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1900 Federal Census, Crenshaw County, Alabama
Precinct 6, Community of Roberson, page 91A & 92, page 9 of 14
Franklin L. Dean and his family are listed in the 1900 Federal Census for Crenshaw County, Alabama. Franklin is listed as 45 years of age and was born November 1854 in Alabama. His wife is listed as "Martha A" age 42 born September 1857 in Alabama. The children listed in the household are Ellen F, age 21 born September 1878; John C. born March 1881; Sidney J. born January 1888; Clarence born December 1892 and Claude A, (listed as Claudy) born April 1896. All of the children were born in Alabama.
1910 Federal Census, Butler County, Alabama
Community of Dock, page 52B, page 4 of 12
Franklin L. Dean and family are listed in the 1920 Federal Census for Butler County, Alabama living in the Community of Dock. Franklin is listed as age 55, born in Alabama. His wife is listed as Martha age 52, also born in Alabama. The children listed in the household are, Sidney age 20; Clarence age 17; Claude age 14 and Charles age 9. All of the children were born in Alabama. They are living next door to John Andrew and Mary Tindal. Mary Tindal was Mary Ann Frances Barrington prior to her marriage and she was a daughter of William Winfield Barrington. William was a brother of Marion Madison Barrington whose daughter Annie married Samuel MacDonald Dean, Franklin's brother.
1920 Federal Census, Crenshaw County, Alabama
Township of Rutledge, page 89B, page 10 of 36
Franklin L. Dean and family are listed in the 1920 Federal Census for Crenshaw County, Alabama living near the town of Rutledge. Franklin is listed as age 65, born in Alabama, Martha is listed as 62, born in Alabama. Also listed are three sons, Claude R., age 23, Clarence E., age 27 and Charles A., age 19. The last line reveals a grandson, Marvin E., age 2 and 1/2 years. All of the children were born in Alabama.
1930 Federal Census, Crenshaw County, Alabama
Township of Rutledge, page 11B, page 22 & 23 of 33
Franklin L. Dean and family are listed in the 1930 Federal Census for Crenshaw County, Alabama living near the town of Honoraville. Franklin is listed as age 75, born in Alabama, Martha is listed as 62, born in Alabama. The children listed in the household are Clarence E., age 37; Charles A., age 30 and Marvin age 13. All of the children were born in Alabama.
More About Franklin L. Dean:
Burial: 1930, Blackrock Community, Crenshaw County, Alabama

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Charles Sumpter Dean I, also known as Sump Dean was a son of James Minton and
Tabitha Dean. Charles Sumpter was born in Lowndes County, Alabama. Some state his birth but may have been North Carolina, as this was the possible birth place of his father and mother, however the census records show him born in Alabama. His father was James Minton Dean, born about 1790. His mother was known as "Tabitha" whose maiden name I do not know, she was born about 1800. There is some confusion as to his exact birth place of his father, some state North Carolina and others state Wilkes County, Georgia. James Minton Dean and his two brothers, John and Jarrett, settled in Lowndes County, Alabama about 1819 after the War of 1812. All three had enlisted at Millidgeville, Georgia and served under the command of Captain Ezekial Wimberley. Due to this location it appears that they were in Wilkes County, Georgia at this time but still this does not provide prooof as to their place of birth. James purchased land in Autauga County, Alabama in 1838 with a promissory note being issued in Lowndes County. These records point to the place of Charles Sumpter's birth as Lowndes County. Charles Sumpter married two times, first to Edna T. Walker in 1848. Edna was born in Tennesse about 1828 and died in Black Rock about 1885. He then married Sarah Ann Matilda Bradford.
Charles Sumpter Dean and the Confederate Army
Charles Sumpter Dean served in the Confederate Army and was assigned to the 17th Alabama Infantry, Company K. Having fought and suffering injury in the Civil War, it was his second wife Sarah who applied for his Military Benefits after his death in 1891. It seems that during times of hardship, such as those suffered during the Civil War, many bonds are made bewteen friends who served together. One of thos bonds that has lasted for more than one and a half centuries is the bond between the Dean and Barrington families.
