Jim Hays
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This was my Mom Joyce Burris real dad that we never met.
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I haven't shared details about my family.
Updated: September 30, 2023
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Family, friend, or fan, this family history biography is for you to remember Joyce Ann Burris Hunsucker Dover.

Joyce Burris/Hunsucker/Dover was born to Ernest Grady Burris and Sue E. (Dougherty) Coles. Family, friend, or fan, this family history biography is for you to remember Joyce Ann Burris/Hunsucker/Dover.

Family, friend, or fan, this family history biography is for you to remember Joyce Ann Burris Hunsucker Dover.

Billie Newton Burris was born on May 14, 1931 in Batesville, Arkansas United States, and died at age 81 years old on July 16, 2012 in Fort Walton Beach, Okaloosa County, FL. Family, friend, or fan, this family history biography is for you to remember Billie Newton Burris.

Joyce Ann (Burris) Dover was born on October 30, 1945. Family, friend, or fan, this family history biography is for you to remember Joyce Ann Dover.

Ernest Grady Burris of Batesville, Independence County, Arkansas was born on August 23, 1910. He married Jewell Almeda Newton on July 18, 1930 in Independence County and they later divorced. They had a child Billie Newton Burris. Ernest's partner was Sue E. (Dougherty) Coles on February 28, 1945 in Independence County, AR and they later separated. They had a child Joyce Ann Burris/Hunsucker/Dover. Ernest Burris died at age 66 years old on February 4, 1977 in Batesville, Independence County, AR.

Sue E. (Dougherty) Coles of Kansas City, Jackson County, MO was born on April 24, 1924 in Yuda, Ozark County, and died at age 69 years old on December 30, 1993 at Cedar Valley Health Center in Raytown, Jackson County. Sue Coles was buried on January 2, 1994 at Royer's New Salem Funeral Home in Independence.

Sue Dougherty
I remember my gmaw as a fun loving beer drinking, cigarette smoking honkytonk loving person. When I was a small child, I remember many times listening to those old Honkytonk records and singing with her. We even recorded some on cassette tape. If only I had those tapes now. Her and her sister both loved to drink and play those old records. I was told that their dad played the fiddle, whom supposedly taught Porter Wagner how to play guitar. I do know that they all grew up in West Planes Missouri at the same time as Porter Wagner. Miss ya Grandma. Love ya. Jimmy.
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Kathy Pinna
I'm a Founder of AncientFaces and support the community answering questions & helping members make connections to the past (thus my official title of Founder & Content and Community Support ). For me, it's been a labor of love for over 20 years. I truly believe with all of my heart that everyone should be remembered for generations to come.
I am 2nd generation San Jose and have seen a lot of changes in the area while growing up. We used to be known as the "Valley of Heart's Delight" (because the Valley was covered with orchards and there were many canneries to process the food grown here, which shipped all over the US) - now we have adopted the nickname "Capital of Silicon Valley" and Apple, Ebay, Adobe, Netflix, Facebook, and many more tech companies are within a few miles of my current home in San Jose (including AncientFaces). From a small town of 25,000, we have grown to 1 million plus. And when you add in all of the communities surrounding us (for instance, Saratoga, where I attended high school, living a block from our previous Mayor), we are truly one of the big cities in the US. I am so very proud of my hometown. For more information see Kathy - Founder & Content and Community Director
My family began AncientFaces because we believe that unique photos and stories that show who people are/were should be shared with the world.
My family began AncientFaces because we believe that unique photos and stories that show who people are/were should be shared with the world.

Ella and Charlie
I believe this picture was takin in Buckner Missouri in the 1960s. My Mom Joyce had it in her photo album.
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