
Fontaine Family History & Genealogy

4,424 biographies and 5 photos with the Fontaine last name. Discover the family history, nationality, origin and common names of Fontaine family members.

Fontaine Last Name History & Origin



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Early Fontaines

These are the earliest records we have of the Fontaine family.

Marie Anne (Fontaine) Picard was born on September 4, 1707 in St. Jean Baptiste de l'Ile d'Orleans County Canada. She married Charles Destroismaisons dit Picard on August 5, 1733. She also married Pierre Malboeuf. Marie Picard died at age 76 years old on September 22, 1783.
Marie (Fontaine) Tétreault was born circa 1793. Marie Tétreault was married to François Tétreault, and has children François-Xavier Tétreault, Adélaïde (Tétreault) Therrien, Joseph Tétreault, I, Tharsile (Tétreault) Martin, Marie Louise Tétreault, Marguerite Tétreault, Pierre Noël Tétreault, Julie Tétreault, and Adèle Tétreault. Family, friend, or fan, this family history biography is for you to remember Marie (Fontaine) Tétreault.
Angélique (Bissonnette) Fontaine was born on April 26, 1809 in SaintMarcsurRichelieu, La ValleduRichelieu Regional County Municipality, QC Canada to Marie-Anne Clothilde (Tétreault) Bissonnette and François Bissonnette 1, and has siblings Pierre Bissonnette, I, Jérôme Bissonnette, Emilie Bissonnette, Louise Bissonnette, Thomas Bissonnette, Appoline Bissonnette, Lucie Bissonnette, Zoé (Bissonnette) Menard, Marie Sophie (Bissonnette) Charron, Tharsile Bissonnette, Bruno Bissonnette, François Bissonnette, I I, and Joseph Bissonnette, I. Angélique Bissonnette married Hyppolite Fontaine. Family, friend, or fan, this family history biography is for you to remember Angélique (Bissonnette) Fontaine.
Hyppolite Fontaine was born in 1813 in Canada. Hyppolite Fontaine was married to Angélique (Bissonnette) Fontaine. Family, friend, or fan, this family history biography is for you to remember Hyppolite Fontaine.
Louis Edward Fontaine of Hawthorn, City of Boroondara County, VIC Australia was born in 1865. He was married to Elizabeth Priscilla (Moyle) Fontaine in 1893, and had children Louis Alfred Fontaine, Violet Austin Fontaine, Vi Austin Fontaine, Lillian Lonsdale Fontaine, and Sidney William Fontaine. Louis Fontaine died at age 54 years old in 1919.
Edward Harrison Fontaine of Mitta Mitta, VIC Australia was born on December 19, 1865 in Wooroonook, Buloke Shire County, and died at age 87 years old on December 20, 1952 in Mitta Mitta.
Henry Thomas Fontaine of Daylesford Australia was born in 1867 in Daylesford to Louis Edward Fontaine and Margaret Lonsdale Fontaine. Henry Fontaine died at age 1 year old in 1868.
Ida Fontaine of Arlington, Arlington County, Virginia was born on February 19, 1868, and died at age 100 years old in December 1968.
Elizabeth Priscilla (Moyle) Fontaine of Kew, City of Boroondara County, VIC Australia was born on June 7, 1868 in Buninyong to William Goldsworthy Moyle and Mary Jane (Austin) Moyle. She had siblings Anna Maria (Moyle) Henderson, John Thomas Moyle, Charles Edward Moyle, Mary Goldsworthy (Moyle) Main, Victoria Jane (Moyle) Draper, Lydia Truscott Moyle, Francis Downing Moyle, Arthur Henry Moyle, William George Moyle, and James Austin Moyle. She married Louis Edward Fontaine in 1893, and had children Louis Alfred Fontaine, Violet Austin Fontaine, Vi Austin Fontaine, Lillian Lonsdale Fontaine, and Sidney William Fontaine. Elizabeth Fontaine died at age 90 years old in 1958 in Kew.
George William Fontaine of Mitta Mitta, VIC Australia was born circa 1869 to Nicholas Francis LaFontaine and Annie Renton La Fontaine. He had siblings Josephine Bridget Lafontaine, Georgina Jane Isabel Lafontaine, Margaret Annie Drummond, Thomas Nicholas Fran La Fontaine, Leopold Theodore La Fontaine, Georgina Jane Isabel Brown, Edward Harrison La Fontaine, and Nicholas Septimus LaFontaine. George Fontaine died at age 64 years old circa 1933 in Mitta Mitta.
Mary Fontaine of Martinsville, Martinsville City County, Virginia was born on July 2, 1869, and died at age 98 years old in July 1967.
Joseph Fontaine was born on September 21, 1871, and died at age 81 years old in June 1953. Family, friend, or fan, this family history biography is for you to remember Joseph Fontaine.