William Winfield Barrington was the first of two sons of Willis Barrington and Sarah Cebelle Matthews to locate in the area of Butler and Crenshaw Counties of Alabama. William was born in Henry County Georgia on January 05, 1829 and later moved with his parents to Stewart County. By 1848 he was in Macon County Alabama where he married Rhoda Adeline Weaver on March 16, 1848. Rhoda was a daughter of Arthur Weaver and Sarah Coe, born in Macon County on July 28, 1830. I am not sure if William was living in Macon County at the time he married Rhoda, possibly he was there on a family visit as his parents were still living in Stewart County in Georgia.
Living in Macon County at the time William married was his sister, Elizabeth "Olive" Barrington-Coe. Elizabeth was the wife of Isaac W. Coe and Isaac was a brother of Sarah Coe who was the mother of Rhoda. This makes it probable that William met his wife Rhoda while visiting Elizabeth and Isaac. By 1855 Elizabeth and Isaac had left Macon County for Philadelphia, Nishoba County Mississippi and Rhoda's parents', Arthur Weaver and Sarah Coe, had moved to Butler County, Alabama. This is probably about the time that William and Rhoda Barrington moved to Butler County where they settled in the area near the Black Rock Community. Soon after the end of the Civil War Butler County was divided and the Black Rock Community became part of Crenshaw County.
William enlisted into the Confederate Army in the city of Greenville in Butler County in September 1862 along with a close friend, Charles Sumpter Dean I. Both signed up for duty in Company K of the 17th Alabama Infantry Regiment, also known as the "Butler True Blues". The regiment was organized August 1861 at Montgomery, Alabama, with men from Coosa, Lowndes, Montgomery, Pike, Randolph, Monroe, Butler, and Russell counties. With 900 men the unit moved to Pensacola, then in March 1862, it was sent to West Tennessee and assigned to J. K. Jackson's Brigade. After fighting at Shiloh and Farmington, the 17th was ordered to Mobile. Here it served under Generals Slaughter and Cantey, and various companies trained as heavy artillerists. Early in 1864 it joined the Army of Tennessee, still serving under General Cantey, and was active in the Atlanta Campaign, Hood's expedition into Tennessee, and the Battle of Bentonville. This regiment reported 125 casualties at Shiloh and 130 at Peach Tree Creek. Lost two-thirds of its force at Franklin and a number were captured at Nashville. Very few surrendered in April 1865.
The service that William Barrington and Charles Sumpter Dean provided for the confederacy was just the beginning of many years of close family relations between the Barrington and Dean families. By 1870 William's brother, Marion, also moved to Crenshaw County and lived on the land next to William. Marion's daughter Anna would later marry Samuel Dean, a son of Charles Sumpter Dean. The Barringtons and Deans were all former founding members of the Black Rock community and the local Primitive Baptist Church where many of the Barrington and Dean family members are buried. William died April 26, 1909 and Rhoda died September 10, 1902. They are buried in the Black Rock Primitive Baptist Cemetery.
The United States Of America
Certificate Number 46,334:
"To all to whom these presents shall come; Greetings:
Whereas William Winfield Barrington of Butler County, Alabama has deposited in the General Land Office of the United States, a Certificate of the Register of the Land Office at Cahaba whereby it appears that full payment has been made by the said William Winfield Barrington, according to the provisions of the Act of Congress of the 24th of April, 1820, entitled "An act making further provisions for the sale of Public Lands," for the West half of the South east quarter of section 28 in Township 10 of Range 16 in the District of Lands formerly subject to sale at Cahaba, now Greenville, Alabama, containing 80 acres and four hundreths of an acre according to the Land Office by the Surveyor General, which said tract has been purchased by the said William Winfield Barrington.
