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Lucy Kincaid Ledford

Lucy Emma Cecelia (Kincaid) Ledford of Bakersfield, Kern County, California United States was born at San Quentin Village in San Quentin, Marin County to Domitilla (Aguilar) Kincaid and Elam Orson Kincaid. She has siblings Elsa (Kincaid) Chillingworth, Josephine Kincaid, Edward Kincaid, and Ella (Kincaid) Hanneman. Lucy was baptized in Descanso, San Diego County. She married Loren Edgar Ledford in Los Angeles, Los Angeles County, and has children Raymond Ledford and Lorene Edna (Ledford) Kirwan. Lucy Ledford died in Bakersfield, Kern County.
Lucy Emma Cecelia (Kincaid) Ledford
Lu Ledford
Bakersfield, Kern County, California United States
San Quentin Village in San Quentin, Marin County, California, United States
Bakersfield, Kern County, California, United States
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Lucy Emma Cecelia (Kincaid) Ledford's History

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  • Introduction

    Lu's mother was Domitilla Aguilar Kincaid and she was the next-to-youngest of 5 children by her and Elam Orson (E.O.) Kincaid, some 30 years her senior. While he was a Prison Guard at San Quentin, Lucy was born there at the Village for employee families. Domitilla was not with E.O. when she died - he was in Lathrop, CA (a retired soldier) on a farm he owned and ran and she was in Los Angeles with the 6 kids. She died suddenly while Lu was still a toddler, succumbing to galloping tuberculosis. E.O. could not get to the kids for some reason, so their maternal grandparents who are honored Spanish pioneers who helped settle the State of California in Descanso (San Diego area) - also known as Californios - came by wagon taking several days and picked up the kids and brought them to their ranch to raise them. The youngest, an infant, was adopted out almost immediately. E.O. had lived with them in Descanso, CA previously and was the Deputy Sherrif. He is buried in Bakersfield ,CA. Domitilla, Lu's mother, is buried in the family cemetery called "Eliis Family Ranch" in Descanso - nationally registered as a historic place - along with Lu's Mother - Domitilla, her brother Eddie Kincaid, and grandparents, Gavino and Antonia Aguilar and several other relatives including Uncle Ellis and Aunt Ysdiora Aguilar Ellis, who named "Descanso"! Lu married Loren Edgar Ledford in Los Angeles, CA at a young age. After she had two children (Ray and Lorene) their marriage would not last. It was a very difficult and drawn out process immediately following their divorce, and Lu's brother-in-law Dallas Ledford helped and folded her two precious children in with his large herd on a ranch in rural Imperial County, CA. The children were very happy there, and their parents visited them and were photographed there together in regular large family gatherings. Lu later moved to Bakersfield, CA and remarried a Mr. Young and helped raise his children. This marriage also would not last and Lu lived alone the last days of her life. She was visited by her daughter, Lorene, now and again, including the day she died of pneumonia.
  • date of


    San Quentin Village in San Quentin, Marin County, California United States
  • Ethnicity & Family History

    Lu's mother was a Californio, born on a cattle ranch in East San Diego County to a Spanish mother and father who were pioneers of California. Lu's father was of Irish descent, and born in a covered wagon in Keokuk Iowa, as the family moved west.
  • Nationality & Locations

    Lu's mother was Latina (Aguilar) and a Californio, and her father a Career Soldier of Scottish descent (Kincaid). Her father was originally from PA and mustered there for the Civil War. He later served with the National Guard in the immediate aftermath of the Great Quake of 1906, during Marshall Law. His family had several brothers who were all soldiers, as well as his father (Lu's grandfather) Almerion Kincaid. This family is honored in public places in Bakersfield, CA. Lu's first husband was a businessman in Los Angeles, where they originally settled and had children. She did not maintain a steady relationship with her children, Lorene and Ray, after her divorce. Her sisters, however, did, and I am sure she was very grateful because she loved them very much. Lu's second husband was as also a businessman, in Bakersfield, CA, where she last lived until her death.
  • Baptism

    Baptism date
    Descanso, San Diego County, California 91916, United States
    Place of worship
  • Personal Life & Family

    Lu married again after raising her two children, Raymond Ledford and Lorene Edna Ledford, with the help of her former spouse, in the care and home of his brother, Dallas Ledford & wife, Mettie Hobson Ledford. Lu married again into the Young Family of Bakersfield, CA. She lovingly helped raise his children as their StepMother. Unfortunately, this marriage also ended before her death.
  • date of


    Death date
    Cause of death
    Bakersfield, Kern County, California United States
    Death location
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