Fontaine Family Members

Surnames: Follick - Fontilea

Fontaine Family Photos

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Updated Fontaine Biographies

Joan Fontaine
Joan Fontaine (born Joan de Beauvoir de Havilland) was a famous actress during Hollywood's Golden Age. The younger sister of another award winning actress (Olivia De Havilland), Joan won an Academy Award for Best Actress (Suspicion, 1942) and was nominated twice more - in 1940 for Rebecca and in 1943 for The Constant Nymph. She was married 4 times: Brian Aherne (1939 - 1945), William Dozier (1946 - 1951), Collier Young (1952 - 1961) and Alfred Wright Jr (1964 - 1969). One child resulted from her second marriage and, in 1951, she "informally" adopted a 4 yr old Peruvian girl. (The girl's parents allowed Joan custody so that she could provide a better life for her.) Scroll down to read an obituary from the Los Angeles Times.
Pierre Fontaine was married to Marie Madeleine Lavergne. Family, friend, or fan, this family history biography is for you to remember Pierre Fontaine.
Marie Anne (Fontaine) Picard was born on September 4, 1707 in St. Jean Baptiste de l'Ile d'Orleans County Canada. She married Charles Destroismaisons dit Picard on August 5, 1733. She also married Pierre Malboeuf. Marie Picard died at age 76 years old on September 22, 1783.
Elizabeth Priscilla (Moyle) Fontaine of Buninyong Australia was married to Louie Edward Fontaine in 1893. Family, friend, or fan, this family history biography is for you to remember Elizabeth Priscilla (Moyle) Fontaine.
Margaret (Lonsdale) Fontaine of Daylesford Australia. Family, friend, or fan, this family history biography is for you to remember Margaret Lonsdale Fontaine.
Louis Edward Fontaine of Daylesford Australia. Family, friend, or fan, this family history biography is for you to remember Louis Edward Fontaine.
Louis Edward Fontaine of Hawthorn, City of Boroondara County, VIC Australia was born in 1865. He was married to Elizabeth Priscilla (Moyle) Fontaine in 1893, and had children Louis Alfred Fontaine, Violet Austin Fontaine, Vi Austin Fontaine, Lillian Lonsdale Fontaine, and Sidney William Fontaine. Louis Fontaine died at age 54 years old in 1919.
Elizabeth Priscilla (Moyle) Fontaine of Kew, City of Boroondara County, VIC Australia was born on June 7, 1868 in Buninyong to William Goldsworthy Moyle and Mary Jane (Austin) Moyle. She had siblings Anna Maria (Moyle) Henderson, John Thomas Moyle, Charles Edward Moyle, Mary Goldsworthy (Moyle) Main, Victoria Jane (Moyle) Draper, Lydia Truscott Moyle, Francis Downing Moyle, Arthur Henry Moyle, William George Moyle, and James Austin Moyle. She married Louis Edward Fontaine in 1893, and had children Louis Alfred Fontaine, Violet Austin Fontaine, Vi Austin Fontaine, Lillian Lonsdale Fontaine, and Sidney William Fontaine. Elizabeth Fontaine died at age 90 years old in 1958 in Kew.
Louis Alfred Fontaine of Hawthorn Australia was born in 1894 in Hawthorn to Elizabeth Priscilla (Moyle) Fontaine and Louis Edward Fontaine. Louis Fontaine has siblings Violet Austin Fontaine, Lillian Lonsdale Fontaine, Sidney William Fontaine, and Vi Austin Fontaine. Family, friend, or fan, this family history biography is for you to remember Louis Alfred Fontaine.
