Delta Road, near New Orleans, La. Emile Riche, a farmer, has a small place bordering the levee, and for a period of years has been fighting the Parish officials for payments due him for damages to his property in the flood of 1927. He used this method of advertising by converting his barns and fences into a medium for visual statement.
This photo shows Emile Riche standing next to wall of barn covered with writing about his legal claim; also shows starving man with two well-fed men above him labelled depression and starvation.
People in photo include: Emile Riche
Historic and vintage photographs contained in the United States Library of Congress.
The U.S. Library of Congress is the oldest and largest library in the United States, second in the world only to The British Library. Established on April 24th, 1800 the Library of Congress includes ...
The 1930's were a decade of severe stress: the Great Depression, the Dust Bowl, the rise of Nazism. But it was also the end of Prohibition, the beginning of the change of land management (poor farm ...
U.S. Great Depression photos from the 1930's - 1940's
Did you know that the Great Depression was worldwide but began in the United States with the crash of the stock market on October 29, 1929 (Black Tuesday)? As a result of the Depression, unemployment ...
This account is shared by Community Support (Kathy Pinna & Daniel Pinna & Lizzie Kunde) so we can quickly answer any questions you might have.
Please reach out and message us here if you have any questions, feedback, requests to merge biographies, or just want to say hi! 2020 marks 20 years since the inception of AncientFaces. We are the same team who began this community so long ago. Over the years it feels, at least to us, that our family has expanded to include so many. Thank you!