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Sheriff Owen was a lawman of extroidinary judgement and honor. Always the gentleman, and always with a big grin on his face. He excelled at sheriffing as he did at roping and everything else he did.
There was the boy who stole horses. Barely ten years old, with freckles a sad face, and ragged pants, that child was very good at what he did. What he did was steal horses. Not just any old nag, no sirree, he stole the best roping and trick horses in the county. THe only clues he left at the barns were his footprints in the sand.
I came to know about this boy when my Daddy's big black stallion disappeared one night from his corral. Daddy went right in when he discovered the loss and ask Sheriff Owen to look for Prince. Sheriff Owen just shook his head, and said " Come on Red.I know where he must be.. Mrs.Price's boy seems to be stealing about one horse every other day. Prince is the 6th one. It has come to a point where I have to put a stop to this theiving."
Well they got into the new 1946 Ford four door sedan police car and drove over to the Price place. Now Mrs Price was a widow with five boys and Jeffry was the oldest. She kept body and soul together taking in washing and ironing and cleaning an occasional house. THere was never enough money for necessities, much less non essentials like house paint or glass for broken windows. Jeffry helped out as much as he could by doing small jobs and watching the younger boys while his mom worked.
As they drove up to the Price place, there stood Prince, tied to a tree. The remains of some apples lay on the ground near his front feet. He nickered when my Daddy got out of the car and never took his eyes off him. Prince definitely wanted to go home.
Mrs Price, wiping her hands on her faded apron stepped out in the yard. " Sheriff, I was going into town to tell you about this one, but my youngest boy is down with the fever"
Sherrif Owen saw Jeffry standing in the doorway and he beconed hoim to come there. Sheriff Owen , with a stern look on his face said " Jeffry, Red here is taking his horse back right now. And you have to go to town with me, get into the car."
"Mrs. Price, don't worry. We are going to get this straightened out and Jeffry will be back in a little bit."
With fear on her face, she agreed to let him go.
Sheriff Owen never said a word all the way back to the little building where his office was, next door to to Prichard's Drugstore. Jeffry was too big to cry, but his lips trembled in sadness and fear.He hoped when he told the sheriff why the horse theiving was going on that the sheriff would listen. BUt that wasn't likely to happen. He was guilty so he would just be put into jail.
When they stopped the car in front of the office, Sheriff Owen said " Here we are Jeffry. I am a little dry from all this sheriffing. How about a soda in Prichard's?"
Jeffry could only nod his head in agreement.He had never been to a soda fountain before. Rich kids got sodas, and he shore was not a rich kid. He tagged along behind the sheriff and felt a bit better about his current situation.
"Sarah, give Jeffry and me one of those chocolate sodas, and make them the big 15 cents size. We have some business to take care of and may be here for awhile. "
"All right , Jeffry, why?" he drawled.
Jeffry knotted his hands into fists on his lap, raised his head and looked the Sheriff right in the eye and said " Well sir, We live a good piece away from anyone and my brothers dont have no toys. There is just so much playing the little ones can do with nothing but sand , rocks and some mesquite trees. And, well, I need a friend. If we had a horse, the little ones could ride him, and I could talk to him whenever I was lonesome or scared.I know it was wrong to steal , and I might go to hell for it after I spend a long time in your jail, but I just had to borrow those horses. I always meant to take them back, but you kept coming aftr them. I dont rightly think that is fair of you either."
With a somber look on his face, but tears in his eyes that tough New Mexico lawman decided right there to do some rough justice. "Jeffry, we have to take you to court. THe judge is going to sentence you, but I dont know if it will be to jail or not. You sit right here while I make a few calls to set up court. "
Jeffry finished his soda, and tried to rake up enough brave to get him through what ever was coming.
Sheriff Owen took him home and told him to be ready for court by 8:30 the next morning. Then heAsk Mrs Price to come out in the yard. They talked for a bit, and the Sheriff drove off.
At 8:30 Mrs Price and Jeffry entered the Court of Judge Stanley Earl. THey sat quietly awaiting Jeffry's fate.
Sheriff Owen, JAmes Click ( who had had his horse stolen by Jeffry} and my Daddy entered the court room. About that time the Judge took his seat.
The judge peered down and said "Jeffry Price. How do you plead to two counts of horse theiving?"
Jeffry looked up at his mother who said" Tell him you did it Jeffry. Tell the judge you are guilty".
He looked the judge right in the eye and said, " Judge,I did take those horses, so I am guilty. I am sorry I took them.I wont do it again ."
The judge looked athe sheriff and asked him if he had anything to say about the sentencing of this guilty young fellow,"
" Well, your honor, Jerry, Red and I sort of got together and we figured out what we think is justice.
See, We know why Jeffry took these horses, and while we dont think it ie ever right to steal, we do understand. So, we suggest, Your Honor, that Jeffry be sentenced to six months of work, after school and a half day on Saturdays for either Jerry or Red. We also want him sentenced to take very good care of John Austin's retired roping horse. I believe that horse is in Jeffry's yard right now with the hay that six months od work will pay for. in case he doesnt take care of old blacky, well your honor ,I want to pick him up again, And next tiem we wont be understanding "
The gavel slammed down on the desk and the judge said " So Ordered. Now go home and this one boy crime wave had better not happen again"
It did not.

One day Uncle Porter came over in his 'new' Model T Ford. Grandpa had not learned to drive an automobile. He still depended on his two feet to get him where he wanted to go or he used the trolley car to get uptown if needed.
It was a beautiful sunny summer day and everyone was outside enjoying themselves. Uncle Porter leaned on his car as he talked with Grandpa. Grandpa kept passing an admiring eye over the car. Finally, Grandpa mustered the courage to ask Uncle Porter if he could try driving the new car. Uncle Porter was very obliging and everyone climbed aboard for a nice Sunday drive.
Grandpa followed Uncle Porter's directions and was proceeding quite smoothly. He took the road to Riverside Park and drove around the perimeter. Clouds had began rolling in during the drive and it began to sprinkle. Grandpa quickly decided to go home.
Grandpa pulled into the yard and began turning the steering wheel causing the car to go in circles. Uncle Porter yelled for him to "hit the brake!" Everyone else was just yelling for him to stop. All the time Granpa was yelling " whoa, whoa," He finally came to rest against the corner of the house and everyone quickly jumped from the car checking to see that they were still in one piece. Grandpa Owen looked at the car and then at Uncle Porter. He scratched his whiskers and said "I'll take horses anyday, at least they stop when you tell 'em." Everyon of course laughed at the situation but Grandpa never tried driving again.
This story was told to me by my mother who was 9 years old at the time.
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