Edward Harrison Fontaine of Mitta Mitta, VIC Australia was born on December 19, 1865 in Wooroonook, Buloke Shire County, and died at age 87 years old on December 20, 1952 in Mitta Mitta.
George William Fontaine of Mitta Mitta, VIC Australia was born circa 1869 to Nicholas Francis LaFontaine and Annie Renton La Fontaine. He had siblings Josephine Bridget Lafontaine, Georgina Jane Isabel Lafontaine, Margaret Annie Drummond, Thomas Nicholas Fran La Fontaine, Leopold Theodore La Fontaine, Georgina Jane Isabel Brown, Edward Harrison La Fontaine, and Nicholas Septimus LaFontaine. George Fontaine died at age 64 years old circa 1933 in Mitta Mitta.
Mary Ann (Swasbrick) Fontaine of Tallangatta, Towong Shire County, VIC Australia was born in 1873 in Yackandandah, Indigo Shire County to William Swasbrick and Jane Currie Drummond Swasbrick. She had siblings John Swarbrick, Richard Swasbrick, Annie Swasbrick Lord, Peter Swasbrick, Julia Bridget Swasbrick, David Henry Swasbrick, Jean Catherine (Swasbrick) Enever, James Drummond Swasbrick, Emily Elizabeth Swasbrick, Margaret Alice Swasbrick, Freda Madge Swasbrick, William Swasbrick, and Charles Michael Swasbrick. Mary Fontaine died at age 58 years old in 1931 in Tallangatta, Towong Shire County.
Paul M Fontaine of Waterbury, New Haven County, CT was born on May 31, 1965 to Paul Fontaine. Paul Fontaine died at age 30 years old on June 22, 1995 in Waterbury.
Paul Fontaine of Toros Ave, in Waterbury, New Haven County, Connecticut United States was born on August 17, 1941, and was the father of Paul M Fontaine. Paul Fontaine died at age 35 years old on June 22, 1977, and was buried on June 22, 1977 in Waterbury.
Paul G Fontaine of Windsor County, Vermont United States was born circa 1914. Family, friend, or fan, this family history biography is for you to remember Paul G Fontaine.
Lillian Fontaine was born on June 11, 1886 in Reading, Berkshire County, England United Kingdom. She was married to Walter De Havilland on November 30, 1914 and they later divorced on February 23, 1925. She had children Olivia De Havilland and Joan Fontaine. Lillian Fontaine died at age 88 years old on February 20, 1975 in Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara County, California United States. Family, friend, or fan, this family history biography is for you to remember Lillian Fontaine.
Ashleigh L Fontaine's grandparents were Roger and Gabrielle (Paul) Fontaine of Norwalk, Connecticut. She may have been the daughter of Roger's son, Gerald. Roger was a veteran of World War II.
Emile Henry Fontaine of Massachusetts United States was born on August 27, 1913. He was married to Geraldine A Fontaine, and had a child Joseph Henry Sampson. Emile fontaine died at age 88 years old on November 4, 2001.
Geraldine A Fontaine of Haverhill, Essex County, MA was born on October 6, 1916. She was married to emile fontaine, and had a child Joseph Henry Sampson. Geraldine Fontaine died at age 88 years old on April 11, 2005.

