Coleman Family History & Genealogy
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Irish, English, Scottish
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Gary Coleman
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U.S. Army 6888th Central Postal Directory Battalion
Old timer visits the new gas station.Even in 1940 a woman's place was not just in the kitchen. At least my mother, Grace Edmondson, didn't think so.
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The average age of a Coleman family member is 70.0 years old according to our database of 72,365 people with the last name Coleman that have a birth and death date listed.
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Their children were James Jackson, Nancy E., Sirena A., William A., Greenberry, Sarah Ardilla, Amanda, John H. and Eugenia (my g-gm). They were born in Alabama; Eugenia was born in Miss. After Sarah's death, William remarried, left Bienville Parish and went to Red River Parish.
of VA. Other Coleman suits were brought in the General Courts of Richmond, Petersburg, and Williamsburg, VA. The Coleman slaves were all successful in court based on the maternity line of Judy's Native American Ancestry. Just recently, on a visit to the Law Library of The College of William & Mary in Williamsburg, VA, I found court documents referencing the orignal "Nanny" case of 1777. Thus, the Black Colemans of VA have been legally free since 1777.
Coleman R. Seward
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