Lil Doody
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Updated: October 9, 2014
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Lil Doody
May 12, 2019 5:02 PM
Lil Doody
updated a bio
May 12, 2019 4:59 PM
professional career, last place lived, cause of death, ethnicity & family history, nationality & locations, religious beliefs
farmer, Paynesville, Ontonagon County, Michigan 49912, United States, cancer, and 3 more
farmer, Paynesville, Ontonagon County, Michigan 49912, United States, cancer, and 3 more
Lil Doody
updated a bio
May 12, 2019 4:56 PM
professional career, introduction, ethnicity & family history, nationality & locations, religious beliefs
homemaker, Favorite aunt. Religious, kind. She and her husband had one..., finnish, and 2 more
homemaker, Favorite aunt. Religious, kind. She and her husband had one..., finnish, and 2 more
Lil Doody
tagged a photo
May 12, 2019 4:47 PM
Lil Doody
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May 12, 2019 4:47 PM
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This account is shared by Community Support (Kathy Pinna & Daniel Pinna & Lizzie Kunde) so we can quickly answer any questions you might have.
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2020 marks 20 years since the inception of AncientFaces. We are the same team who began this community so long ago. Over the years it feels, at least to us, that our family has expanded to include so many. Thank you!
2020 marks 20 years since the inception of AncientFaces. We are the same team who began this community so long ago. Over the years it feels, at least to us, that our family has expanded to include so many. Thank you!

Favorite aunt. Religious, kind. She and her husband had one child, Peter, who was born around 1950 and passed as a young child. Marie would have me spend a few days/nights with her and introduced me to black olives (which I hate to this day), made sure the Easter Bunny brought me something at her house (my parents did not believe in the Easter bunny as it was ‘too holy a holiday’ for such things.) marie also hosted Taeger family gatherings and sauna night on Saturday. She became ill in the mid-1950s and passed. I still have a few of the books and an autograph hound she gave me as a child. She was the best aunt I could have asked for and my middle name was named after her.

Maria Teikari
A photo of Grandma Maria Teikari with Jacob Taeger's youngest daughter by the farm apple orchard
People tagged:

Lachlan Nik was born at Illinois. Family, friend, or fan, this family history biography is for you to remember Lachlan Nik.

D. Alex Doody was born at Illinois to Anja Doody, and has a brother Lachlan Nik. Family, friend, or fan, this family history biography is for you to remember D. Alex Doody.

D Nikin was born at Illinois. Family, friend, or fan, this family history biography is for you to remember D Nikin.

Karen Joyce was born at Illinois. Karen Joyce was married to Jeremiah Doody. Family, friend, or fan, this family history biography is for you to remember Karen Joyce.

Edward Doody Iii was born at Illinois to Lillian Taeger Doody and Edward Doody Jr, and has siblings Jacob Doody, Jeremiah Doody, and Anja Doody. Family, friend, or fan, this family history biography is for you to remember Edward Doody Iii.

Anja Doody was born at Illinois to Lillian Taeger Doody and Edward Doody Jr, and has siblings Jacob Doody, Jeremiah Doody, and Edward Doody Iii. Anja Doody is the mother of D. Alex Doody and Lachlan Nik. Family, friend, or fan, this family history biography is for you to remember Anja Doody.

Jeremiah Doody was born at Illinois to Lillian Taeger Doody and Edward Doody Jr, and has siblings Jacob Doody, Anja Doody, and Edward Doody Iii. Jeremiah Doody married Karen Joyce. Family, friend, or fan, this family history biography is for you to remember Jeremiah Doody.

Jacob Doody was born at Illinois to Lillian Taeger Doody and Edward Doody Jr, and has siblings Jeremiah Doody, Anja Doody, and Edward Doody Iii. Family, friend, or fan, this family history biography is for you to remember Jacob Doody.