Now know ye; that the United States of America, in consideration of the premises, and in conformity with the several acts of Congress in such case made and provided, have given and granted, and by these presents do give and grant, unto the said William Winfield Barrington and to his heirs, the said tract above described; to have and to hold the same, together with all rights, privileges, immunities, and appurtenances, of whatsoever nature, thereunto belonging, unto the said William Winfield Barrington and to his heirs assigns forever.
In testimony whereof, I, James Buchanan, President of the United States of America, have caused these letters to be made Patent, and the Seal of the General Land Office to be hereunto affixed. Given unto my hand, at the city of Washington, the first day of November in the year of our Lord, 1858.
By The President: "James Buchanan"
In 1896, according to the Confederate and pension Records at the Alabama Archives, William was a pensioner. He certified on his application that he served as a private in Co. K, 17th Alabama Infantry Regiment, that he enlisted in September 1862 at Greenville, Alabama and that his post office address was Rutledge. Witnesses swore that he did serve. The Board agreed with his appraisal of his property (valued at under $400), however, they felt that the severity of his physical condition would not keep him from performing manual labor. He was discharged in Montgomery, 9 June 1865. His discharge papers include the information that he was 6 foot, 2 inches, dark hair and blue eyes. And he could sign his name. "
"Confederate Soldiers Residing in Crenshaw County Alabama 1907"
BARRINGTON, William Winfield; residing in Rutledge Alabama born January 05, 1829 in Henry County, Georgia entered as private in September 1862 at Greenville Alabama in the 17th Alabama Inf. Company K and continued until he was discharged at Montgomery Alabama on June 09, 1865.
After the end of the Civil War, Charles Sumpter returned to his home near Black Rock. Prior to his entry into the Confederate Army Charles Sumpter owned a very large plantation with many slaves, a symbol of great wealth at the time. Not only was Charles Sumpter Dean an owner of many slaves but by being an owner of slaves he defied the local traditions of not allowing slaves to read or write, some had formal educations. During and soon after the war many of the slaves were forced to leave but later returned. After they returned Charles Sumpter dived his land into ten acre sections and deeded it to his slaves along with appropiate timber to build them homes.
Obituary of
Charles Sumpter Dean
Rutledge Wave on August 19, 1891
"DEAN- Sump Dean was found dead near his residence in this County, five miles west of Rutledge, on the 14th. Sumpter Dean, deceased was in the 69th year of his age.Cause of death supposed to be paralysis. Having been before attacked with that kind of trouble. Deceased has four sons and two daughters and a wife. His second wife by whom he had no issue."
Charles Sumpter Dean and his first wife Edna had a total of eight children, three daughters and five sons, however, only four sons and two daughters were still living at the time of his death. After his death in 1891, his second wife Sarah moved to the nearby community of Rutledge and lived out the balance of her life with the family of William M. and Amanda Barrington. This fact proven by the 1900 Federal Census for Crenshaw County, Alabama.
1860 Federal Census Butler County, Alabama
Friendship District, Precinct # 6, page 235 page 21 of 32
Charles Sumpter Dean and his family are in the 1860 Federal Census for Butler County, Alabama. Charles is listed as S. Dean, age 37, a farmer and his place of birth is listed as Alabama. His wife is listed as "E. T. Dean", age 29, born in Tennessee. Their children are listed as follows, Sarah Tabitha is S. T. Dean, age 10; Oliver Hazard Perry Dean is listed as OHP Dean, age 9; James N. Dean is listed as J. N. Dean, age 7; Franklin L. Dean is listed as F. L. Dean, age 5; Mary M. Dean is listed as M. M. Dean age 2 and Samuel MacDonald Dean is listed as S. D. Dean, age 9 months. All of the children were born in Alabama.
