Haskell Family History & Genealogy
Haskell Last Name History & Origin
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Jennie May HASKELL was b. 29 Nov 1864 or 1865 in Livermore, ME to parents Jacob Florellus HASKELL (1823-1911) and Mary Jane BARTLETT (1828-1908) who were married 31 Jan 1850 in Livermore, ME. Jennie was one of 8 children born to this couple including Martha Emma; Charles Clarence; Florellus; Virteline or Virtelin; Florence C.; Albert A.; Jenny May; and Mary Winifred or Winnifred HASKELL, all born between 1851 and 1870.
Jennie married Hiram Kelly MORRELL (1827-1911) in Livermore, ME on 18 Sept 1894 or 28 Feb 1897 in Livermore, ME and they had a son, Archibald “Arch” Hiram MORRELL (1897-1961). Jennie died 26 Nov 1942 or 1943 in Gardiner, ME and is buried in the Oak Grove Cemetery in Gardiner, ME.
I’d like to get the photograph to a family member and would appreciate you getting back to me if you are a member of this family, or you know someone who might be.
Mary Minerva HASKELL was b. 18 May 1869 in Bulgaria or Turkey to parents Henry Charles HASKELL MD (1835-1914) and Margaret Henderson BELL RING (1841-1924). Mary was one of four children including Edward Bell; Mary Minerva; Henry “Harry” Joseph; and James Miller HASKELL, all born between 1865 and 1893. Mary was a missionary in Bulgaria for 40 years before returning to the USA in 1950 to live with her brother Henry in Kansas City, MO. She moved to California in 1951 and died 6 Dec 1953 in Claremont, CA and she is buried in the Oak Park Cemetery in Claremont, CA. Her obituary lists her surviving family including a nephew Henry C. HASKELL of Kansas City, MO and a sister-in-law Mrs. Elizabeth HASKELL MARSH and her children.
I am hoping to locate someone from Mary’s family so that the photograph can be returned to their care. If you are a member of this HASKELL Family or know someone who might be, please contact me.
People in photo include: Billy Humphrey, Milbern D High, Arthur Haskell, Alarea Harrison, Clarence Hayward, and Kenneth Hayward
b. 4 Nov 1884 Deer Isle, Hancock, MN
d. 2 Sep 1963 San Diego county, CA
Ruth DeMoss DeMoss Haskell
b. 21 Oct 1898 DeMoss Springs, Sherman, OR
d. 9 Oct 1989 Lake, Clearlake, CA
Si Willard Haskell
b. 4 Nov 1916 Ballow, Hartstein Island, WA
d 27 Sep 1960 San Diego county, CA
Does any one reconize this man .The picture was taken in N.Y. I believe it might be Francis A Haskell,who was in the Union Navy
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Haskell Death Records & Life Expectancy
The average age of a Haskell family member is 75.0 years old according to our database of 4,153 people with the last name Haskell that have a birth and death date listed.
Life Expectancy
Oldest Haskells
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