
Auto manufacturers send representative to tell of Labor...

Updated Mar 25, 2024 moment please loading spinner
Auto manufacturers send representative to tell of Labor...
Auto manufacturers send representative to tell of Labor Act's 'glaring weaknesses.' Washington, D.C., June 27. The automobile manufacturers' associations, represented by William J. Cronin, its secretary, told the Senate Education and Labor Committee that the present Wagner Labor Act is surrounded by 'glaring weaknesses.' Reviewing sit-down strikes, he said that General Motors plants had alone had 40,000 workers idle and had a payroll reduction of more than $10,000,000 as a result of sit-down strikes. He recommended amendments to allow workers to choose bargaining agents without interference, and a clause to make both parties of agreements equally liable for violation. He is shown here pointing out enlarged clippings from the Detroit news which reproduced enlarged 'mugs' from police files to show certain leaders of automobile labor to have criminal records
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