didn't like the fact that a woman (oh lordy, a WOMAN!) sold the dealership on her own so they made new rules. The upshot? When George, my grandfather, died, my grandmother couldn't sell the dealership! He was very active in the business, social and political components of the community. I know that he was a Freemason and a Shriner, and that he had some strong relationships with State politicians. (Note from his granddaughter: George was good friends with Warren Magnuson, first a US Representative and then a US Senator. Evidently, Magnuson used to spend summers at my grandparent's house - I saw a letter of condolence from him to my grandmother when George died, expressing how much he would miss George and referencing the wonderful summers he spent at their house. Also in their social circle? Names that you would recognize today: the Gates' - yes, that Bill Gates family - the Nordstroms , and more. The Seattle/Bremerton community was small then.) George also was instrumental in establishing the Elks Lodge in Bremerton, and was involved with the creation of the Washington Athletic Club in downtown Seattle. George was also a founding member of the Isaac Evans American Legion Post in Seward, Alaska in 1919. One cool story about George: He had a bit of real estate in Bremerton and rented these homes to his employees. Upon George's death his will stipulated that the deeds to the homes get passed along to the employees. Also, the story my Mom (George’s daugher) told me about the homes - the people weren't employees but simply people who lived in Bremerton at the time. Since George was a Mason, he was also involved in charitable activities. Mom said that no one (including family) knew that he had bought (I heard 3) houses for people who had problems paying rent and were going to be evicted. (This was probably around the end of the Depression.) He didn't charge the tenants rent and when he died he left the homes to the tenants. However, my sister (who says she has a copy of George's will), notes that there is no record of any homes being deeded.
Lois (Benning) Ewen
Lois Jean (Benning) Ewen was born to George Lawrence Benning (1897 - 1946) and Mildred Dorothy Wilson (1899 - 1984). Her father was born in Iowa and her mother was born in Indiana. She had one half-sister, Marian Joyce Benning (1930 - 2017). Lois Benning married Douglas George Ewen Sr. 91917 - 1998) and they had one son, Douglas George "Sandy" Ewen, Jr. (1950 - 2013), and one daughter, Bonnie Ewen. Bonnie was the eldest child. During the attack on Pearl Harbor on December 1, 1941, Lois was working at the United States Army base in Pearl Harbor. For once, she had the day off (it was a Sunday) and she watched the attack from a nearby hillside.
Walter Joseph Benning
Walter Joseph Benning of Denver, Denver County, Colorado United States was born on November 2, 1883 in Boone, Boone County, IA to Immogene Nelson (Millard) Benning and William Joseph Benning. He had siblings Lloyd Harold Benning, Lois Jemima (Benning) Los Kamp, George Benning, Nelson William Benning, Henry Clay Benning, Cora Mary Benning, Mabel Benning, and Grace Benning. Walter Benning died at age 75 years old in 1958 in Denver, Denver County, CO, and was buried at Fairmount Cemetery Rd, in Denver.
Evalyn Benning Coulson
Family, friend, or fan, this family history biography is for you to remember Evalyn Benning Coulson.
Genette  Benning
Family, friend, or fan, this family history biography is for you to remember Genette Benning.
Lloyd Harold Benning
Lloyd Harold Benning of Las Vegas, Clark County, NV was born on April 3, 1894 in Boone, Boone County, Iowa United States, and died at age 72 years old on September 17, 1966 at Phoenix, AZ.
Immogene Nelson (Millard) Benning
Immogene Nelson Millard, a Mayflower descendant, was born to Rev. Horatio Nelson Millard (1833 - 1884) and Jemima Winne (1835 - 1863). Both parents were born in the state of New York. Immogene had fourteen siblings: Mary, George, Catherine, Cora, John, Eva, Albert, Ada, Deloss, Grace, Lois, Martha, Jay, and Jessie. Immogene Millard married William Joseph Benning (1852 - 1930) on December 24th, 1873 in Clinton County, Iowa and they had ten children: Nelson, Henry, Lois, Cora, Walter, Grace, Arthur, Mabel, Lloyd, and George
William Joseph  Benning
William Joseph Benning was born to William F. Benning (1826 - 1887) and Wilhelmena Fredericka "Ann" Louisa Beck (1832 - 1907). His father was born IN Marburg, Germany and his mother was born in Erfurt, Germany. He had ten siblings: Louisa, Carl, Marie, Henry, Charles, Frederich, John, Emma, Francis "Frank" and Lillian. William married Immogene Nelson Millard (1850 - 1916) on December 24, 1873 and they had thirteen children: Nelson, Henry, Lois, Cora, Walter, Isaac, Grace, Inas, Arthur, Mabel, Lloyd, George (my grandfather) and Winnifred.