Popular Fontaine Biographies

Joan Fontaine
Joan Fontaine (born Joan de Beauvoir de Havilland) was a famous actress during Hollywood's Golden Age. The younger sister of another award winning actress (Olivia De Havilland), Joan won an Academy Award for Best Actress (Suspicion, 1942) and was nominated twice more - in 1940 for Rebecca and in 1943 for The Constant Nymph. She was married 4 times: Brian Aherne (1939 - 1945), William Dozier (1946 - 1951), Collier Young (1952 - 1961) and Alfred Wright Jr (1964 - 1969). One child resulted from her second marriage and, in 1951, she "informally" adopted a 4 yr old Peruvian girl. (The girl's parents allowed Joan custody so that she could provide a better life for her.) Scroll down to read an obituary from the Los Angeles Times.
Lillian Fontaine was born on June 11, 1886 in Reading, Berkshire County, England United Kingdom. She was married to Walter De Havilland on November 30, 1914 and they later divorced on February 23, 1925. She had children Olivia De Havilland and Joan Fontaine. Lillian Fontaine died at age 88 years old on February 20, 1975 in Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara County, California United States. Family, friend, or fan, this family history biography is for you to remember Lillian Fontaine.
Marie Jeanne Eugenie (Fontaine) Cote was born in 1909. Marie Jeanne Cote was in a relationship with Antoine Cote, and has children Pauline Therese Cote, Omer Jules Cote, John Cote, and Gertrude Adrienne Cote. Family, friend, or fan, this family history biography is for you to remember Marie Jeanne Eugenie (Fontaine) Cote.
Ashleigh L Fontaine's grandparents were Roger and Gabrielle (Paul) Fontaine of Norwalk, Connecticut. She may have been the daughter of Roger's son, Gerald. Roger was a veteran of World War II.
George William Fontaine of Mitta Mitta, VIC Australia was born circa 1869 to Nicholas Francis LaFontaine and Annie Renton La Fontaine. He had siblings Josephine Bridget Lafontaine, Georgina Jane Isabel Lafontaine, Margaret Annie Drummond, Thomas Nicholas Fran La Fontaine, Leopold Theodore La Fontaine, Georgina Jane Isabel Brown, Edward Harrison La Fontaine, and Nicholas Septimus LaFontaine. George Fontaine died at age 64 years old circa 1933 in Mitta Mitta.
Edward Harrison Fontaine of Mitta Mitta, VIC Australia was born on December 19, 1865 in Wooroonook, Buloke Shire County, and died at age 87 years old on December 20, 1952 in Mitta Mitta.
Eulalie (Fontaine) Chamberland was born in 1911 in Canada. Eulalie Fontaine was married to Lionel Chamberland. Family, friend, or fan, this family history biography is for you to remember Eulalie Chamberland (Née Fontaine).
Glenda J. (Lewis) Fontaine of TX was born in 1949. Family, friend, or fan, this family history biography is for you to remember Glenda J. (Lewis) Fontaine.
Family, friend, or fan, this family history biography is for you to remember Jules Willis Fontaine.
Elizabeth Priscilla (Moyle) Fontaine of Kew, City of Boroondara County, VIC Australia was born on June 7, 1868 in Buninyong to William Goldsworthy Moyle and Mary Jane (Austin) Moyle. She had siblings Anna Maria (Moyle) Henderson, John Thomas Moyle, Charles Edward Moyle, Mary Goldsworthy (Moyle) Main, Victoria Jane (Moyle) Draper, Lydia Truscott Moyle, Francis Downing Moyle, Arthur Henry Moyle, William George Moyle, and James Austin Moyle. She married Louis Edward Fontaine in 1893, and had children Louis Alfred Fontaine, Violet Austin Fontaine, Vi Austin Fontaine, Lillian Lonsdale Fontaine, and Sidney William Fontaine. Elizabeth Fontaine died at age 90 years old in 1958 in Kew.
Evan-Burrows Fontaine was born on October 3, 1898 in Huron, Hill County, Texas United States, and died at age 86 years old on December 27, 1984 in Winchester, Winchester City County, VA. Evan-Burrows Fontaine was buried on January 2, 1985 in Paris, Fauquier County. Family, friend, or fan, this family history biography is for you to remember Evan-Burrows Fontaine.
Neil Winston Fontaine was born on December 14, 1920 in New York City, New York County, New York United States, and died at age 89 years old on February 11, 2010 in Sarasota, Sarasota County, FL. Neil Fontaine was buried at Burial details unknown. Family, friend, or fan, this family history biography is for you to remember Neil Winston Fontaine.
Maria (Fontaine) Bissonnette was born in July 1884 in Canada. Maria Bissonnette was married to Edmond Bissonnette, I I, and died at age 72 years old in 1956 in Verchères, Lajemmerais County, QC. Family, friend, or fan, this family history biography is for you to remember Maria Bissonnette (Née Fontaine).
Carol Anne Fontaine of 20 Aurora Grove, in Ocean Reef, WA Australia. Family, friend, or fan, this family history biography is for you to remember Carol Anne Fontaine.
Victoire Fontaine was in a relationship with Pierre Bazile Audet Dit Lapointe, and has a child Zepherin Lapointe. Family, friend, or fan, this family history biography is for you to remember Victoire Fontaine.
Marie Anne (Fontaine) Picard was born on September 4, 1707 in St. Jean Baptiste de l'Ile d'Orleans County Canada. She married Charles Destroismaisons dit Picard on August 5, 1733. She also married Pierre Malboeuf. Marie Picard died at age 76 years old on September 22, 1783.
Geraldine A Fontaine of Haverhill, Essex County, MA was born on October 6, 1916. She was married to emile fontaine, and had a child Joseph Henry Sampson. Geraldine Fontaine died at age 88 years old on April 11, 2005.
Moliere Jean De La Fontaine
Family, friend, or fan, this family history biography is for you to remember Moliere Jean De La Fontaine.
Margaret (Lonsdale) Fontaine of Daylesford Australia. Family, friend, or fan, this family history biography is for you to remember Margaret Lonsdale Fontaine.
Paula D Fontaine of Indianapolis, Marion County, IN was born on January 22, 1939, and died at age 64 years old on April 7, 2003 in Indianapolis.

