A photo of Todd Fisher

Todd Fisher

Todd Fisher of Los Angeles, Los Angeles County, California United States was born on February 24, 1958 in Burbank to Debbie Reynolds and Eddie Fisher. Todd Fisher has a sister Carrie Fisher.
Todd Fisher
Los Angeles, Los Angeles County, California United States
February 24, 1958
Burbank, Los Angeles County, California, United States
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Todd Fisher's History: 1958

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2 Memories, Stories & Photos about Todd

Debbie Reynolds, Carrie and Todd Fisher
Debbie Reynolds, Carrie and Todd Fisher
A photo of Debbie Reynolds with her children Carrie and Todd Fisher in 1960.

Debbie Reynolds, born Mary Frances Reynolds in El Paso Texas, was an actress, singer, film historian, and humanitarian. She first came to national attention at age 19 in the film Singin' in the Rain and went on to have a long career in movies, television, and on the stage. Married 3 times, her children Carrie and Todd were from her first marriage to Eddie Fisher. Both Carrie and Todd grew up to have careers in the entertainment business.

Carrie died on December 27, 2016 of complications from cardiac arrest and Debbie died one day later from a massive stroke. According to Todd, she said "I want to be with Carrie".
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December 28 2016, Debbie Reynolds died of a stroke - one day after her daughter, Carrie Fisher. RIP Debbie. You entertained generations of us. Condolences to her son and granddaughter.
Photo of Abigail Sable Roberts Abigail Sable Roberts
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Carrie Fisher
Carrie Fisher
A photo of Carrie Fisher (left) with her younger brother, Todd, her mother Debbie Reynolds and father, Eddie Fisher.

Carrie Frances Fisher was born to two entertainers in Beverly Hills, California. Her younger brother became an actor and director and she became an actor, writer, producer and public speaker. Her first movie role was in Shampoo (in 1975) but her most famous (and enduring) role was as Princess Leia in the Star Wars films.

She was very open about her mental illness (she was diagnosed as bipolar) and her subsequent addictions (primarily alcohol and cocaine) but through it all she was witty and accomplished.

She is survived by one daughter, her brother, mother, and two half sisters (by father, Eddie Fisher).
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RIP, Carrie Fisher. Daughter of famous parents, she was an icon on her own . . . Princess Leia is with the Force.
Photo of Laney Asquith Laney Asquith
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Wonderful picture moment please loading spinner
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