Hinkle Family History & Genealogy
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Early Hinkles
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Married to Anna Piona.
Born in Markle, Indiana.
Died in Centerville, Indiana. 1935

Son of Frank and Anna (Piona) Hinkle.
Approx. 1943

Wife of Frank Hinkle
People in photo include: Anna (Piona) Hinkle

Anyone knowing the other young men, or the correct place, please email me Lisa at [contact link]

As for when the picture was taken, I am guessing somewhere when he enlisted or there after the Civil War, but really not sure. If anyone knows for Just Let Me Know.

I did a web search for a Garrison School in Kansas or Oklahoma and there seem to be several. I have written to one. There are also others across the US and Canada. I can't guarantee which one it might be. If anyone can tell me, I would be delighted. I hope the names will give a clue to someone. Also, it may be in the same district or county as a “Cleaveland School” which is mentioned on one of the class photos.
see above
People in photo include: Shirley Miller, Michael Hilton, Ricky Bratcher, Connie Meeks, Janet Keller, Mike Rice, Roy McPherson, Patricia Winer, Linda Merrill, Marion Barnhart, Thanna Gooding, Alan Seavey, Jerry Adams, Serena McCorkle, Janice Rittenoure, Marvin Barnes, Nancy Schraeder, Roger Perkins, Steven Hines, Gene Richardson, Denise Brooks, Claudia Newton, Jane Hinkle, Ronnie Hildebrand, Mike Bratcher, and Charles Delaney

People in photo include: Bertha Ray Hinkle and Tom Hinkle

In this photo: Jimmie Harris (aunt Sadies 1st husband), Minnie McCoy Hinkle, Marion Hinkle, Christine Heckler, and Jimmie Hinkle.
People in photo include: Jimmie Harris , Minnie McCoy Hinkle, Marion Hinkle, Christine Heckler, and Jimmie Hinkle
Hinkle Family Tree
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Hinkle Death Records & Life Expectancy
The average age of a Hinkle family member is 72.0 years old according to our database of 8,474 people with the last name Hinkle that have a birth and death date listed.
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Oldest Hinkles
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