1870 Federal Census, Crenshaw County, Alabama
Township 11, Rutledge District, page 129, page 46 of 48
Charles Sumpter Dean and his family are listed in the 1870 Federal Census for Crenshaw County, Alabama and are living near Rutledge, in Township 11, also known as the Black Rock Community. Charles is listed as "Sumpter Dean" age 47 and was born in Albama. His wife is listed as "Edna" age 42, born in Tennessee. The children listed in the household are Sarah T. age 20; Oliver age 19; James age 17; Franklin age 15; Mary age 12; Samuel MacDonald age 10 and Joseph age 3. All of the children were born in Alabama.
1880 Federal Census, Crenshaw County, Alabama
Township of Rutledge, page 421B page 30 of 49
Charles Sumpter Dean and his family are listed in the 1880 Federal Census for Crenshaw County, Alabama and are living near Rutledge, probably in the area of the Black Rock Community. Charles is listed as "Sumpter Dean" age 57 and was born in Albama. His wife is listed as "Edna" age 52, born in Tennessee. The children listed in the household Mary age 22; Samuel age 20 and Joseph age 13. All of the children were born in Alabama.
Edna Walker Dean, the first wife of Charles Sumpter Dean, died in 1885. Soon after her death Charles Sumpter married Sarah Anne Matilda Bradford, Bradford being her married name. Sarah had one child before her marriage to Sumpter Dean, she was Amanda Paralee Bradford. Amanda married William Marion Barrington, the sixth child of William Winfield Barrington and Rhoda Adeline Weaver. William married at the age of twenty-one to Amanda in Rutledge, Crenshaw County Alabama.
Amanda was born in the Black Rock Community of Crenshaw County on November 30, 1860. I do not know who her father was nor do I know the maiden name of her mother Sarah. After Amanda's father died her mother Sarah married Charles Sumpter Dean. Charles Sumpter Dean's son Samuel married Annie Iola Barrington, daughter of Marion Madison Barrington. Marion was a brother of William Winfield Barrington. By the time of the 1900 census William Marion Barrington and Amanda were living in Rutledge with seven children, Willie Lee, William Henry, Anna, Walter, Ethel, Ulbert and Lillie. Also living with them was Amanda's mother and widow of Charles Sumpter Dean, listed at the time as Sarah Ann Matilda Dean. Their eighth child Ebbie was born in 1901. William and Amanda were still in Rutledge in 1920 where he died at home on November 04, 1927. Soon after William died his wife Amanda moved into the home with her son Walter and was living with them in Rutledge in 1930. Amanda lived for over 100 years and died just short of her 101st birthday on September 15, 1961. She was buried next to her husband William Marion at the Black Rock Primitive Baptist Cemetery in Crenshaw County.
1900 Federal Census, Crenshaw County, Alabama
Township of Rutledge
Sarah Anne Matilda Dean is listed in the home with William Marion Barrington and family in the 1900 Federal Census for Crenshaw County, Alabama and are living in the Township of Rutledge. Listed are William age 39, his wife Amanda is listed as age 39. Also listed are children Willie L., age 17, William Henry age 15, Anna age 13, Walter J., age 11, Ethel age 8, Ulbert age 5 and Lillie age 1. L Sarah Dean is listed as age 65.
1910 Federal Census, Crenshaw County, Alabama
Township of Rutledge
William Marion Barrington and his family are still living in Rutledge in Crenshaw County and are listed in the 1910 Federal Census. William is listed as 49 years of age born in Alabama. Amanda is listed as 49 years of age, also born in Alabama. The children listed in the household are Ethel age 18, Walter age 20, Ulbert age 14, Lillie age 11 and Ebbie age 9. Also from this census I find Sarah Dean still living at age 75.
In the 1920 Federal Census Sarah M. Dean was no longer in the home with William and Amanda but was living nearby and living alone. By the time the 1930 census was taken Sarah was living with her daughter Amanda and her son, Walter J. Barrington.
