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George Benning, New Chevrolet Sales Manager
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1/2 C butter/oleo 1/2 C milk
1/2 tsp salt - Bring to boil (just 'til well blended)
Add: 3 C quick oats
3/4 C chopped nuts
1 T peanut butter (approx)
1 tsp vanilla
1 C coconut - opptional
to hot mixture.
Drop by spoonfulls on baking sheet to cool and set.
Combine & add to above: 1-1/2 C flour, 1 tsp salt, 1/2 tsp soda, 1-1/2 C oats (quick or regular). Mix well. Press half of mixture into greased 9x13 pan. Spread with one 10oz jar rasberry jam, sprinkle with remaining crumbs.
Bake @ 400 for 20-25 minutes.
Cool. Cut into squares or bars.
4 eggs 1 tsp nutmeg 1/2 C chpd almonds 1/4 tsp salt wine glass brandy
l# pkg radiant mix fruit
l tsp grated lemon rind, 1Tbs lemon juice lC seedless raisins, lC currants
l tsp baking powder 1/2 tsp allspice
Beat butter and sugar until creamy. Beat eggs well and add alternately with other ingredients.
Put batter in pint or qt aluminum foil loaf pans, do not flatten. If you use regular bread loaf pans, line w/paper
Bake in slow oven 250 degrees for 2 hrs.
Place pan containing 2C water on bottom shelf while baking
2# jack cheese (more jack) & cheddar
2 eggs 2C milk 1/2 C flour 1t salt
In bottom of buttered 2 qt. casserole, arrange chilies cut in 2" sq. Cut cheese into long fingers and arrange in even layers over chilies. Beat eggs slightly, then beat in milk, flour and salt. Pour over cheese.
Bake @ 350 for 45-50 min. or until cus-tard sets.
1/2 - 1 whole chopped onion
3 T (heap) catsup
1 T (scant) mustard
simmer approx one hour
1 TBS worch sauce (opt)
1 tsp chili powder
Stir. Serve on hamb buns
3 LARGE onions, thinly sliced
1 lg green pepper, minced (optional)
ADD & fry until mix falls apart
1/2 to l lb. hamburger
STIR IN: lg can tomatoes, 3/4 C rice (not instant), l-1/2 tsp chili powder,
3 tsp salt, scant 1/4 tsp pepper
Mix well. Pour into 23-1/2 - 3 qt. lightly greased casserole. Cover and bake at 350 for 45 minutes.
Remove cover and bake additional 15 min. 6 servings

l 3oz pkg jello
Boil together 2 min. COOL
WHIP together - 4 oz cream cheese
(or 3) 1/2 pt. sour cream
Add: l/4 C nuts
Add to thickened jello. Sets up fairly quickly.
l tsp salt 2 tsp cinnamon 2 C sugar
l-1/2 C oil 4 eggs 1/2-1 C chpd nuts
2C grated raw carrot
8-1/2 oz crushed pineapple, drained
1C coconut, opt
Sift flour, add sugar, oil and eggs. Mix well. Add carrots, pineapple, nuts.
Bake 350 (9x13 pan, greased & floured)
35-45 min.
Frosting - Cream together:
1/2 C butter 8oz cream cheese
lt vanilla 3/4-1# powdered sugar
2 tsp brandy
4 T flour 1 3oz pkg potato chips
1/2 C sliced mushrooms salt
few grains pepper 2-1/2 C milk
Melt butter, saute mushrooms, add flour, salt, pepper. Mix well. Add milk gradually and cook, stirring constantly until thick. Separate tuna in flakes. Crush potato chips. Combine all ingredients, saving out few potato chips to sprinkle on top. Pour into greased casserole, sprinkle w/chips
Bake 350 about 30 min. or til top is brown. 6 generous servings. Note;
Can use mushroom soup w/mlk in place of crm sauce.
ltsp salt 2/3 C oil
Beat well - and add (Sifted together)
3-1/3 c flour, 2 tsp soda, 1/2 tsp baking powder Beat until smooth. Fold in 1C chpd nuts
Pour into 2 greased & floured reg size loaf pans. Bake 350 - 1hr, 15 min. (Test with toothpick)
Can be kept at least 2 weeks in fridge in plastic wrap.
1-1/2 C packed brown sugar
1/2 C margarine 1T salad oil
1-1/2 C raisins 2Tbs cinnamon
1 tsp cloves 3/4 tsp nutmdg
Combine, boil gently 15 min. COOL
Sift together 4C flour, 3 tsp soda,
1 tsp salt Add to above. Beat well.
Add: lC chpd nuts
Pour into litely greased 9 x 13 pan.
Bake 350 - 45 min.
Sift powder sugar over cooled cake.
lC boiling water
MIX in l pt. vanilla ice cream
ADD l No 2 can drained, crushed pineapple, 1/2 C chpd nuts
Put in mold - sets up FAST
l C hot tomato juice
1/4 C lemon juice
When almost jelled, add:
1T finely chopd onion
1T " " sweet pickles (gerkins)
l/2 C " " celery
l can tiny shrimp - little salt
Pour into mold
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1/2 C butter or margerine, melted
1/2 C flour 2 eggs lC sugar
1C chopped pecans
Mix togedther, poujr into a 9 in. pie shell. Bake 350 oven, 45 minutes