Fontaine Death Records & Life Expectancy

The average age of a Fontaine family member is 73.0 years old according to our database of 4,048 people with the last name Fontaine that have a birth and death date listed.

Life Expectancy

73.0 years

Oldest Fontaines

These are the longest-lived members of the Fontaine family on AncientFaces.

Julie M Fontaine of Missoula, Missoula County, MT was born on June 8, 1885, and died at age 109 years old on July 2, 1994.
109 years
Anna Fontaine of Rocky River, Cuyahoga County, Ohio was born on December 26, 1877, and died at age 104 years old in February 1982.
104 years
Yvonne Fontaine of Woonsocket, Providence County, RI was born on July 14, 1892, and died at age 103 years old on May 30, 1996.
103 years
Victoria P Fontaine of Holyoke, Hampden County, MA was born on September 30, 1901, and died at age 103 years old on August 6, 2005.
103 years
Helen Fontaine of West Falmouth, Barnstable County, MA was born on July 25, 1903, and died at age 104 years old on August 2, 2007. Helen Fontaine was buried at Massachusetts National Cemetery Section 45 Site 1002 Off Connery Avenue, in Bourne.
104 years
Sarah E Fontaine of Hyannis, Barnstable County, MA was born on August 25, 1897, and died at age 102 years old on February 18, 2000.
102 years
Laurine Fontaine of Greenleaf, Brown County, WI was born on December 5, 1893, and died at age 102 years old in March 1996.
102 years
Antoinette Fontaine of Manchester, Hillsborough County, NH was born on May 30, 1889, and died at age 102 years old on January 20, 1992.
102 years
Bernice H Fontaine of Woodstock, Windham County, CT was born on January 19, 1904, and died at age 103 years old on August 20, 2007.
103 years
Mary Fontaine of Worcester, Worcester County, MA was born on November 2, 1900, and died at age 102 years old on October 14, 2003.
102 years
Frank J Fontaine of Plainview, Nassau County, NY was born on September 11, 1888 in Kings County, and died at age 101 years old on June 2, 1990.
101 years
Agnes Fontaine of North Kingstown, Washington County, RI was born on July 17, 1885, and died at age 102 years old in October 1987.
102 years

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