Mildred "Duffy" Wilson Benning
Mildred Wilson (Duffy) Benning was born on March 31, 1899. Family, friend, or fan, this family history biography is for you to remember Mildred "Duffy" Wilson Benning.
Mabel (Benning) Twist
Mabel (Benning) Twist was born on January 3, 1889. Family, friend, or fan, this family history biography is for you to remember Mabel (Benning) Twist.
Eva (Wilson) Benning
Eva (Wilson) Benning was born on October 4, 1895. Family, friend, or fan, this family history biography is for you to remember Eva (Wilson) Benning.
Lois Jemima (Benning) Los Kamp
Lois Jemima Benning (Benning) Los Kamp was born on September 28, 1880 in Boone, Boone County, Iowa United States, and died at age 58 years old on October 15, 1938 in Folsom, Sacramento County, CA. Family, friend, or fan, this family history biography is for you to remember Lois Jemima (Benning) Los Kamp.
The Clinton Evening News. Iowa. 4th October 1887. - FOUND DEAD. THE SUDDEN AND UNEXPECTED DEATH OF AN OLD CITIZEN. Mr. William Benning Dies Suddenly Alone in the Hay Loft of His Barn. - Funeral Yesterday Afternoon. A sudden and unexpected death occurred on Sunday morning, the circumstanding which are sad in the extreme. Mr. William Benning, one of the old and well known citizens of Clinton county, residing on his farm one and a half miles north-west of Camanche, came to Clinton on Saturday afternoon to do some trading. Before leaving for home he indulged somewhat in liquor, but not to excess. Reaching his home shortly after dark Mr. Benning went to his barn to sleep, preferring the hay loft to the house. His son went to the barn at about eleven o'clock and insisted upon his father coming to the house. The old gentleman refused to do so, saying he was comfortable and would remain in the barn. At about twelve o'clock the son again went to the barn and made an unsuccessful effort to induce his father to come to the house. At 4 o'clock the son made another visit to the hay loft and was horrified his father cold in death. The young man hastened to the house and notified the family. The nearest neighbors, some half-mile distant, were summoned and the body was removed to the house. Considerable difficulty was experienced in getting the body down from the loft as the deceased was a very large man, weighing some 240 pounds. With the use of ropes and the assistance of several men this was finally accomplished. Mr. Benning was about seventy years of age, and had resided in the county for many years. He leaves a wife and several children, all grown, to mourn his death. The funeral occurred from his residence at two o'clock yesterday afternoon and was quite largely attended.
Nelson William Benning
Nelson William Benning was born on November 21, 1875 in Camanche, Clinton County, Iowa United States, and died at age 74 years old on September 25, 1950 in Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara County, California. Nelson Benning was buried at Santa Barbara Cemetery in Montecito. Family, friend, or fan, this family history biography is for you to remember Nelson William Benning.
Mabel Benning
Mabel Benning was born on January 3, 1889 in Boone, Boone County, Iowa United States to Immogene Nelson (Millard) Benning and William Joseph Benning, and had siblings Lloyd Harold Benning, Walter Joseph Benning, Lois Jemima (Benning) Los Kamp, George Benning, Nelson William Benning, Henry Clay Benning, Cora Mary Benning, and Grace Benning. Mabel Benning died at age 69 years old on April 13, 1958 in Harris County, TX. Family, friend, or fan, this family history biography is for you to remember Mabel Benning.
Grace Benning
Grace Benning was born on March 25, 1885 in Boone, Boone County, Iowa United States, and died at age 50 years old on February 27, 1936 in San Francisco, San Francisco County, CA. Family, friend, or fan, this family history biography is for you to remember Grace Benning.
Family, friend, or fan, this family history biography is for you to remember George Lawrence Benning.
Henry Clay Benning
Henry Clay Benning was born on October 12, 1878 in Camanche, Clinton County, Iowa United States to Immogene Nelson (Millard) Benning and William Joseph Benning, and had siblings Lloyd Harold Benning, Walter Joseph Benning, Lois Jemima (Benning) Los Kamp, George Benning, Nelson William Benning, Cora Mary Benning, Mabel Benning, and Grace Benning. Henry Benning died at age 61 years old on May 9, 1940 in Vacaville, Solano County, CA. Family, friend, or fan, this family history biography is for you to remember Henry Clay Benning.