1930 Federal Census, Crenshaw County, Alabama
Township of Rutledge
Walter J. Barrington and his family are listed in the 1930 Federal Census for Crenshaw County, Alabama living in the Township of Rutledge. Walter is listed as 40 years of age and his wife, Velma Tidwell, is listed as 36 years of age. At home with them are five children. Anna age 13, Louvisa age 11, Dalvine age 6, Hayward age 5 and Ruby Jewell age 2. Also living with the family is the mother of Walter, Amanda Paralee Barrington, she is listed as 69 years of age. Also living in the household of Walter J Barrington is Sarah Ann Dean. Sarah is the mother of Amanda Paralee Barrington and is listed as 96 years of age.
Sarah Dean died at the age of 97 in Rutledge, Crenshaw County, Alabama on January 05, 1932 and was buried next to her son-in-law, William Marion Barrington, at the Black Rock Primitive Baptist Church Cemetery. She is not buried next to her husband, Charles Sumpter Dean. Charles Sumpter died on August 12, 1891 and was buried next to his first wife Edna Walker.
More About Charles Sumpter "Sump" Dean I:
Burial: 1891, Blackrock Community, Crenshaw County, Alabama
Military service: Civil War, Confederate Army CoA 17thAL Inf
Sarah Ann Matilda Bradford-Dean was still living in Rutledge, Crenshaw County, Alabama at the time of the 1920 Federal Census and was listed as being 86 years of age.
More About Sarah Ann Matilda Bradford:
Burial: 1932, Blackrock Community, Crenshaw County, Alabama
More About Charles Dean and Sarah Bradford:
Marriage: Aft. 1885, Crenshaw County, Alabama
More About Edna Frances Walker:
Burial: Abt. 1885, Blackrock Community, Crenshaw County, Alabama
Cause of death: heart attack
More About Charles Dean and Edna Walker:
Marriage: August 08, 1848, Lowndes County, Alabama

James Thomas Dean, known as "Tom", was shot and killed by his younger brother Sumpter on December 03, 1906. The murder took place after the two were involved in a argument, obviously brought on by too much whiskey. James was buried at the Black Rock Cemetery in Crenshaw County. I do not know how much time Sumpter served in prison for his brother's murder, he died April 10, 1952 and was buried alone at the Mt. Zion Cemetery near Brantley in Crenshaw County, Alabama.
Crenshaw County, AL Newspaper Abstracts 1900-1909
DEAN - Sump Dean who shot and killed his brother Tom Dean near Honoraville last week is now in the county jail. His trial is set for today, but likely have to be postponed until next Thursday. This is a case where whiskey has caused the shedding of a brothers blood. (The Luverne Journal - December 13, 1906)

March 06, 1881 - October 12, 1944
Leona Jackson November 04, 1882 - December 28, 1969
1910 Federal Census, Bulter County, Alabama
Community of Dock, page 55A, page 9 of 12
John C. Dean and his family are listed in the 1910 Federal Census for Butler County, Alabama and are living in the Township of Dock. John is listed as 29 years of age and was born in Alabama. His wife is listed as "Leona" age 24, also born in Alabama. There is one child listed, possibly Levart (daughter) age less than 1, born in Alabama.
1930 Federal Census, Crenshaw County, Alabama
Township of Honoraville, page 9B, page 18 of 33
John C. Dean and his family are listed in the 1930 Federal Census for Crenshaw County, Alabama and are living in the Township of Honoraville. John is listed as 49 years of age and was born in Alabama. His wife is listed as "Lenna" age 44, also born in Alabama. The children listed in the household are Shirman age 16; Ruby age 14 and Johnnie F. age 11. All of the children were born in Alabama.
More About John C. Dean:
Burial: 1944, Blackrock Cemetery, Crenshaw County, Alabama
More About Leona Jackson:
Burial: 1969, Blackrock Cemetery, Crenshaw County, Alabama
More About John Dean and Leona Jackson:
Marriage: Bef. 1908, Crenshaw County, Alabama
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