
Hollis Joseph Kroetch

Updated Mar 25, 2024 moment please loading spinner
Hollis Joseph Kroetch
Photo of Hollis Joseph Kroetch and a friend (name unknown). Hollis was not in the navy at this time, he was just being patriotic by wearing the uniform!
Date & Place: in Washington USA
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Hollis Joseph Kroetch
Hollis Joseph "Joe" Kroetch was born January 1, 1903, in Harrison, Idaho. Hollis was the son of John Baptist Henry Kroetch and Hellen Isabella ‘Nell’ Steeples. His parents met and eventually married at John’s mothers home in the little city of Plainville, Kansas. A day after their wedding, the couple moved to Nebraska for a short time, then settled in Harrison, Idaho where John helped establish a family lumber business. Hollis had one older sibling, Juanita Josephine Kroetch, born in 1901, also in Harrison, Idaho. Hollis’ parents divorced when he was 5, and Nell and her two children moved back to Plainville, Kansas where both children entered school while they lived with Nell’s mother and step-father. Nell’s mother, Mary Ann Morrison Steeples Burns, and her step-father, Sam Burns, ran a small hotel in Plainville. Living near the Plainville Catholic Church was Hollis’ paternal grandmother, Angeline Chartrand Kroetsch. During his school years, Hollis often appeared in the local newspaper, the Plainville Times: Plainville Times, June 15, 1911: "Childrens Day Exercises.....there were 7 in the exercises and little Hollis Kroetch the premier boy singer of the burg went to front in this as he always does in similar exercises..." July 20, 1911, Plainville Times: "...Mrs. Nell Kroetch and children Hollis and Juanita will leave for Portland, Oregon this evening..." Plainville Times Date: May 23, 1912 Hollis did a recitation for the Decoration Day Program sponsored by the GAR Plainville Times May 29, 1913 Decoration Day Program at M. E. Church....Recitation by Hollis Kroetch from "An American Exile..." Plainville Times, July 30, 1914 " Mrs. S.W. Burns and grandson Hollis left Tuesday night for Loveland, Colorado to visit her son George Burns and daughter Mrs. James Chamberlain and families. Mr. Burns will join them later." 1915 Kansas State Census Name: Halles Krotch (incorrect name....) Census Date: 1915 Residence County: Rooks Residence State: Kansas Locality: Plainville Birth Location: Idaho Family Number: 5 Line: 16 Roll: ks1915_208 Living in household: G.S. Burns 70 M.A. Burns 57 (grandmother) Krutch, Hollis '9' (age incorrect-should be 12 years old..Sam's age reported incorrectly also, as age 80, when it should be '70'). Hollis was attending school, per the census records. At the time the 1915 Kansas census was taken, Hollis' mother Nellie was living in Aberdeen, Grays Harbor Co., Wash and was married to a Chester McKenzie.... Per Plainville Times, September 9, 1915: "Mr. and Mrs. G.S. Burns, Charles Holland and Hollis Kroetch were expected to start for home in their ford Monday...." Per Plainville Times, July 6, 1916 "Hollis Kroetch has accepted a position at the Plainville Pharmacy..." Per Plainville Times, July 13, 1916 "Mrs. G.S. Burns and grandson Hollis Kroetch expect to leave next week for an extended visit at Garden City, Kansas, and Loveland, Colorado." Per Plainville Times, Nov. 23, 1916 "Reading : An Imaginary Invalid Hollis Kroetch, Sophomore" during a school program... Plainville Times Date: August 2, 1917 "Mrs. M.A. Burns, Mrs. H.A. Cool, Mrs. J.C. MacKenzie, and Hollis Kroetch spent Friday at the Ed Richardson home in Zurich." Plainville Times Date: August 9, 1917 "Mrs. J.C. Mackenzie, who has been visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. G.S. Burns and other relatives, left Tuesday night for her home in Portland, Oregon, Her son Hollis Kroetch, who has made his home with his grandparents for several years, accompanied her to make his home. They will visit relatives in Loveland, Colorado, on their way. Per Plainville Times, October 24, 1918: "Hollis J. Kroetch, USS Oregon, San Francisco, Calif care PM" Plainville Times, January 16, 1919 Hollis listed on the Honor Roll for Plainville High School, Plainville, KS...most likely for the 1918 school year In the 1930 census, he was listed as living in Neeson, Grays Harbor, WA, with his family: wife Dorothy and children Elaine, Fred, Frank, and Juanita. He said he was a "bucker(?)" in a logging camp.
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