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Amos M. Caulfield, 81, died Sunday night after a heart attack at St. Elizabeth's Hospital in Belleville. His twin brother, who appeared with him on NBC-TV's "Tonight Show" in 1981, feels as if "half of him is gone," a niece said.
Mr. Caulfield and his twin brother, William, gained a measure of fame by winning a contest sponsored by the Illinois Lottery in 1981 to find the most identical twins in Illinois. They won $500 in the contest, and it led to their guest appearance on the "Tonight Show."
When asked by Carson where Belleville is, William Caulfield responded, "Close to Millstadt."
That drew the first of several laughs from the studio audience in Burbank, Calif. The audience obviously was unfamiliar with Millstadt, a town of 2,800 southwest of Belleville.
Amos Caulfield later told Carson that he had worked many years in a feather factory. "Light work," he called it. The Caulfields beat about 200 other sets of twins to win the contest that promoted the Illinois Lottery's Double Game in 1981. They asked to appear on the "Tonight Show" after winning the contest, because both were longtime fans of the show, said Bernice Ehret of Belleville, a niece of the twins.
Neither of the twins ever married. and they were virtually inseparable, Mrs. Ehret said.
"They ve never been parted in 81 years," she said. "They argued a lot, but they always made up.
With losing his brother now, William says half of him is gone." Both twins worked in a foundry in Belleville before retiring almost 20 years ago. Recently, both had been in ill health and living with Mrs. Ehret. But they shared a home in Belleville for years before then, she said.
William Caulfield has back and hearing problems and must spend much of his time in a wheelchair, Mrs. Ehret said. But last fall, before their health failed, the twins returned to Hollywood briefly and took a screen test for a motion picture, said Charles Ehret, Mrs. Ehret's son. He said they never heard the results of the screen test.
A funeral service for Amos Caulfield will be at 2 p.m. today at the Pete Gardner Funeral Home, 250 Lebanon Avenue, Belleville. Burial will be in Walnut Hill Cemetery in Belleville.
Surviving in addition to his twin brother and Mrs. Ehret are two sisters, Stella Hill and Edna Hill of Belleville; another niece, Delores Schlutow of St. Louis; and four great-nieces and great-nephews.
By Robert Kelly Of the Post-Dispatch Staff
St. Louis Post-Dispatch (St. Louis, Missouri) Wednesday, February 20, 1985
Mrs. Catherine Miller Caulfield, 61 years of age, of 108 South Sixth street, was found dead in her bed at 7 o'clock this morning by her son, Amos Caulfield. Although Mrs.Caulfield had been in failing health for the past two years, her death came as a complete surprise.
Mrs. Caulfield had been feeling exceptionally well yesterday and had made arrangements to go on a fishing trip and outing today with Mrs. Robert Hill, a daughter, Amos Caulfield, her son, and William Riedel, a friend of the family. Last evening, while taking an automobile ride with Mrs. Robert Hill and daughter, Delores, Mr. Riedel, and Bernice, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hill, she complained of stomach ache. The party stopped and Mrs. Caulfield drank a white soda, after which she said she felt much better.
The deceased was born in Keokuk, Iowa, October 20, 1867, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Amos Miller, and was united in marriage with John Caulfield at St. Louis, May 23, 1880. Mr. Caulfield preceded his wife in death February 25, 1920.
Two daughters, Edna, wife of Robert Hill, and Stella, wife of Charles Hill, and twin sons, William and Amos Caulfield, at home, survive.
Mrs. Caulfield was a member of the Knights and Ladies of Seeurity, B. A. S., and of the Pocahontas Lodge.
The funeral will be held at 2 o'clock Friday afternoon from the Robert Hill residence, 901 Sycamore street to Walnut Hill Cemetery. Rev. C. R. Hempel, of the Christ Evangelical Church will officiate at the services.
The Belleville News-Democrat (Belleville, Illinois) Tuesday, June 25, 1929
Elizabeth's Hospital in Belleville. He was a retired stove mounter.
He and his twin brother, Amos Caulfield, were winners of the Illinois State Lottery in 1980 and appeared on the Johnny Carson Show in 1981.
Preceding him in death were his pa-rents, John and Kate, nee Miller, Caulfield; three brothers and six sisters.
Surviving are two sisters, Stella and Edna Hill, both of Belleville; two nieces, Bernice Ehret of Belleville and Delores (Dee) Schlutow of St. Louis; two great nephews, Charles Ehret of Belleville and Robert Schlu-tow of St. Louis; two great nieces, Mrs. Lana Ehret of Tucson, AZ and Mrs. Betty Jane Thomas of O'Fallon; three great great nephews, Kenneth and Stephen Thomas and Stephen Schlutow; five great great nieces, Lisa, Lana and Cathy Ehret, Jill Thomas and Tracy Schlutow.
Funeral services will be held at 2 p.m. Monday at the Pete Gaerdner Funeral Home in Belleville. Interment will be in Walnut Hill Cemetery. Friends may call after 3 p.m. Sunday at the funeral home.
The Belleville News-Democrat (Belleville, Illinois, USA ) Sat, Jun 29, 1985 ·Page 9
The full article is located at William Caulfield: Obituary.
Photo is actually a postcard with the dedication "To my dearest Eileen, with love from Lottie" on the back with the date 2/23/1915. The "Eileen" is Eileen Caulfield Thompson of Ontario, and this postcard was found in her papers after her death. No one seems to remember anyone named Lottie (Charlotte?) in our family, nor anyone who served as a nurse during WWI. Any suggestions?
Any better approximation of when the picture was taken or the name of the mystery woman?
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