Benning Death Records & Life Expectancy

The average age of a Benning family member is 74.0 years old according to our database of 1,282 people with the last name Benning that have a birth and death date listed.

Life Expectancy

74.0 years

Oldest Bennings

These are the longest-lived members of the Benning family on AncientFaces.

Mary Benning of Goliad, Goliad County, Texas was born on June 19, 1869, and died at age 111 years old in March 1981.
111 years
Mary A Benning of Shelbyville, Shelby County, IN was born on June 5, 1893, and died at age 106 years old on September 30, 1999.
106 years
Emma A Benning of Iowa Falls, Hardin County, IA was born on April 3, 1900, and died at age 103 years old on February 9, 2004.
103 years
Frances E Benning of Piqua, Miami County, OH was born on August 21, 1901, and died at age 102 years old on March 25, 2004.
102 years
Ethel E Benning of Galesville, Anne Arundel County, MD was born on February 16, 1888, and died at age 102 years old on January 15, 1991.
102 years
Bert Benning of Milwaukee, Milwaukee County, WI was born on August 15, 1898, and died at age 101 years old on February 20, 2000.
101 years
Catherine Benning of Green Valley, Pima County, Arizona was born on May 7, 1882, and died at age 102 years old in August 1984.
102 years
Leila Benning of Augusta, Richmond County, GA was born on September 24, 1906, and died at age 101 years old on January 26, 2008.
101 years
Marian S Benning of Johnson City, Broome County, NY was born on October 28, 1895, and died at age 101 years old on March 7, 1997.
101 years
Jake Benning of Sioux Falls, Minnehaha County, South Dakota was born on May 28, 1904, and died at age 100 years old on February 21, 2005.
100 years
John Benning of Troy, Pike County, Alabama was born on July 16, 1882, and died at age 100 years old in August 1982.
100 years
Esther Benning of Newton, Jasper County, IA was born on October 18, 1899, and died at age 99 years old on July 9, 1999.
99 years

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l-6oz pkg chocolate chips
1/2 C butter or margerine, melted
1/2 C flour 2 eggs lC sugar
1C chopped pecans

Mix togedther, poujr into a 9 in. pie shell. Bake 350 oven, 45 minutes
2 C sugar, 1/4 C cocoa (scant)
1/2 C butter/oleo 1/2 C milk
1/2 tsp salt - Bring to boil (just 'til well blended)
Add: 3 C quick oats
3/4 C chopped nuts
1 T peanut butter (approx)
1 tsp vanilla
1 C coconut - opptional
to hot mixture.

Drop by spoonfulls on baking sheet to cool and set.
Cream: 3/4 C oleo - 1C pkd brown sugar
Combine & add to above: 1-1/2 C flour, 1 tsp salt, 1/2 tsp soda, 1-1/2 C oats (quick or regular). Mix well. Press half of mixture into greased 9x13 pan. Spread with one 10oz jar rasberry jam, sprinkle with remaining crumbs.

Bake @ 400 for 20-25 minutes.

Cool. Cut into squares or bars.
2 C flour 3/4 C sugar 1/2 C butter
4 eggs 1 tsp nutmeg 1/2 C chpd almonds 1/4 tsp salt wine glass brandy
l# pkg radiant mix fruit
l tsp grated lemon rind, 1Tbs lemon juice lC seedless raisins, lC currants
l tsp baking powder 1/2 tsp allspice

Beat butter and sugar until creamy. Beat eggs well and add alternately with other ingredients.

Put batter in pint or qt aluminum foil loaf pans, do not flatten. If you use regular bread loaf pans, line w/paper

Bake in slow oven 250 degrees for 2 hrs.

Place pan containing 2C water on bottom shelf while baking
1-4 oz can green chilies, wash, seeded, drained
2# jack cheese (more jack) & cheddar
2 eggs 2C milk 1/2 C flour 1t salt

In bottom of buttered 2 qt. casserole, arrange chilies cut in 2" sq. Cut cheese into long fingers and arrange in even layers over chilies. Beat eggs slightly, then beat in milk, flour and salt. Pour over cheese.

