
John Charles Harvey

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John Charles Harvey
A photo of John Charles Harvey
Date & Place: Not specified or unknown.
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Proud young adult John Charles Harvey, a soldier of the 1939/1940 British Expeditionary Force who lost his life soon after this photo was taken.
Photo of Robin Santistevan Robin Santistevan
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John Charles Harvey
Commonwealth War Grave memorial website quotes the following: The DUNKIRK MEMORIAL stands at the entrance to the Commonwealth War Graves section of Dunkirk Town Cemetery. It commemorates more than 4,500 casualties of the British Expeditionary Force who died in the campaign of 1939-40 or who died in captivity who were captured during this campaign and who have no known grave Rank: Bandsman Service No: 5333246 Date of Death: 16/05/1940 Age: 26 Regiment/Service: 1st Bn. Royal Berkshire Regiment Panel Reference Column 112. Memorial DUNKIRK MEMORIAL Additional Information: Son of Lilian Harvey, of Wokingham, Berkshire. Also is he aware of this specific "Ancient Faces" website to John Charles Harvey, it may be a relation if not himself who has included this entry. John Charles Harvey History of Royal Berks Rgt records 1st (Regular) Battalion: 24 September 1939: Landed in Cherbourg, France. December 1939: By now had taken up their positions on the Belgian border. Germany invaded Belgium and the Netherlands on 10 May 1940 10 May 1940: Took up positions along the River Dyle. 13 May 1940: That evening they made their first contact with the German Army whilst on patrol. 15 May 1940: The main attack began and the battalion held their ground. Later were given orders to withdraw and to make their retreat to Dunkirk John C Harvey died on the 16th May, so he may have been killed during their retreat close to Belgium border. Maybe it was during severe enemy action and nothing could be done at the time and the body was left during the retreat. His body was not found due to many possible factors, like blown up and no parts identifiable; known or unknown mass grave when interred by German troops after evacuation, body lost in the many canals. There is a panel reference of 112 of CWGC's page. This I think would further indicate with only a panel reference on the memorial and that no gravestone position is mentioned, that he died in the 1939-40 campaign but his body was not found. There is a specific date of death which is odd-ish, as maybe it would seem to indicate that someone saw him die, probably during the initial retreat from Belgium border and the rearguard actions. .............. There is a bit to add to this story. He was indeed killed during the retreat, we knew nothing about this until 20 years ago, someone from the regiment who was there when he got killed, found my dad Fred Harvey, John’s brother and came to see him, He told dad that, They had met the Germans, and held on for several days, they were then forced to retreat. Charlie was killed by a hand grenade while carrying a wounded soldier on a stretcher; he was given a quick burial in a hedgerow in France on the way to Dunkirk He told dad that they had no time to do a proper burial, but dug a shallow grave in a hedgerow and placed him there, his body was never recovered, but he said he still knew the spot and would take my dad there, unfortunately dad was too upset and did not take up the offer. ............................................................................................................ John Charles Harvey April 2014

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