Bake @ 350 for 45-50 min. or until cus-tard sets.
1# hamburger, brown, sale, etc.
1/2 - 1 whole chopped onion
3 T (heap) catsup
1 T (scant) mustard
simmer approx one hour
1 TBS worch sauce (opt)
1 tsp chili powder

Stir. Serve on hamb buns
COOK in 3T oil until onions are yellow:
3 LARGE onions, thinly sliced
1 lg green pepper, minced (optional)
ADD & fry until mix falls apart
1/2 to l lb. hamburger
STIR IN: lg can tomatoes, 3/4 C rice (not instant), l-1/2 tsp chili powder,
3 tsp salt, scant 1/4 tsp pepper

Mix well. Pour into 23-1/2 - 3 qt. lightly greased casserole. Cover and bake at 350 for 45 minutes.
Remove cover and bake additional 15 min. 6 servings
This is what my mother told me: Her father, George Benning, died when she was 15 years old. He had owned a Chevrolet dealership (Reed-Benning Chevrolet) in Bremerton, Washington. When the will was read, his widow (my grandmother)and daughter discovered just how generous he had been. Evidently, he had heard that 2 families were going to lose their homes. (This was during World War II and Bremerton had a large Naval shipyard.) He secretly bought the homes and the families had been making payments to him as they could. In his will, he left each family the home that they were living in, forgiving the rest of the payments. He was a well-known man in his town, but few knew how much he touched other's lives. Although I never knew him, I am proud to be descended from him.
l can fruit cocktail
l 3oz pkg jello
Boil together 2 min. COOL

WHIP together - 4 oz cream cheese
(or 3) 1/2 pt. sour cream
Add: l/4 C nuts
Add to thickened jello. Sets up fairly quickly.
2 C flour 1-1/2 baking soda
l tsp salt 2 tsp cinnamon 2 C sugar
l-1/2 C oil 4 eggs 1/2-1 C chpd nuts
2C grated raw carrot
8-1/2 oz crushed pineapple, drained
1C coconut, opt
Sift flour, add sugar, oil and eggs. Mix well. Add carrots, pineapple, nuts.
Bake 350 (9x13 pan, greased & floured)
35-45 min.

Frosting - Cream together:
1/2 C butter 8oz cream cheese
lt vanilla 3/4-1# powdered sugar
2 tsp brandy
4 T butter 1 can tuna (white, solid)
4 T flour 1 3oz pkg potato chips
1/2 C sliced mushrooms salt
few grains pepper 2-1/2 C milk
Melt butter, saute mushrooms, add flour, salt, pepper. Mix well. Add milk gradually and cook, stirring constantly until thick. Separate tuna in flakes. Crush potato chips. Combine all ingredients, saving out few potato chips to sprinkle on top. Pour into greased casserole, sprinkle w/chips
Bake 350 about 30 min. or til top is brown. 6 generous servings. Note;
Can use mushroom soup w/mlk in place of crm sauce.
1 tsp ea - cinnamon,nutmet,pumpkin pie spice 3C sugar (part brown) 4 eggs
ltsp salt 2/3 C oil
Beat well - and add (Sifted together)
3-1/3 c flour, 2 tsp soda, 1/2 tsp baking powder Beat until smooth. Fold in 1C chpd nuts

Pour into 2 greased & floured reg size loaf pans. Bake 350 - 1hr, 15 min. (Test with toothpick)

Can be kept at least 2 weeks in fridge in plastic wrap.
2-1/2 C water lC applesauce
1-1/2 C packed brown sugar
1/2 C margarine 1T salad oil
1-1/2 C raisins 2Tbs cinnamon
1 tsp cloves 3/4 tsp nutmdg

Combine, boil gently 15 min. COOL

Sift together 4C flour, 3 tsp soda,
1 tsp salt Add to above. Beat well.
Add: lC chpd nuts

Pour into litely greased 9 x 13 pan.
Bake 350 - 45 min.

Sift powder sugar over cooled cake.
l 3-oz pkg orange jello, dissolved in
lC boiling water
MIX in l pt. vanilla ice cream

ADD l No 2 can drained, crushed pineapple, 1/2 C chpd nuts

Put in mold - sets up FAST
l pkg lemon jello 2/3 C hot water
l C hot tomato juice
1/4 C lemon juice

When almost jelled, add:
1T finely chopd onion
1T " " sweet pickles (gerkins)
l/2 C " " celery
l can tiny shrimp - little salt

Pour into mold

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